Saturday, June 15, 2013


Babylon is Falling Down,  Part 7

June 14, 2013

Greetings and Blessings to all of you.

Hopefully, I'll get to the subject today of the supposed re-created city of Babylon, as well as some things that are happening politically and economically that have caused people to turn their attention towards a physical city of Babylon rather than seeing and understanding the Babylon that has been the real bane of the body of Christ.

Meanwhile, let's see how far I can get in completing the illustrations used thus far in sharing this prophetic picture.

The Bridegroom has called for a bride who will be dressed in the garments of purity – whose existence exemplifies faithfulness to him.  Let me use a verse of scripture here that I've translated from the Greek text so as to render it more faithfully to the intent of what Holy Spirit is communicating to the Bride of Christ today.

II Timothy 2:15 reads like this: "Be instantly responsive to the Lord, making yourself available to Him in the midst of the crucible, a tried and tested laborer, who has no fear of being examined -- one who, by virtue of God's testing and the time spent in the crucible with Him, knows the proven word of truth."

Three words stand out in the Greek text which clarify this command: spoudason (be instantly responsive), dokimon (approved), and parasteesai (to make oneself available for examination).  Let me explain.

The KJV translates this verse, "Study to show thyself approved....."  Somehow the KJV translators derived "study" out of spoudason.  I'm not sure how they got there, but this Greek word comes from its root, spoudé, which means "speed."  By implication, it means, "eagerness, earnestness, haste."  Spoudason, therefore, means "to use speed, to be prompt, to exert serious effort," and by extension, to "be instantly responsive."

Now we come to the word which creates the picture of the purified Bride, the Bride dressed in white, the Bride who has "made herself ready."  That is the word, dokimon.

Coined (pardon the pun) by numismatists, the word, dokimon,  comes from the use of the crucible -- the container into which raw ore containing gold (or other precious metals) is poured.  The ore is heated until the gold separates from the quartz or the rock material in which it resides.  The gold goes to the bottom, the impurities float to the top where they are scooped off and discarded.  The crucible is again subjected to intense fire and heat.  Again the precious metal begins to bubble and more impurities are floated to the top where they can be seen, scooped off, and discarded.

This process is repeated time and time again until the gold that remains in the crucible has no more impurities to yield up.  Finally, while the gold is still in its molten state, it is poured out into a mold where it cools and solidifies.  The refiner takes his stamp and places a hallmark on the ingot of gold.  That hallmark indicates that the gold is now "approved" as being 99.999% pure.

The word, dokimon, used in the context of Paul's command in his letter to Timothy, describes an assay process, a testing process by which the individual becomes a living Word, a tried Word, a tested Word, a Word which has no flaws or errors contaminating it, a Word which is a living, breathing rhema of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself!

Finally, we have the word, parasteesai.  This word comes from its root, paristémi, which means, "to present, to proffer, to bring before and make available [for examination or trial], to substantiate."

Now, having seen the use of these key words in II Timothy 2:15, let's take another look at Paul's instruction: "Be instantly responsive to the Lord, making yourself available to Him in the midst of the crucible, a tried and tested laborer, who has no fear of being examined -- one who, by virtue of God's testing and the time spent in the crucible with Him, knows the proven word of truth."

I remind you of the fact that the number of the Bride of Christ is 17.  She first has the number 8 engraved in her DNA.  That's the redemptive work that Jesus did at the Cross.  That's the cutting off of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  That's the restoration of creative nature of the Lord as the foundation of our existence.  And now we come to the "rest of the story" (as Paul Harvey used to say): the number 9!

You'll recall the previous series we did on "A New Onoma" in which we talked about the character and nature of the Seven Spirits of God.  You'll remember that the very first of the Seven Spirits of God is "The Spirit of Judgment and Burning."  (See Isaiah 4:4)

"Judgment and Burning" are integral to the crucible.  This is where the work of Holy Spirit begins in our lives.  Everything that is of the flesh must be burned out.  Everything that represents the contamination of the world must be boiled out and scooped off.  Everything that creates the spots of sin with the lies of Satan must be exposed and taken away.  "Judgment" in this case is that which takes place when we "present ourselves for examination" so that the Word in us can be tried and tested, and tested again.

Let's was it that David put it?

"Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.  Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.  For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.  Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest."  (Psalm 51:1-4)

David wasn't running from God, he was "presenting himself" before the Lord so that the impurities of sin could be cleansed and washed away thoroughly.  THAT is the character of the number 9, the number of Holy Spirit, the part of the number of the Bride in which the finishing preparations and working of the very character and nature of the Lord are so wrought in us that His purity shines out of us and through us with such transparency that the only thing the world (and our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ) sees is Jesus Christ Himself manifested!

And NOW you know why the counterfeit bride -- the spirit of Jezebel -- is so obvious.  There is nothing transparent about that spirit.  Everything it does is to subvert, to cloud over, to hide and to darken everything about "her" nature and character so that her lord, the King of Babylon, can function with anonymity and deception.

The reason why John describes the church system as “the great whore” is because the system sells God’s people into whoredoms.  These are people who are innocently enticed into adultery with the Lord by making their pastors or church leaders THE authority and voice of the Lord.

They are trapped into believing that the Bible is the Word of God instead of coming to know the Word Himself, Jesus Christ.  People get to know the Bible and can quote it backwards and forwards, but they don't know the Word!  They become faithful to doctrines, to organizations, to certain leaders, to individuals – all under the guise that “this is for the Lord!” – while Jesus Christ, the true Bridegroom, gets shuttled into a religious background.

Genuine relationship with Him gets lost in the maze of prayers, scriptures, good works, tithing, and a myriad of other things.  There are many, well-meaning Christians who have a love-relationship with the Bible, with their church, with their pastor or elder – and never really get to know the Lord, spending intimate time with Him.

Yet Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom, still calls a people who are stuck in Babylon.  "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, 'Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.  For Her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.  Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double.

“How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.  Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." (Revelation 18:4-8)

Approximately twenty years ago, the Lord gave me a very unique dream.  In this dream, Della and I were in London, along with Earle and Marcia Treend.  We heard sirens blaring, and could see a column of smoke rising a short distance away.  We went to a nearby building which was very tall (it seemed to be a hotel or office complex of some kind).  Entering the building, we took an elevator to a 10th or 12th floor level, entered one of the rooms, and walked across to a balcony with a sliding glass door.

Looking out, we could plainly see smoke arising from an old, stone church cathedral.  The firemen were busily spraying the building down with water.  There were many automobiles parked on the street and in a nearby lot, and it appeared that church services were in progress.

I commented to Della, Earle and Marcia on the fact that people were not coming out of the building even though flames were rising from the roof.  The firemen continued their deluge of water over the building until it appeared that the fire was out.  Finally, they shut the water off, coiled up their hoses, returned them to their fire trucks, jumped in and drove away.

No sooner were they driving off down the street than I saw heat waves rising from the stone roof of the cathedral.  It appeared as though it was about to buckle.  As we continued to watch, the heat waves grew more intense until it became apparent that the roof was flexing because of immense pressures building up inside.

I turned again to Della, Earle and Marcia, and said, "The fire is not out.  That building is about to explode.  I don't understand why people aren't getting out of there."

Suddenly, the great front doors of the cathedral burst open, and approximately two dozen people came out on a dead run.  They had scarcely cleared the doors when the roof suddenly buckled, snapped, imploded, and caved in on the remaining people.  It appeared that perhaps anywhere from 500 to 1,000 people were still inside.

When I saw the roof collapse on the people, a sick feeling swept over me, and I said aloud, "I don't understand why the people just remained inside.  Surely they knew that the building was going to go up in flames!"

The Lord spoke to me audibly and said, "You are seeing the state of the Church today.  I have sent my apostles.  I have sent my prophets and my evangelists whom you have seen as the firemen.  Yet, they would not listen.  They chose to believe the lie that they were safe in the Church.

The few whom you have seen escape the destruction are those few who, at the last possible moment, realized that those whom I sent were speaking My Word -- that the warning to get out of the trappings of the Church and its structure, was a warning coming from Me."

I awoke from the dream realizing that the Lord has been warning those people who are in the Church System.  And even yet, today, at this last possible moment, the warning is going forth by the Spirit of the Lord.  "Come out of her, My People!  Come out of Babylon!"

There really isn't enough time or space left in this Coffee Break to get very far along in showing the fallacy of the idea that the Babylon of John's writing in Revelation is the old city re-created, but let me lay a quick foundation, and then we'll pick it up next week.

For a long time, both before and after 911, both the Clinton administration and the Bush administration were aware of Saddam Hussein's buildup of, and use of, a massive WMD program.  Though there was no solid body of evidence that would lead one to conclude that Saddam had a direct hand in the events of 911, there certainly was a body of growing evidence to support the fact that he posed a "clear and present danger" (to use the DOD's terminology) to America, and that he was actively funding terrorists whose goal and stated objective was the destruction of America.  The Bush administration made the tactical decision to go after Saddam Hussein as part of a two-pronged attack against the Al Qaeda network in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Saddam became aware of Bush's intention of going after him and his WMD program and began moving his chemical, biological and partially-developed nuclear weapons out of Iraq and -- with Bashar al Assad's cooperation -- into the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon.

With Bush's "Shock and Awe" campaign, Allied troops were quickly in control of the country and soldiers began digging in and preparing for a ground war in Baghdad.  Here's where the fun began.  As the troops began cutting trenches into the streets of the city, they discovered and cut through some of the richest veins of gold known to man.  The streets of Baghdad literally were streets of gold, despite the fact that the Iraqis were completely oblivious.

It didn't take long to realize how Saddam was able to come up with so much gold to gild his palaces, and how he could undertake a campaign to rebuild sections of Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon.

And that's a good stopping place for today.  Next week, we'll talk about a plan to tap that wealth and create an economic Babylon spreading all over the globe.

Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener                                                            
709 South 7th Street
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted –provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact. Older Coffee Break archives are available at   Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

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Monday, June 10, 2013


Babylon is Falling Down,  Part 5

May 31, 2013

If you've visited our website in the last few days, you should have noticed that the Coffee Breaks are now available (with the use of a Microsoft Translator) into 91 different languages.  We've had numerous requests for the Coffee Breaks to be  available in other languages -- most notably Arabic and Spanish -- and for the first time, they now are!  Many thanks to our webmaster, Rich Hoffman, who has worked tirelessly to make a success.

Anyway, Good Morning!  Let's pick up where we left off last week, talking about Jezebel, and more than that, the spirit of Jezebel.

Ahab and Jezebel had built for themselves a rather posh ivory palace on a promontory, jutting out from the hill, Samaria.  Just below the palace lay a vineyard belonging to Naboth, the Jezreelite.  Ahab looked out from his palace day after day, admiring Naboth's vineyard.  Finally, he went to Naboth and offered to buy it from him, or trade a larger and better(?) vineyard in exchange for Naboth's vineyard.

Naboth refused saying that this was an inheritance passed down from his father, Jezreel, and his fathers before him.  No matter how hard Ahab tried to dicker, Naboth wouldn't be bought or swayed in his decision.  Naboth felt that it would dishonor his father, Jezreel, to dispose of that which he had labored a lifetime to establish.

Ahab took Naboth's refusal as  rejection, went home, laid on his bed, refused to eat, and simply pouted.  Jezebel walked in on him, saw his despondency, and asked him what his problem was.  Ahab told her, and she responded, "No problem!  Just leave it to me.  I will personally give it to you as my gift."

Jezebel thereupon set in motion a scheme all Christians should observe, which is a classic example of the spirit of the Amorites -- and specifically, the spirit of Jezebel -- in operation.  The first thing she did (you can read this in I Kings 21) was to call a fast and instruct the elders of the city to prepare for a public meeting in which Naboth would be honored and set before the people as "Man of the Year" (or something like that!)  Look out, Naboth!  This is sucker bait!

The next thing she did was to find two men of believable reputation in the community, and get them (through bribery, or promises of certain favors) to stand up at the public meeting where Naboth was being honored and accuse him of blasphemy (isn't that interesting!) against God, and treason against the king.  It worked like clockwork. 

Because the Mosaic Law specified that an accusation had to be confirmed in the mouth of two or more witnesses, Naboth was a certain dead duck as soon as the second witness confirmed the first.

The elders of the city, like good, law abiding believers, accepted the accusations against Naboth without so much as a whimper or protest, even though he had been among them for a lifetime and they had all grown up together.  Never mind the fact that Jezebel was an outsider, a newcomer to the community, and a citizen of a nation whom God had condemned to death.  She was "the King's wife!"  She was "the Queen."  Sure enough, they took Naboth outside the city and stoned him to death.

See what the spirit of Jezebel does to those of God's people who have genuine integrity in their relationship with Him?

Jezebel promptly confiscated Naboth's vineyard, his property, and all his belongings, and then went and piously presented her gift to Ahab.

See what the spirit of Jezebel does to God's people -- how it first kills, and then robs them of their inheritance -- all under the guise and protection of the Law (whether New Testament, or Old Testament)?

Ahab, having been completely hoodwinked by Jezebel, bought into the spirit of the Amorites spirit, soul and body.  We are told (in I Kings 21:25-26) that "There was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord, whom Jezebel, his wife, stirred up.  And he did very abominably in following idols, according to all things as did the Amorites, whom the Lord cast out before the children of Israel." (KJV)

The Lord sent Elijah to prophesy certain coming judgment against Jezebel, promising that "The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel," which she killed Naboth to obtain.

We won't get into all of the events which followed, or how that spirit in Jezebel caused the prophets in Israel (with precious few exceptions) to prophesy falsely to Ahab (their "words" from the Lord actually came from the spirit of divination instead).  It is important, however, to note that Ahab and Jezebel had a very desirable daughter, along with their sons, Ahaziah and Jehoram.

What!?!  Yup!  You've got it!  Here we go again.  Same song, third verse.

We have noted that there was a break in Judah for one generation -- that of Jehoshaphat -- in which the spirit of the Amorites was not in power, and was unable to influence the throne of Judah.  Know why?  Jehoshaphat was the first king since the time of Rehoboam to reappoint the worshippers, the descendants of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun, to minister before the Lord twenty-four hours per day.

In fact, it was Jahaziel, a fifth generation descendant of Asaph, who stood before Jehoshaphat when Moab and Ammon assembled an army against Judah, and prophesied the deliverance of the Lord.  Jahaziel's prophecy tweaked Jehoshaphat's memory so that he sent the singers, the worshippers and musicians out before the armies of Judah -- a move which resulted in a stunning victory for Judah as the Lord caused Moab and Ammon to fight among themselves and decimate one another's armies.

Jehoshaphat sat on the throne of Judah for twenty-five years.  His son, Jehoram, came to the throne following his death.  As unbelievable as it seems, and in spite of seeing the great victories the Lord gave to his father in the midst of the praise and worship, "[Jehoram] walked in the way of the kings of Israel, like as did the house of Ahab: for he had the daughter of Ahab (and Jezebel) [Athaliah] to wife: and he wrought evil in the eyes of the Lord."   (II Chronicles 21:6)

Well, the spirit of Jezebel isn't about to allow any contestants for her throne, and wouldn't you know it, Jehoram set about to kill all of his brothers -- anyone who might conceivably be in line to take the throne in the event of his untimely death.

Can you believe this?  Ahab has been killed in battle.  Ahab and Jezebel's son, Ahaziah, now takes the throne of Israel.  Jezebel is very much alive, and the power behind the throne of Israel as "Queen Mother."  Her daughter, Athaliah, marries Jehoshaphat's son, Jehoram, when he takes the throne of Judah.  Now the spirit of Jezebel is in control of all Israel and Judah!

Ahaziah, Ahab and Jezebel's son, only survived on the throne of Israel for two years before being killed.  Ahaziah had not had time to have any children who could succeed him to the throne of Israel, so Jezebel fixed things right smartly.  Now Jehoram, her other son, took the throne in the place of his brother, and Mama Jezebel stayed in control of things.

Over in Judah, Jehoshaphat's son, also named Jehoram, lasted on the throne for eight years and died after "the Lord smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease."  No problem for, make that Athaliah.  Oh well, same difference.  So Jehoram and Athaliah's son, Ahaziah, now takes the throne.

(Would you believe that this  family has a problem with names.  They seem to be stuck in a rut!  Jehoram!  Ahaziah!  Israel, or Judah -- it makes no difference.  The spirit of Jezebel always makes its identity known.)

This Ahaziah only lasts on the throne of Judah for one year.  He met the judgment of the Lord in the person of Jehu, the captain of the armies of Israel, who was executing God's word against the household of Ahab and Jezebel.

Well, the spirit of Jezebel isn't going to take that lying down.  Nosiree!  We'll fix that!  No more of these weakling men on the throne!  I'll just take the throne myself!  So Athaliah, the daughter of Jezebel, the wife of the late King Jehoram, and the mother of the late King Ahaziah, how takes the throne of Judah herself.  She decides to take things one step farther than her erstwhile husband by destroying all of the seed of the lineage of David who might step forward to contest her claim on the throne of Judah.

It would have worked, too, had it not been for the spiritual awareness of the high priest in Jerusalem, Jehoiada by name.  He realized that he'd better act quickly.  His wife, Jehoshabeath, who was Jehoshaphat's daughter, hid Joash in her nursery as one of her own children.  Jehoiada and his wife raised Joash as one of their own children.

In the mean time, Athaliah sat on the throne of Judah for six years.

When Joash turned seven years of age, Jehoiada made preparation for his coronation.  In a stunning move, the captains of the armies of Judah went throughout the land gathering together the priests, the Levites, and the elders of all the cities in Judah.  These were quietly brought into the temple on the Sabbath, as though it were a normal gathering.

Swords were passed around, and the announcement was given.  As the coronation began with fanfare, praise and worship, Athaliah came in to see what all the commotion was about.  The priests stopped her at the gate and put her to death.  So much for the daughter of Jezebel.......but not for the spirit of  Jezebel which remained in hiding -- for thirty-nine years.

Jehoiada lived to the ripe old age of 130 years.  Joash reigned well, so long as Jehoiada lived.  He had been contaminated by the spirit of Jezebel, however.  He was, after all, her great-grandson.  So long as praise and worship went forth in Judah (and it did for thirty-nine years), that spirit was subdued.

When Jehoiada died, Joash was beset by self-seeking politicians currying his favor.  The first thing to go was the praise and worship.

Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada, who had been raised with Joash as his brother, came to reprove Joash with the word of the Lord.  Naturally, the spirit of Jezebel couldn't tolerate reproof and rebuke.  Joash, if you can believe this, arose in anger and put his erstwhile brother, Zechariah -- the prophet of the Lord -- to death.  Less than a year later, Joash's servants assassinated him.

113 years passed before another king, Hezekiah, came to the throne of Judah who had any real concept of relationship with the Lord.  Even so, in spite of the blessings of the Lord, and a "world-class" military victory over Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, Hezekiah became insensitive to that which the Lord had accomplished on his behalf.

Judah had been a third, or even fourth-rate power during the years of Hezekiah's predecessors, being continually invaded, having their cities destroyed, and their wealth carried away by the armies of the Edomites, the Philistines, the Egyptians and the Assyrians.  With the astounding victory by Hezekiah over Sennacherib, who had been one of the most feared kings and battle strategists of that era, Baladan, the king of Babylon, sent his son, Merodach-Baladan and several ambassadors to check out this Hezekiah and see what sort of king he might be -- whether they should also fear him, or whether this was just a fluke.

Hezekiah was flattered by the attention -- especially by the king of Babylon.  By this time, Babylon had become a major military and political power to be reckoned with.  To receive an ambassage from Babylon was quite an honor.  It meant that they regarded    Hezekiah as their equal!  (Oh yeah!?!)  Hezekiah took the same bait that Naboth fell for, not realizing that he was being set up for conquest by Babylon.

Naturally, he showed the prince of Babylon and his ambassadors the fruit of his great victory, along with the treasures in his house, and the treasures in the house of the Lord.  The Lord sent Isaiah to pay a visit to Hezekiah.  "What said these men, and from whence came they unto thee?" Isaiah asked.  Hezekiah told him that they had come from Babylon, and that "there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewed them."

Dummy!  You fell for the trap of Jezebel!  (Isaiah 39:5-6)  Then said Isaiah to Hezekiah, "Hear the Word of the Lord of Hosts: behold the days come, that all that is in thine house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in store until this day, shall be carried to Babylon: nothing shall be left," saith the Lord.  "And of thy sons that shall issue from thee, which thou shalt beget, shall they take away; and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon." (KJV)

See how the spirit of Jezebel operates?  It sets people up by making them believe that they are being honored, only to make them talk about themselves and display all of their weaknesses.  Ahhh, but wait!  There was nothing said about Jezebel in this instance!

Right!  Now you're beginning to get the picture.  It was the King of Babylon, and he was utilizing exactly the same ruse that Jezebel used on Naboth.  Get it?  Jezebel was subservient to the King of Babylon.  He was her true husband.  Whatever he desired, she carried out.

It all had one end, and one end only: captivity!  Captivity for all those whom Jezebel was able to snare.  They all wound up -- in Babylon!  Eighty-seven years after Hezekiah's death, his great-grandson was carried off into Egypt by Pharaoh Necho.  Less than 12 years later, Nebuchadnezzar came against Pharaoh Necho and carried off Hezekiah's great grandsons -- including Jehoahaz, who had been taken into Egypt -- turned them into eunuchs, and kept them in the palace at Babylon to be his prisoners.  All Judah fell prey to Babylon, and was taken into captivity.  One hundred thirty-four years earlier, the king of Israel -- along with the ten tribes in his kingdom -- were taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar's grandfather.

The spirit of Jezebel had done its work, faithfully carrying out the wishes of the king -- the master spirit -- of Babylon, Lucifer himself.  Jezebel, the spirit of the Amorites incarnate, had seduced the kings of Israel and the people of God, and in the process, blasphemed, defamed, and killed multiplied thousands of God's people, and especially His prophets and messengers who could expose her and contest her claim.

That's it for today.  Next week we'll start linking all of this to Babylon, the driving spirit that is Babylon, and the direct connection to John's Revelation of "Mystery Babylon."
Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener                                                            
709 South 7th Street
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted –provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact. Older Coffee Break archives are available at   Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

If you would like to have these articles arrive each morning in your email, please send a blank email to: remove yourself from the mailing list, please send a blank email to

CAPENER MINISTRIES is a tax-exempt church ministry. Should you desire to participate and covenant with us as partners in this ministry, please contact us at either of the above email or physical addresses, or visit:

Friday, June 7, 2013


Babylon is Falling Down,  Part 6

June 7, 2013

Once again, Good Morning!  Without any further adieu, let's get this discussion off and running for the day.  Our daughter, Shelley, is in the process of making a couple of pots of some pretty stout French Roasted coffee this morning, and it will be ready momentarily.  That said, pull up a chair and let's continue where we left off last week.

Once in captivity, Israel was subjected to the system of Babylon.  It became ingrained in the lives of the people.  While they were in captivity in Babylon, several significant events occurred.  The two major sects of rabbinical priests sprang up: the Sadducees, and the Pharisees.  The Sadducees derived their hierarchical structure from the spirit of the Amorites.  The Pharisees became the "voice of the people," pursuing the same concept, and being driven by the same spirit, "Democracy," that motivated the nation of Perizzites whom God had commanded Moses and Joshua to destroy.

Throughout four or five centuries, these two sects continually sought to become the power behind the throne, vying against one another, periodically taking opposing sides and supporting first various Babylonian leaders and kings, and finally, Roman emperors.  The concept of the synagogue was birthed as a substitute for temple worship during this period of time.

The stage was set, therefore, for the infiltration, some four hundred years in the future, of those very same spirits -- the spirits of the Amorites and Perizzites -- into the first-century Ekklesias as they were being birthed.  Both the Amorite and Perizzite nations were long since gone, but the master spirits of darkness, who had controlled both nations, were very much alive,  camouflaged now in the guise of respectability with the rabbis and priests.

Would the spirit of Jezebel be able to continue in this new form?  You bet!  Like clockwork!

When John, therefore, was given the Revelation of "Mystery Babylon" as a woman labeled, "The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth," nothing could have been more clear.  She sat upon the beast to whom she was subservient.  She displayed the onoma of the Beast.  He had seven heads and ten horns.  She had seven heads and ten horns.  They two were one -- and yet to be divided by the word of the Lord.

Throughout time and all of recorded history, whenever a prophet -- or a nobody -- arose to identify Jezebel or contest her claim upon the people of God, she has immediately raised up accusers to challenge that individual.

The spirit of Jezebel has consistently seen to it that anything which would bring the people of God into a true relationship of intimacy and dependency on Him was discredited, defamed and labeled in such a way as to put fear into those whom she has held in bondage.  At the same time, this "bride" has portrayed herself as the true Bride of Christ, functioning within the body of Christ, albeit with substitute doctrines and a substitute "Christ" palmed off as the Gospel of Christ.

There is a fundamentally different character to this "substitute bride," however which allows us to clearly identify her and differentiate her from the true Bride of Christ.  The number of the Bride of Christ in Scripture is the number 17.  The deceptiveness of the substitute bride is that her number is also 17.  The difference comes in how the real Bride gets her identifying number, versus how the substitute bride gets her number.

The true Bride of Christ receives her character and makeup as the counterpart of the Lord Jesus Christ by virtue of the fact that she is the product of the redemptive blood and number of Jesus - 8 - and the work of Holy Spirit in her in the midst of the crucible -- 9!  Put the two together and you have the number 17.

The substitute and counterfeit bride gets her number from the same seven driving and dominant rebellious spirits that ruled the seven condemned nations God commanded Israel to overcome and drive out of Canaan -- and the same seven spirits identified in the character of the seven letters in Revelation -- all of which conclude with, "to him that overcometh."  There's your 7.  The number 10, which adds to that 7 to become 17, is identified in the 10 horns John speaks of.  Those ten horns are the means by which this substitute bride -- Jezebel, if you will -- "forces" herself off on the body of Christ, applying pressure, deception, manipulation, trickery, "democracy" in the place of theocracy, and hierarchy in the place of an intimate love relationship with Jesus Christ.

A quick digression if you don't mind.  Ever notice that Jesus made the statement that "this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."  One thing you DON'T get with a substitute gospel and a substitute Christ is "the gospel of the Kingdom."   I don't mean to be splitting hairs, but the focus on "salvation" and "getting folks saved" while leaving out all the other facets of the "gospel of the Kingdom" creates a standalone "substitute Christ" and a "substitute gospel."

By 150 A.D., when the first church appeared on the scene as a substitute for Ekklesia, Jezebel had successfully infiltrated the Body of Christ.  By the time the Roman emperor, Theodosius, declared Christianity to be "the religion of the empire," and himself "The Bishop of Rome" in 378 A.D., Jezebel had successfully made the system, the lifestyle, and the spirit of Babylon to be one with the Church.

In FOXE’S BOOK OF MARYRS, Foxe details the events of centuries of persecution, blasphemy against, and the death of all those who rose up against Babylon, and against the spirit of Jezebel.  He describes the death of thousands who challenged the legitimacy of the hierarchical system and its representatives.

This spirit, however, has been very much alive and well on planet Earth in the 20th century, functioning within churches of every style, denomination and label.  Because there have been those who have arisen -- particularly in the last few years -- to identify Babylon as the entire "Church system," they have been attacked, defamed, discredited, and in some cases killed.  Why?  Because Babylon is falling and has fallen!

Babylon "is become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

I know this is strange phraseology, but when you understand the significance of “every unclean and hateful bird” as a metaphor for the filthiness and corruption caused by the infiltration of demons, it all begins to fall into place.

The Church system has become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every foul spirit because it is subservient to the Beast.  It is the personification of the ancient city of Babylon.  The Church system is ruled by a demonic principality, a kosmokrator whom we know historically as the King of the Amorites.  It is a system which glibly exhibits itself in the world as Christ’s order, all the while deceiving men and women into accepting substitutes for a real relationship with Jesus Christ.  It pawns itself off on the ignorant as a place of the presence of the Lord.

And the Lord has had enough!

Babylon has fallen!  Babylon is falling!  Babylon will fall!

Does that make sense?  No?

It is happening first in the realm of the spirit, where time is completely irrelevant.  For those who are living in the place of love and intimacy with their Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ, He is now -- today -- this very moment -- showing His chosen and called-out Bride the smoke of the city as it arises.  I will come back to this, shortly.

It is absolutely critical to all who read this open letter that they understand that we are not attacking Christians who are in churches.  This is not about the Catholics or the Episcopalians or the Lutherans.  This is not about Methodists,  Presbyterians or Baptists.  This is not about the Pentecostals, the Charismatics, or the many nameless home-fellowships.  This is not about Messianic Jews who still function in modern-day synagogues.  It is not about individuals who have a love for the Lord, and a desire to serve Him.

It is about the system which has held the people of God in captivity.   Everything about the modern-day church system -- and I emphasize that word, "SYSTEM" -- is a product of Babylon.  This system was brought into the Body of Christ by the Nicolaitan doctrines as a specific endeavor of the spirits of the Amorites and Perizzites.  Although Babylon as a city was destroyed, the  spirits of Babylon have effectively concealed themselves, operating throughout history unhindered and unimpeded.

Although many have broken away from the contemporary churches or synagogues and have formed "home fellowships," they are still, unfortunately, contaminated by the doctrines of the Nicolaitans, believing that there must still be "apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers" in order to have "New Testament Order."  In so saying, let me be very clear!  The five-fold ministries of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers ARE most definitely facets of the character and nature -- the very makeup, if you will -- of the Lord Jesus Christ.  These ministries are critical to the life of the body of Christ.

The issue I'm driving at here is something that has crept into the Charismatic churches, namely the demand that, in order to have proper "church order," fellowships need to have each of these ministries functioning in their midst.  It becomes a legislated and legalistic requirement that is about as far distant from the life and love and liberty in Christ Jesus as anything can be.

Some of these Charismatic leaders are still caught in the trap of believing that they must cling to some "system" of order in which authority is humanly delegated to certain leaders.  They have not come out of Babylon, even though they have left the structured churches.  They are still bound by legalism, desperately clinging to man-made doctrines and traditions from which we were delivered when Jesus died on the Cross.

Some twenty years ago I wrote an Open Letter to the Ekklesia titled, "The Strait Gate." The article addressed the need for believers who are hearing the call of the Bridegroom to simply respond to the place of intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ -- without clinging to their foundational doctrines as a prerequisite for "going on to maturity (perfection, KJV) or completion."  We also talked about the fact that we were not called to “positions” to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, etc.  We are called to Jesus Christ and an intimate relationship with Him.

That article proved to be a trigger mechanism for many people.  Some folks heard the word of the Lord and began to respond with their whole heart and soul.  Others who were infected by the spirit of Jezebel, became extremely angry and have throughout the years engaged in defamation (blasphemy), attempts to discredit that which Holy Spirit is doing, in the process utilizing witchcraft and manipulation.

The objective of the witchcraft and manipulation is to get some who have responded to the Lord to yield to the will of that angry spirit of Jezebel, which is being exposed.  Part of its primary motivation is to keep Babylon intact and its existence operational.

Babylon is falling!  Babylon has been exposed, is being exposed, and will be exposed.  Babylon's purpose is to keep God's people sidetracked with the doom and gloom this spirit is suffering in these closing days.  (These, by the way, are not "end times," if we are a part of the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, or if we have a genuine relationship with Him.  These are only "transitional times" to bring us to the "New Beginning:" the era of the rulership of Christ and His Bride.)

Babylon's secondary purpose is to cause people to believe that they must make preparations to run and hide from the day at hand because they will otherwise also suffer this doom and gloom.  This is another lie driven and motivated by those spirits which are  subservient to Babylon.  If people insist on being a part of the System, they will not escape the wrath of God on Babylon.

Jezebel's purpose (and Babylon's) is to remain in control of the people of God.  So long as they submit to that spirit, they are surrendering the real rulership which lies in store in the realm of a joined and merged relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Those who remain submitted to the spirit of Jezebel, to the king of Babylon, will suffer the fate which John saw.  (see Revelation 17:16-17)

"And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.  For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill His will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled."

The great whore that John is shown is none other than the Church System.  The ten horns of the Beast represent the "kings," the means of power and force by which the Beast operates in the world today.

(I will not take the time in this Coffee Break to describe those ten “kings,” but will hopefully deal with them in depth at a later time.)

Before the Lord destroys the Beast, he has put it into the heart, will, and purpose of the Beast to destroy the entire church system.  Why?  Because it is an abomination.

Yes, many people have been saved in the midst of it.  Yes, God has done many mighty works in the system.  Yes, miracles have been wrought.  Sick have been healed.  Dead have been raised.  The lame have been made to walk.  The blind have been made to see.  Great and wonderful things have happened, and many of us are -- or have been -- the recipients of those things while we were in the church.

Is it because of the system that these things have happened?  NO!  Is it  because the system has been approved and ordered by the Lord?  NO!  Is it because this was the way things began with Peter, James and John, or Paul?  NO!

It is because, and only because, of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ for those people who have responded to Him.  It is because the Lord has determined to have a Bride for Himself who is His co-equal partner, His other self -- a Bride who has also overcome the Beast, even as He also overcame.  The Lord has delivered, is delivering, and will deliver a people from that system which was ordained in Babylon.  He has called out a people who love Him more than they love the admiration and respect of their fellow-Christians who are still caught in the system.  He has called a people who have responded to Him.

That's where I'll quit today.  Next week, the Lord helping me, I'd like to talk to you about an illusion of a re-created city of Babylon, some things that are happening politically and economically in the world, how those things seem to be related to a re-created Babylon, and how God is using these events to pour out riches to His Bride, and in the process bring about the final decimation of Babylon's power of deception over so many of God's people in the earth.

Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener                                                            
709 South 7th Street
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

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