Saturday, August 24, 2013


The Spirit of Jezebel, Part 1

August 23, 2013

OK, OK!  I said we were going to begin talking this week about the Spirit and the Bride, and we will get there, but after seeing comments concerning the things shared in the series on Babylon, and then having several back-to-back phone calls this week, it became clear that I needed to switch gears and deal with this subject for now.

Some seven years ago or so I did a series of Coffee Breaks on the spirit of Jezebel and raised a lot of sand in the process.  This is not a "feel-good" kind of teaching.   It is rather unpleasant for some folks -- especially those who've been infected by this spirit.  The common misconception is that this is a female spirit, and that it infects women more than it infects men.  Not so!  It just seems that way because a lot of men have a knack for camouflaging the presence of Jezebel, and most folks don't recognize it for what it is.

That said, let me begin by saying that if this teaching makes you very uncomfortable, or even very angry, sit up and take notice!  This is one spirit that hates to be exposed, and it will create anger and hostility within the people in which it has taken up residence.

Earlier this week I received a phone call from a gentleman who was absolutely baffled by a series of events that had just taken place in his church, and more specifically, within the church's leadership.

This man -- for the sake of this discussion, we'll refer to him as "Fred" (not his real name) -- lives in a part of the country where there is a large Jewish concentration, the majority of whom are Orthodox Jews.  The church of which he is a part had decided to launch a major evangelical thrust into the Jewish community.  Sounds OK, thus far, right?

When we think "evangelism" we think the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  In fact, if we are actually doing what Jesus instructed, we are preaching "the Gospel of the Kingdom," which has distinctly larger parameters than simply preaching salvation through Jesus Christ.  We won't go there today because it would take us off topic.  Suffice it to say that Fred's church had proposed a major inroad with the Gospel.

Before we get too far along with this topic, let me ask you a question.  Is it possible to preach the Gospel -- whether you want to preach the "Gospel of Jesus Christ" or the "Gospel of the Kingdom" -- without naming the name or the onoma, if you will, of the Lord Jesus Christ?  Let's leave it there for the moment, and continue.

Weeks of preparation went into this evangelistic thrust as the associate pastor of Fred's church prepared the evangelistic team.  Fred, of course, was an integral part of the preparation since, as he put it, "the Jewish people are near and dear to my heart."  We now get to the final week of preparation and the associate pastor stands us and says to the people, "I want to make absolutely sure that as we go out that you NEVER mention the name of Jesus Christ."

Whaaattt???  Wait a minute!  There is no "Gospel" without Jesus Christ.

He continued, "Our purpose is simply to show them the love of God.  We don't want to offend anyone by mentioning Jesus to them."

Fred, being a spirit-filled Christian, was more than taken aback.  He went immediately to the associate pastor and questioned him on this approach.  The associate pastor became instantly defensive.  He didn't modify his policy by saying, "I only mean this as a temporary stance until we win the people to ourselves first."  He didn't take the time to clarify anything whatever.  He simply responded with, "If you can't adhere to what I've instructed, you don't need to be a part of this."

Still looking for some understanding and not really willing to back away from the evangelical effort, Fred went to talk to the senior pastor.  The senior pastor said to him, quite dismissively, "Let me make it abundantly clear!  We stand behind (the associate pastor) completely and totally!  The entire staff of this church stands behind him.  Whatever he says goes!"

Baffled and not yet ready to accept that they could "evangelize" without the name of Jesus, Fred quoted the scripture from Matthew 10:33, "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."

He might very well have added the following verses in which Jesus makes it clear that His Gospel is neither "seeker friendly" nor comfortable: "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.  For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.  And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household."

As Fred was to quickly discover, his foes were going to be those of his own church leadership.  The senior pastor followed up Fred's quote by saying (and I'm paraphrasing), "If you can't abide by the instructions you've been given, then you don't need to be a part at all."

In the just-concluded Coffee Break series on the fall of Babylon, I commented that the spirit of Jezebel (which John clearly describes as sitting atop the beast -- Babylon -- and being subservient to the beast) absolutely hates and detests "with a purple passion" rebuke and reproof.  Anyone who dares to rebuke or to reprove the actions and activities of those under the domination of this spirit of rebellion frequently (and increasingly in this day and time) suffers as a result.

Because this spirit is so pervasive in the church world, and more specifically, among religious denominations and religions of the world in general, it has become the dominant spirit in most of the mainline denominations.  The overwhelming majority of our Presbyterian friends here in the northwest, along with their churches and church leadership, are in the process of parting ways with the PCUSA (The Presbyterian Church - USA) and becoming part of different groups because the large denomination has yielded to Jezebel as the presiding spirit and has begun ordaining homosexual ministers.

Sexual perversion, homosexual and lesbian behavior are all fundamentals of Jezebel's behavior, and are characteristics of the dominance of that spirit.  I won't go into this aspect in today's discussion (we'll pick it up later), but the spirit of Jezebel only operates where there is a spirit of Ahab present, and Ahab (if you remember your Scripture) was a purveyor of compromise with false idols and utter wickedness in Israel.

Getting back to Fred's story, his disappointment knew no bounds when he learned that his pastor attended a denominational convention within the past few weeks and was lauded by the General Superintendent of that denomination as an example for all of their churches to follow.

I'm not here to roast individuals or to point fingers at anyone.  I haven't spoken to this pastor in person and haven't had the opportunity to hear his reasoning, or to find out if indeed he intended this as only a first approach.  Nevertheless, this is a clear picture of Jezebel's behavior.  Jezebel absolutely does not want the name of Jesus.  This spirit is fearful of the authority contained within the onoma of Jesus Christ.

Let's take a look for a few minutes at some historical background of Jezebel, and some of the characteristics of the spirit of Jezebel as recorded in the Word.

Some folks, by the way, have asked me why I describe this as “the spirit of Jezebel” when that term doesn’t appear anywhere in Scripture.  Without taking the time today to go into all of the characteristics the Scripture DOES clearly define as being those of evil spirits and making clear that the term “evil spirit” or “demon” is not simply a metaphor but a tangible being with personality, let me simply say that it is very clear that Jezebel was not alive at the end of the first century when John was writing down the words of the vision and the Revelation given to him by the Holy Spirit.

Jezebel, the Queen of Israel, the wife of King Ahab, had lived more than a millennia previously.  The daughter of an Amorite king, she became the epitome of that spirit that ruled the Amorite nation.  Each of the seven nations that God commanded Israel to wipe out and destroy when they came into Canaan so as to prevent the contamination of God’s people exhibited a master spirit.  That spirit was manifested in the nature, the culture, and the characteristics of each of those nations – seven master spirits in all.

An example you might more readily relate to comes in Daniel 10 where Daniel describes fasting for 21 days, after which the angel of the Lord appears to him and tells him that he was withstood by the “prince of the kingdom of Persia” and delayed in coming with Daniel’s answer because of the ongoing warfare until Michael came to his assistance.  He then said, “…now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come.”

Quite obviously, no angel of the Lord is being withstood or battling with earthly kings or princes.  He is making reference to a demonic principality (Paul uses the word, kosmokrator --world ruler of darkness, in the Greek text of Ephesians 6:12) that ruled over the region with wickedness: a demon prince whose characteristics and nature were being woven into the makeup of the people.

The Jezebel that John speaks of, therefore, is not a human entity but a demonic spirit infiltrating the body of Christ.  This is an important distinction, and it gives us understanding as to the nature of the spiritual battle being waged against the people of God, and -- in this hour especially -- the Bride of Christ.

Although the Word is filled with illustrations and examples of the behavior of the spirit of Jezebel, I'd like to begin with a picture John gives us in the fourth of the seven letters that open Revelation.  This letter is the letter to Thyatira and begins in Revelation 2:18:

1. “She calleth herself a prophetess.”   Right.  False prophet(-ess) and false prophecy.  We unfortunately have a lot of wanna-be prophets in the body of Christ today pushing either comfy prophecies or doom and gloom prophecies which completely omit the victory we have in Christ Jesus.

2. “to teach and seduce my servants…”  This spirit poses as a seductive teacher, promoting doctrines and teachings that lead the people of God astray.  These are doctrines which sell short the price that Jesus paid on the Cross and leave Christians in a place where what Jesus did wasn't good enough; they still have to do more.

3. “to commit fornication.”  This seduction is both spiritual and physical, often with sexual manifestation.  There is another aspect of this as well seen recently in the so-called preaching of "Chrislam" which suggests that Christianity and Islam are compatible and that both religions "serve" the same God.

4. “and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.”   Idolatry: the worship or reverence of things, or individuals, or entities other than the Lord Himself: the prioritizing of doctrines over a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  The suggestion (to draw a few examples) that "Jesus paid it all" on the Cross, that we all live under grace, and that there is no Hell.

5. “I gave her space to repent of her fornication,”  We'll get into this picture in due time as we progress in this series to talk about God's mercy and the opportunities presented to believers who've been contaminated by this spirit.

6. “and she repented not.”   Those afflicted with this spirit generally tend to be unrepentant.  They have no remorse over their sin, can’t see that what they are doing is sin, and refuse to repent when faced with exposure of their sin.  They generally rise up in anger and rebellion when confronted.

7. “Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.”  It’s more than just fornication: it is adultery, too.  We will get into this characteristic shortly.

8. “And I will kill all her children with death.”    How do you kill someone with death?  This is an interesting Hebrew metaphor occurring in the Greek text that we will be exploring later in this series.

The judgment of the Lord against those who commit adultery with this spirit (and we’ll talk about that more in a second) is “great tribulation.”  The Greek text uses a couple of interesting words for this phrase: megas (we get our “mega-” from this word) thlipsis.

It literally translates to: enormous pressure; great persecution, much affliction.

So what does it mean to “commit adultery with her”?

Adultery is a term applied to those who are married.  In this instance, we – as members of the body of Christ – have been betrothed in marriage to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Betrothal is/was a legal status indicating a state of marriage in which the marriage has yet to be consummated because the Bride-to-be was not yet ready to take on the duties and responsibilities for marriage, and in a period of preparation for the final wedding day.  For one to be betrothed in marriage to a Bridegroom meant that vows of purity and chastity were in force.

For the betrothed bride to get into bed with another, even though the marriage had yet to be consummated, was the same as adultery.  The picture John draws in Revelation is that of a betrothed Bride of Christ yielding to the seducing ways of the spirit of Jezebel, essentially “sleeping with” that spirit, having intercourse with Jezebel and taking on the marital characteristics of being married to Jezebel, along with all of the attendant idolatry, witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment and seduction.

We'll continue with this next week.

Before I wrap up today, however, I think it is important to remind everyone that our freedom from this spirit comes in the intimate presence of the Lord.  This is a pretty heavy subject, and I don't want to weight folks down unnecessarily without reminding you all that there is no substitute for the presence of the Lord.  In His presence comes revelation.  In His presence comes deliverance.  In His presence comes the kind of true authority necessary to take on evil spirits like Jezebel.

Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener                                                            
709 South 7th Street
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted –provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact. Older Coffee Break archives are available at   Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Babylon is Falling Down,  Part 15

August 17, 2013

There!  How do you like that for an introduction?  We're talking about a direct message conveyed by an angel of the Lord.  I'll share it with you momentarily.

In  last week's Coffee Break, I shared the following: The lie of Mammon -- the lie of Babylon -- is that all religions are the same.  Christianity -- despite the fact that major efforts have been made to treat it as such -- is about as un-religious as anything can be.  True Christianity is nothing more and nothing less than an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  Religion(s) on the other hand is devoid of real relationship.  Religion -- and especially the humanistic religion of Babylon -- requires near-robotic behavior to a set of laws, commandments, rules, regulations, restrictions and doctrines which strip one of relationship with God while attempting to please Him through this mechanical behavior.

Babylon requires allegiance to the king of Babylon.  Babylon requires uniformity of thinking and living.  Babylon creates sheer slavery by forcing men and women to take the "mark of the beast" -- the king of Babylon himself -- in their right hand and live, and conduct business according to Babylon's rules.  Babylon deprives men and women of free will and free choice by manipulating their thinking and the way they believe, and in the process creates a "mark in their foreheads."

The root of this kind of thinking is found in the Fear of Evil -- one of the three dominant spirits of fear that have infected the human race ever since the fall.  This is something I've talked about and ministered on for more than 30 years.  The Fear of Evil is the granddaddy of all evil spirits, and the progenitor of the Fear of Man, as well as the Fear of Death.

Without covering territory all over again in this Coffee Break that I've discussed on numerous times in the past, the Fear of Evil is that demonic prince which takes hold in a person when they persistently eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  You may have noticed that in Revelation 2:17 one of the promises made "to him that overcometh" is "hidden manna."

People who continually and persistently eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil are barred from eating of the Tree of Life.  The Tree of Life provides all of the revelation one needs to function and live a practical, day-to-day, prosperous life in Christ Jesus.  The hidden manna is the peeling away of layer after layer after layer of revelation of the nature and character of the Lord Jesus Christ to which we've been (pre-)destined.

We have a destiny in Jesus Christ, a destiny of ruling and reigning, a destiny of overcoming all that is in the world and all that Satan has tried to corrupt with his lies, manipulations and deceptions.  It is an unrealized destiny for a huge number of "believers" simply because they are still stuck with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil -- and the Babylonian mindset that comes as a result of eating of that tree.

There is nothing "rational" (from the perspective of one whose mind has been
corrupted by Babylon) about the faith walk available to believers.  One of Babylon's most common clichés is, "God helps those who help themselves."  NO HE DOESN'T!!

God helps those who totally and without reservation trust in, rely upon, and walk according to the rhema that comes from hearing, paying attention to, and obeying Holy Spirit.  The cry of the Spirit in the earth today to God's people to "Come out of Babylon" is a warning for folks to cease depending on what they have learned, what they think they know, or what they are currently experiencing and instead to listen to the voice of Holy Spirit.  The cry to "Come out of Babylon" is to depart entirely from one's dependence on and use of the world's economic methodologies, and to enter into a Kingdom economic system.

Babylon is totally incompatible with the Kingdom of God.  For roughly 4,500 years Babylon has corrupted the thinking, the behavior, and the monetary practices of the world.  For that reason, God has issued a decree against Babylon and all who subscribe to the king of Babylon's thinking and practices.

Consider for a moment a picture from Revelation 11:15-19: "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever.  And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,  Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

"And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.   And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail."

Obviously there is a whole lot more here than I could even begin to explore in this Coffee Break, but I want to draw your attention to a couple pieces of this prophecy.

Verse 15 opens up with, "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven...."

The Greek word used here which gets translated "sounded" is the word, salpidzo, which means: to let loose with a blast on a trumpet.  It is followed with the phrase, "there were great voices in heaven."  This phrase, "great voices" rather understates the context of the Greek words and could actually be expansively translated in context as: a deafening roar of voices [speaking prophetic agreement with the sound of the trumpet].  I'm amplifying things a bit, I know, but it is important to understand that the seventh angel's trumpet blast was a prophetic decree.

That decree was the beginning of a series of events which marks the end of Babylon, the king of Babylon, and the spirit of Jezebel, along with their power and influence in the earth.  What was the decree?

"The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever."

During the years that Dwain McKenzie and I served at Long Beach Christian Center, we got to know John Hinkle, a Charismatic Presbyterian pastor in southern California whose influence in the Charismatic Renewal was both prophetic and profound.  In the spring of 1993 John awoke one morning with the audible voice of God speaking the following rather cryptic phrase to him, "Thursday, June the 9th."

There was no explanation with it and he found it both tantalizing and puzzling.  He got out of bed and went to look at his calendar.  There was no Thursday, June 9th in 1993.  Thumbing through the calendar for the coming year, he discovered that 1994 indeed had a Thursday, June 9th.  With no other clarity from Holy Spirit,  he began to spread the word among fellow ministers, and particularly those who had strong prophetic giftings.  No one -- at least at the time -- could come up with any explanation other than the fact that God was apparently going to do something of great significance on that date.  In the months that followed he learned of others who had a similar experience.

Thursday, June 9 of 1994 found Della and I in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada gathered with friends for some spontaneous worship gatherings.  A few weeks ago I mentioned our friend, Eileen Finnman, whom the Lord has healed from cancer.  One of her friends was driving from Red Deer to Edmonton.  She saw a man standing alongside the highway hitchhiking.  She felt prompted to stop and pick up the hitchhiker but argued within herself, saying, "Lord, you know I don't pick up hitchhikers.  Not at all!  It's just not safe!"

She drove on past the hitchhiker and Holy Spirit almost shouted in her ear, "I said, STOP!  Go back and pick up that hitchhiker!"  Nothing to do but find a place to turn around, get on the other side of the freeway and head back.  A few minutes later she was back to where the hitchhiker was standing and pulled over to let him in.

As she prepared to pull back into the traffic she started to say, "Where are you headed," but before she could finish the hitchhiker said, "The trumpet has been set to the mouth" and vanished.  She was more than a little shakened by the experience and when she arrived in Edmonton, she called the RCMP office to report the "incident."  The officer who took her call said to her, "Lady, you are the sixth person to call in with that same report."

At the same time, people were experiencing the identical thing in many places.  To the south in Lethbridge three more people called the local RCMP office with the same report.  We later learned of others who'd had the same thing happen to them: an Idaho State Patrol officer, a Montana State Trooper, several drivers as well as Washington State Patrol officers in the areas around Seattle-Tacoma and Olympia.

The fact that all these people reported the identical incident at the same time in so many different places signaled the fact that the Lord was making an announcement He wanted folks to pay attention to.  It was a warning that needed to be published abroad.  The seventh angel was sounding!  The seventh trumpet was being blown.  The Spirit of the Lord was drawing attention to the fact that Babylon's day of judgment was at hand!

That same day, June 9, 1994, an earthquake measuring something on the order of 9.1 struck in the area of La Paz, Bolivia.  The quake reached all the way to Toronto, Ontario.  It was one of the largest quakes of the 20th century.  As we began to hear about the quake, the Lord spoke to Della and quoted to her from Isaiah 5:14 and Isaiah 14:9 the prophecy regarding Satan, "Hell hath been enlarged to receive thee at thy coming."

By themselves, those events would have been enough to draw a whole lot of attention, but the Lord didn't leave it there.  Consider this unique sign in the heavens.  A little more than five weeks after the June 9th events, the comet, Shoemaker-Levy, collided with the planet Jupiter.  The collision lasted for seven days.  The comet had broken into 21 pieces.  The collisions began on July 17th, 1994, shortly after 12:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).  It resulted in explosions on a scale never before seen in the history of astronomy.

The energy released exceeded one million megatons of TNT (that is another way of saying one trillion tons), dwarfing the power released if all of the nuclear bombs on the earth were to be exploded at the same instant.)  It resulted in tunnels of fire on, and above, the surface of Jupiter as large as, or larger than, the state of Texas in diameter, and mushroom clouds above the surface of the planet larger than Earth.  Shock waves were generated by these explosions creating a "sound" (inaudible low-frequency, geo-magnetic and gravitational waves) which reverberated throughout our solar system.

Was this a sign from the Lord to confirm that "the trumpet has been set to the mouth?"

The preciseness of the numbers involved, 17 (the number of the Bride), 7 (the number of the Father), 21 (3 - the number of the Godhead - once again times 7), strongly implies an act of God and suggests that we should sit up and take notice.

Consider that which John saw in Revelation 10:1-3.  The context is that of the appearance of the seventh angel, who is about to blow the seventh trumpet.  "And I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud;.........And he placed his right foot on the sea and his left on the land; and he cried out with a loud voice as the roar of a lion: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices."

There is another aspect of this event which bears consideration.  The word in the Greek text for "thunders" is brontai.  This word literally means, "a fiery and destructive sound."  No word could better describe that which took place 21 times in 7 days as tunnels of fire exploded forth from the surface of the planet Jupiter with accompanying geo-magnetic shock waves.

John says that when the angel cried, "seven thunders (brontai) uttered their voices."  Would you believe, 21 times ( 3 X 7) in 7 days?  All right!  O.K.!  I know that this is not the traditional explanation for the "seven thunders," but I believe that it deserves consideration in the light of the other attendant events.

What is all of this for?  What is the Lord doing?  What is He saying?  In no uncertain terms, whether you see the events in the natural, or hear them in the Spirit, it is one and the same!

Babylon has fallen!  Babylon is falling!  Babylon will continue to fall!

Many people have raised the question of where all of this fits in God’s timetable.  What does this mean with  regard to “the end times?”  Once again, I remind you that the instruction of the Lord which has been given to us repeatedly is, “Just listen!  Don’t try to interpret the things you see and hear through your own computer.”  Human nature desperately wants to figure God out and set timetables that will make us comfortable with what He is doing.  It won’t work!

The Word of the Lord is going forth for all to hear.  That Word goes forth so that we may sit up, take notice, and pay attention to the fact that the Lord is fulfilling His Word.  When will the fall of Babylon be complete?   None of us can answer that question, and it isn’t greatly important that we know timing.  It is relevant only to the Lord as He unfolds His Plan and Purpose for His people.  Once again, it is not important that we know “when.”  It is only important that the Lord is revealing it to us.  What is relevant is that we hear and obey the Word of the Lord.

The cry goes forth, therefore, to those people who are still caught in Babylon -- to those who are still caught in the mindset of Mammon, the structure, the organization, the politics, the need for hierarchical authority, or the need for "democratic" representation and operation in their relationship with the Lord, "Come out of her, My People, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."

Next week we will embark on a somewhat different course in our discussions and talk about The Spirit and The Bride.

Once again, have the most prosperous week you've ever known or experienced

Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener
709 South 7th Street
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133
All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted –provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact. Older Coffee Break archives are available at   Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

If you would like to have these articles arrive each morning in your email, please send a blank email to: remove yourself from the mailing list, please send a blank email to

CAPENER MINISTRIES is a tax-exempt church ministry. Should you desire to participate and covenant with us as partners in this ministry, please contact us at either of the above email or physical addresses, or visit:


Babylon is Falling Down,  Part 14

August 8, 2013

In John 14:6, Jesus makes perhaps the one single statement that separates our walk with Him from religion and -- more than that -- from the spirit of Babylon and Mammon.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Add to that His statement which John quotes in chapter 10:9: "I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture."

Then in verse 11 of the same chapter, Jesus says, "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep."

Jesus makes clear here that we are NOT "the way, the truth and the life."  We are NOT the door to Kingdom living.  We are NOT the good shepherd!   Human flesh and human will are not willing to give up life in order to provide eternal life with God!

These statements that Jesus makes distinguish the Kingdom of God from the kingdom of Babylon.  Take another look at Babylon's beginning:

"And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.  And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."  (Genesis 11:3-4)

Notice the focus?  US!  Funny thing!  There's absolutely no recognition of God; and everything about Babylon's focus is what WE'RE going to do, what WE'RE going to get, and what WE'RE going to make of ourselves in the earth.  Let's make US a city -- as if living freely off the land isn't safe!  Let's make US a tower that will take us into Heaven.

Let me pause parenthetically here to point out a prophetic Word that Isaiah gave.  (See Isaiah 14:12-14)

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."

Now you see where Babylon had its real beginning!  It's all about I, ME, US, WE -- not Father God, not the Lord Jesus Christ, not the promised Messiah who would redeem them from the Curse!

And Babylon's beginnings are wrapped up in the statement, Let US make US a name.  Embodied in that is the core desire to be equal with God, to supplant the need for God, to replace God with I, ME, US and WE.  It is the core of what we know today and refer to as Secular Humanism.  There are some other names for it in our socio-political world today: Progressive, Socialist, Liberal.  The so-called "Progressive" or "Socialist, Liberal" mindset is a nice, sanitized way of expressing the very thing we left off with in our last discussion.

Watch carefully.  Let's revisit the 12 categories of importance to the Babylonian mindset.

1.   Precious metals (gold, silver, etc.)

2.   Precious stones (e.g., diamonds, rubies, emeralds, pearls, etc.)

3.   Rare or exotic woods

4.   Ivory

5.   Decorative (and even useful) things made of brass, iron and marble

6.   Perfumes, fine scented things (cinnamon, fragrant powders, incense, ointments and frankincense)

7.   Fine wines

8.   Oil, fine flour, wheat (a nice way to express the "importance" of fine cuisine)

9.   Flocks (cattle, beasts of the field, sheep, goats, etc.)

10. Might in battle (horses and chariots)

11. Slaves (having physical control over human beings, having control over the way they live and their lifestyles, and having control over the way they do business)

12. The souls of men (having control over the minds, the hearts, the thoughts and the desires of human beings) THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST!!

The so-called "Progressive" way of thinking creates at once a sameness (more accurately, a puppet mentality), a robotic behavior according to a set of unsaid (or as the case may be, actually stated) rules which ban societal behavior that acknowledges and honors the Lord.  The fraud incorporated in this mindset is that the "progress" is into rebellion and humanistic "I'm my own god" thinking.  It is the lie of Satan -- the same lie he told Eve when he said, "Ye shall not surely die [if you eat of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil]: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."  (Genesis 3:4b-5)

The very use of the word "Progressive" itself is a lie since this thinking is regressive.  It deprives people of the freedom and liberty there is in Christ Jesus.  It takes them backwards spiritually, mentally, physically, and economically.  The same applies to the use of the word, "Liberal," since there is no liberty whatever.  Those who come under this kind of thinking actually submit to the slavery of the Grand Puppet Master himself, the king of Babylon.

People who buy into this lie generally become blinded to the Truth -- the Truth that is the Lord Jesus Christ.  They're sold a myth, one that says that there must be a secular society "free from religion," one in which there is a distinct "separation of church and state."

The problem with this kind of thinking -- and I'm pausing momentarily to deal with something that a lot of folks will see as not being "politically correct" -- is that the same folks who push this demonic philosophy treat the Gospel of Jesus Christ as "religion," when in fact it is anything but.  The fact that some folks treat the worship of God and the Lord Jesus as "mere religion" is nothing more than an effort to escape from the judgments of the Lord, not understanding that His judgment is redemptive, NOT destructive.

The lie of Mammon -- the lie of Babylon -- is that all religions are the same.  Christianity -- despite the fact that major efforts have been made to treat it as such -- is about as un-religious as anything can be.  True Christianity is nothing more and nothing less than an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  Religion(s) on the other hand is devoid of real relationship.  Religion -- and especially the humanistic religion of Babylon -- requires near-robotic behavior to a set of laws, commandments, rules, regulations, restrictions and doctrines which strip one of relationship with God while attempting to please Him through this mechanical behavior.

Babylon requires allegiance to the king of Babylon.  Babylon requires uniformity of thinking and living.  Babylon creates sheer slavery by forcing men and women to take the "mark of the beast" -- the king of Babylon himself -- in their right hand and live, and conduct business according to Babylon's rules.  Babylon deprives men and women of free will and free choice, the kind of free will and choice that Jesus describes like this:

"If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  (John 8:31-32)

The Babylonian mindset, therefore, is the mindset -- again -- of the king of Babylon, the beast.  John sees this and describes this in Revelation 13:16 as "a mark ..... in their foreheads."

That mark is demonstrated in the so-called "progressive" mindset.  It is also demonstrated in those who don't necessarily refer to themselves as "liberal" or "progressive" but still are greedy for power, for control, for money, for "stuff" because they are afraid to yield control of their lives, their situations, their finances, etc., to the Lord Jesus Christ for a huge variety of reasons.

The entire Babylonian system and mindset -- the "mark in the forehead" if you will -- revolves around self, serving self, satisfying self, worshiping self above the Lord, and getting, getting, getting, getting, getting, and never being satisfied because the "getting" never fills the spiritual need for relationship with Jesus Christ, and with Father God.

The entire Global Currency Reset to a large degree revolves around this mindset.  To be sure there is a genuine effort being put forth by men and women of good will whose heart is to try and solve the world's economic crises and put people and nations back on track to financial health.  The root of the "financial health" of course is ultimately found in Mammon and the spirit of Babylon; and yet despite this, the Lord is turning the tables to provide an immense blessing to millions of people -- the majority of whom have a Kingdom mindset.

Despite this incredible effort being made to turn around a failing economic system, this is only a temporary fix.  I personally see this as a grace period implemented by the Lord at Babylon's expense.  Babylon can't fix itself!  Babylon's mindset hasn't changed.  That said, people who are involved at the top of our world economic system still have the same underlying policies and thought processes.  The nations and governments of this world will continue their same profligate spending policies and socialist, liberal thinking.

Even with all the Basel III protocols in place and the Global Currency Reset being implemented, all this is going to do is to buy a little time -- time that the Bride of Christ absolutely MUST utilize to make herself ready for the coming of the Bridegroom, and time that must be seized and redeemed for this last great harvest.  From what I see and hear, we have perhaps seven to ten years in which to accomplish things before the world's economies collapse inward on themselves with a mighty bang!

There is no Basel IV.  There is no new Global Currency Reset the economists and banking leaders can come up with seven-to-ten years from now that will be able to implement another fix.  Tax and spend policies will begin the death spiral all over again, and this time the system is going to come down once and for all.

Take a quick look at how John describes it in Revelation 18:15-20:

"The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,  And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!   For in one hour so great riches is come to nought.

"And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,  And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!   And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

"Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her."

Here's how John finishes the picture of Babylon's fall in verses 23 and 24 (with my amplification of the Greek):

"And the light of a candle shall shine NO MORE AT ALL in thee; and the [celebratory] voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard NO MORE AT ALL in thee: for thy merchants were the great [the prominent] men of the earth; for by thy sorceries [and manipulations] were all nations [blinded by her enticements, and] deceived.  And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth."

As is more than obvious today, anyone who dares to speak out against the sin and the policies which not only permit but encourage behavior which is abominable in the sight of God, and addresses the practices of leaders and governments which defy the Word of God are often quickly arrested and put in jail, or had lawsuits filed against them, or had military action taken to quiet their voices; and, in more cases than we want to even think about, been put to death.

Jezebel absolutely HATES rebuke and reproof.  Anyone who dares to rebuke or to reprove the actions and activities of those under the domination of this spirit of rebellion frequently (and increasingly in this day and time) suffers as a result.  Let it be known, however, among the saints of God that Jezebel's days of speaking out against God's anointed have been shortened.

In next week's Coffee Break -- the last one in this series, I'll share with you some "signs in the heavens and the earth beneath" which portend the final collapse of Babylon.

Have the most prosperous week you've ever known or experienced!

Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener                                                            
709 South 7th Street
Sunnyside, Washington 98944

(509) 515-0133


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