Sunday, January 20, 2013


Another Coffee Break:
A New Onoma, Part 1


Yes, yes! I know that's an archaic word we never see used in the 21st Century, but it still works.

It has to be a good 17 years ago that I first published a rather lengthy and exhaustive Open Letter to the Ekklesia titled, "The New Onoma." It was fresh revelation to me back then. As we all know, Holy Spirit does not stand still. There are many layers of revelation being peeled back for all of us as we near the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is no exception. I was awakened last night by Holy Spirit as He began to unfold and enlarge an even greater understanding for me.

That said, let's lay some foundations before you fade away, put this article down and say, "that's all Greek to me!"

One of the tragedies of "religion" is that it seeks to bring everything to the lowest common denominator. Despite the best efforts of various translators in their efforts to render the old Hebrew texts of the O.T., as well as the Greek texts of the N.T., into today's languages in a way that will bring some understanding and depth of the Word, even the best translations have some common failings. The Amplified Bible probably does the best job overall of helping folks really grasp some of the levels and layers of revelation that are hidden beneath the surface.

Even the Amplified misses it though, in some key areas, and it is one of those areas that I want to share with you. For God's people -- and especially the Bride of Christ -- to really fathom the vast scope of where the Lord is taking us, and what He will receive in a completed and well-deserved company of people who are like Him in every respect!

I'm speaking, of course, of the Hebrew word, shem(pronounced like "shame"), and its Greek counterpart, onoma.

Most of you know that the name of Noah's first son was Shem. This is precisely the same word which gets translated in virtually every English text as the word "name." Ever think about it? Ever wonder why Noah's first son would be given a name which we would simplistically translate otherwise as nothing more than "name"?

Both Dr. William Gesenius (in his Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon) and Dr. J. H. Thayer (in his Greek-English Lexicon) give us a pretty clear understanding. Let me quote two passages directly from Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon for the sake of illustration.

"By a usage chiefly Hebraistic, onoma [shem] is used for everything which the name covers, everything the thought or feeling which is roused in the mind brings by mentioning, hearing, remembering the name -- that is, one's rank, authority, interests, pleasure, command, excellences, deeds, etc."

"The Onoma of God in the N.T. is used for all those qualities which, to His worshippers, are summed up in that name, and by which God makes Himself known to men; it is therefore equivalent to His divinity, His divine majesty and perfections so far forth as these are apprehended, named, and magnified."

To this we can add a portion of Gesenius' definition of shem: "definite and conspicuous position; an appellation, as a mark or memorial of individuality; by implication: honor, authority, character."

We can therefore safely illustrate and translate the word shemand/or onoma by saying that this is representative of one's character, their personality, their makeup and -- to sum it up in a single descriptive phrase -- the very essence of who and what they are!

Are you getting the picture? Fine! Now let's go back to Shem.

Without repeating all of the events that followed the Flood, the horrific nature of what Ham did to his father, Noah, the way in which Shem took the lead with his other brother, Japheth, to deal with Ham's atrocity (this is clear, by the way, in the structure of the Hebrew text of Genesis 9:23), and the peculiar phraseology of the blessing which came upon Shem as a result (see Genesis 9:26), suffice it to say that Shem became the representation of the character, the nature and the very makeup of the Lord. (I would really like to explore this further with you, and maybe I'll get to do that in a later Coffee Break.) He was the shemof the Lord in the earth until the Blessing could be passed on to Abraham, and he lived through 13 generations until Joseph was 17 years old and sold into slavery in Egypt.

You may wonder where I'm going with all of this, but be patient. I'm still laying some more foundations.

As the shemof the Lord, Shem (the son of Noah) became the blessing of the Lord in flesh and blood. In a very real sense of the word, he became a forerunner, a shadow if you will, of the Lord Jesus Christ. He became the Blessing -- the Word -- made flesh and dwelling in the earth. Without getting into all of the history behind it -- and I've already talked about this in previous articles -- Shem's identity for all practical purposes became known with what we have anglicized into Melchizedek (or as the Hebrew text puts it: Malkiy - Tsedeq), the King of Righteousness.

To help understand the basis under which onoma – and its Hebrew counterpart, shem, – were and are used as a part of God's economy, names were given at birth (or creation, in the case of Adam and Eve) as a prophecy of what children would become. In most cases those names represented either blessing, or the fulfillment of some promise of the Lord, or the prophesying of some blessing to come. In some cases, the names represented the judgment of the Lord. In a few cases, they epitomized a curse which was to come (witness Ichabod: the Glory has departed). In every case, the child grew to become the living example – a prophetic picture of that name which was given at birth.

Integrated into this system of giving names (which God ordained at Creation), we also have the several recorded instances (e.g., “Abram” into “Abraham;” “Jacob” into “Israel;”the aforementioned “Shem” into “Melchizedek;” “Saul of Tarsus” into “Paul,”etc.) in which names were changed by the Lord to represent the change of nature, character and makeup he brought about (or was bringing about) in them.
Earlier we said that religion tends to drag things down to the lowest common denominator. In this instance, we have the word, "name," throughout Scripture translated from both shem and onoma, and unfortunately the true implications of the original text have been lost, or at the very least, glossed over in such a way that the use of "name" has become a religious formula in many instances.

We cast out demons "in Jesus' name" as though Jesus' name is some kind of magic amulet. The lesson of the seven sons of Sceva in Acts 19 has largely gotten lost among many Christians. Folks often give their children names without a clue as to the prophetic significance of what they are doing. "Christ in us, the hope of Glory" is an almost ethereal, mystical concept without any real grasp of the authority and power invested, and being "in Christ" has become a religious catch phrase.

He was not intending the use of His name as some magic formula to ward off or drive out evil spirits. His intention was that we would come against them in His onoma. See the difference? Are you beginning to see where we are headed with this? We're not talking a formula. We're not talking about using the name, Jesus, or the name, Yeshua, or the name, Jehovah, or the name Immanuel, or any one of the other names used to describe Him throughout the Word.
I have a friend in Puerto Rico whose name is Je-sus. That's a hyphenated pronunciation. I have Hispanic friends who are likewise named Je-sus, or Jesus (if you prefer). Get the idea? It's not about rattling off a Greek pronunciation of Yeshua that has all that authority or power. It's about functioning, operating, living, existing, being in the very character and personality, the makeup of who and what Jesus (or Yeshua), the Son of God IS!
In John 5:43 -44, Jesus addresses the unbelief of the Pharisees and Sadducees, saying,"I have come in my Father's onoma, and you refuse to receive me; (yet) if someone else comes in their onoma, you will receive them. How is it that you can willingly receive glory or honor from one another, and yet the (true) glory which comes from the Father, you don't bother to seek at all?" (my translation)
Jesus wanted to make it clear that He was operating in, through and by the very onoma, the shem of Father God Himself! He came in Father's nature. He came in Father's authority and power. He came as the literal, living extension of Father -- and He demonstrated it over and over and over and over and over again-- and again and again and again, ad infinitum!
Got that? Try this one on: "And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it." (John 14:13,14 KJV)
Ever ask yourself why it doesn't seem to always work? How many of you have asked many requests "in Jesus' name" and puzzled over the fact that you asked "correctly," and nothing happened. In fact your requests were even Scriptural --you weren't asking for some far out, fanciful thing. You asked on behalf of someone's needs, or perhaps prayed for someone's healing. But nothing happened.
I'm not being critical or accusatory here. We've all experienced this! The answer is simple. The requests were made "in Jesus' name" -- not His onoma. No request goes unanswered when made in His onoma. Now you may think this is just splitting hairs, or playing at semantics, but the difference is crucial, and should become very clear as you see the picture of His onoma unfold.
For us to BE in His onoma, for us to live in His onoma.....well, that's a process, folks! And I've yet to meet anyone who got there overnight.
Let's was it that Jesus put it? "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." (Matthew 7:22-23, KJV)
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Jesus' name IS powerful. Demons hate it! But there's a huge differentiation between spouting the "name" and being IN the name. Jesus makes it clear in this instance that the fundamental distinction is having an intimate relationship with Him. Intimacy develops a knowing of how someone thinks, what their desires are, what their goals and purposes are, what they are made of.
So why make such a point of all this? Because it is integral to understanding -- not just the book of Revelation, but -- the promises of the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, to that individual and corporate Bride He has called unto Himself.
To be able to clearly understand the significance of this "new onoma," then, we must first understand the baseline onomaof the Lord Jesus Christ by which the "new onoma" is established. We must first comprehend the basis of Jesus’ makeup and character, the essence of who and what He is and has been, before we can come into an understanding of what He will be – and what we must be -- at the time this promise is fulfilled.

The Revelation, which John saw and wrote, encompasses a single letter to the Bride. It contains a theme which is repeated eight times, "To him that overcometh."

That really is what this discussion is all about. This is where I want us to go as we explore the onoma of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the "new onoma" John prophesied in Revelation 2:17 and 3:12.

The Revelation begins with defining the onomaof the Lord in, and as,"the seven spirits of God." (see Revelation 1:4) Four times throughout the Revelation, the "seven spirits of God" are mentioned as the standard by which everyone (and everything) is judged.

Twice, a promise is made of receiving a new onoma "to him that overcometh," and twice we see that new onoma in the foreheads of the overcomers.

[Allow me to pause momentarily here to point out that the significance of this prophecy of the new onoma being in the foreheads of the overcomers relates to the thought patterns, the mindset, the kinds of choices -- in other words, the way a person thinks, both consciously and unconsciously. The overcomer, in this instance, overcomes the way the world thinks. The overcomer gains victory over the Enemy's mindset and agenda.

The use of this phrase "in the forehead" occurs numerous times throughout the Word, and it is a common Hebrew metaphor to denote one's mindset, their will, their thought patterns. Witness, therefore, David taking Goliath down with a stone in his forehead. It was a prophetic act to denote the authority and power of God striking down a mindset of rebellion and hatred of God and His people. (That's a whole different study, and I won't take time to explore that one today.)]

John began his letters to the seven Ekklesias like this: "John to the seven Ekklesias which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace from Him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are (enopion) in the place of and occupy (before, KJV) His throne." (Revelation 1:4) He begins this Revelation by establishing the fact that it is the Seven Spirits who are in the place of rulership – that these Seven Spirits are the very character and makeup, the essence of God Himself.

As he addresses the Ekklesia in Sardis, he says, "These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars." (Revelation 3:1) In this attention-getter, John uses the totality of the Lord’s makeup as the yardstick by which Sardis is measured. (Several years ago I did a rather lengthy series titled Seven Nations, Seven Letters in which this subject is covered much more exhaustively. It is available upon request.)

In Revelation 4:5, John writes, "Out of the throne proceeded lightnings, and thunders, and sounds; and seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God." Now he illustrates a very basic part of the nature and makeup of the Lord in the picture of these lamps of fire, and I will deal with this as we go forward with this discussion.

Clear enough so far? In case you think that I'm really stretching a point to say that the seven Spirits of God comprise theonoma of Jesus Christ, read on.

John makes his fourth reference to these seven Spirits of God in Revelation 5:6, where he says, "And I saw and beheld in the midst of the throne and the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb standing as having been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God which have been sent into all the earth." Finally, John makes clear that the Lamb which was slain (whom they all knew to be Jesus Christ) was He in whom consisted the Seven Spirits of God.

I won't take the time in this discussion to deal with all of these metaphors since they are peripheral to that which the Holy Spirit is saying concerning the new onoma. It is important, however, to identify these seven Spirits, and that's where we will begin in the next Coffee Break.

See you soon!

Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener
709 South 7thStreet
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted –provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact. Older Coffee Break archives are available at Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

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Friday, January 11, 2013


Another Coffee Break:
A Virtuous Woman, Part 2

Greetings and Solutions to all of you!

OK.  That was supposed to be “Salutations” but ”solutions” works, too.

This was intended to be the final Coffee Break for the year 2012, but events conspired to hold it up until January.  Nevertheless, I want to finish up this discussion on the virtuous woman.

This is also the completion of our eighth year of publication of these articles and discussions and the beginning of our ninth year.  For those of you who may not have yet noticed, or gone there, is our new site.  Rich Hoffman has done a spectacular job of transferring eight years of articles, photos and music to the new site.  Recordings which sample many years of praise and worship in our gatherings are available for download free of charge.  Just click on the tab that says “Music,” and you'll see a wide assortment of available recordings.  Changes and refinements to the website will continue for awhile.

As I write this Coffee Break, I’m in Anchorage.  Della and I are staying with our daughter, Danielle, and her husband, Anthony, (and, of course, their two boys, Anthony, Jr. and Joseph) during the transition period until we complete the purchase of a new home here.  That will hopefully be completed by the end of January.  We just realized that this is the very first Christmas holiday season we’ve gotten to spend with Danielle, Anthony and family in the 20 years they’ve been married.  We’ve had Christmas with most of our other children at different times, so this year was a treat for us.

Although we will likely commute back and forth fairly frequently to the Yakima Valley for the foreseeable future for continuing ministry there, the primary responsibility for the fellowship has been transferred to Gary and Vicky Hyndman.  Gary & Vicky are a brother and sister in the Lord who have a rich and seasoned background and heritage in the Lord, and with whom we have had the joy of fellowship and communion for the past couple of years.

One of the joys of being able to move on with freedom and liberty in the areas of ministry God has called Della and me to – and especially the upcoming labors in the arctic – is the backing, the unwavering prayer and intercessory support we have from the families to whom the Lord has joined us during the past seven years of ministry.  There is a level of confidence that no words can properly express.  We have a constant sense of having been joined by Holy Spirit in Ekklesia, along with the sense of teamwork and koinonia that comes with Ekklesia.

That said; let’s get on with today’s discussion.  Here again is the passage from Proverbs 31.

"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.  She is like the merchants’ ships; she bringeth her food from afar.  She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

"She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.  She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.  She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.  She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.  She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.  She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

"Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.  She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.  Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.  She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.  She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.  Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

"Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.  Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.  Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."

I’ve said this before, and it bears repeating.  For years – many years, in fact – I always regarded this passage as a model of perfection for a wife, and one that was more theoretical than practical.  How in the world do you find a wife who meets all of those qualifications?

Of COURSE it was the Word of God!  Of course it had to be real because the Word clearly says so!  But that was a long ways from reality for me – and just about every friend or acquaintance I knew!  That’s no put down, by the way, of my Mother.  The Lord obviously designed her specifically for my Dad, and particularly, to flow with him in an extraordinary way in laboring under sometimes nearly impossible conditions in the arctic.  Mom was an unusual individual.  She was a one-of-a-kind, and everyone who ever knew her would agree!  There simply wasn’t another one like her – but that’s another topic, and I won’t go there today.

Not until the Lord joined Della and me, and the years began to unfold in our relationship, did I realize that this picture of the virtuous woman was more than a theoretical ideal.  It was and is a reality, and I’ve had the privilege of living it and seeing it unfold in front of my eyes for nearly thirty years.  It made the Song of Solomon come alive to me and peeled away layers of revelation in the Word which had been hidden.

Consider the picture in the Song of Solomon. This is a slightly different kind of woman, but from every standard of measure, she is  I’m quoting from my own amplified translation of the Hebrew metaphors that abound throughout, and picking up in Chapter 1, verse 4:

(1:4) (Much later as the radiant Shulamite leaves the bedchamber, the young maidens gather around her.) "We have prepared a celebration -- a feast of wine -- for you"  (As they all gather together, the obvious questions arise.) "What makes you so different from us?  Why did He choose you?  We have a real desire to know and understand so that if an opportunity arises for us, we will be ready!  Your obvious display of love together gives us something to contemplate and consider.  You have our sincere appreciation!  We are genuinely blessed by what you have shown together.

(1:5) (Without hesitation, she responds.) "Although I am beautiful and desirable for Him to look upon, the real answer goes much deeper.  There is a "search" that goes on in the heart of every person -- a seeking after one's counterpart -- for their "other self."  I have spent my life searching for the man who is my "other self," knowing deep inside that when I found him, an inner joining would occur -- a linking up to form a whole being instead of two partial beings.  That inner joining occurred when we met and came to know each other.  Just as our society views the tents of Kedar as a symbol of strength, authority, loyalty to family, protectiveness, and the absence of pretense, so does my lord, the King, see built in me a commitment to those values.  He sees in me a mobility, a flexibility, a willingness to pick up and go -- to follow him wherever he desires to go.  In the same way that the curtains of his chamber shimmer and ripple in their color and transparent beauty, so also does Solomon see an inner transparency to me -- and a physical body which shimmers and ripples with movement, to his great delight!  This is what he looked for in a bride, and why he chose me."
(1:6) "Because you normally expect a woman who is taken in marriage to have been prepared indoors, away from the sun, with oils and spices and perfumes for several weeks or months, you look on me with shock because my skin is deeply tanned. Ignore that! My preparation came another way! Instead of scrubbing my skin, washing it, and rubbing it with oils and spices, my spirit and inner being have been scrubbed through the washing of trying experiences. For years have I been in the furnace of affliction with my supposed "friends" and family. They hated me. They were angry and extremely jealous of me. My family thought to rid themselves of my presence by forcing me to tend the vineyards. I was made vulnerable to wild animals, thieves and robbers. They exposed me to the elements of nature: the storms, the wind and the rain, and the hot sun. I became responsible for work my brothers were supposed to do. Because I was responsible for keeping several vineyards, I couldn't keep up with all of them. Consequently, my own vineyard fell into neglect, and my reputation went with it. The constant exposure to danger and hard work with the attendant problems, and watching God's provision and deliverance through those years, developed something in my spirit more important to the King than scrubbed skin, olive oil and spices..."
The picture of the Shulamite is the epitome of the virtuous woman. This is a woman who, despite the arrows of accusation concerning her appearance and her alleged failure to take care of her own business and personal reputation, has met every qualification to be chosen by the King (Solomon) as his bride, his counterpart -- his "other self," if you please. How could that be?

The virtuous woman is more than an exterior beauty. She is much more than what the world today refers to as "a trophy wife." As we all know, physical looks and youthful beauty seem to fade through the years for most of us. Appearance has its place, but of long lasting importance and significance is character, integrity, honor and grace -- all of which exist in an atmosphere of true love. Along with that goes patience, commitment, initiative and a willingness to take on things that are greater than oneself. Now, add to all of that the willingness and purpose of this virtuous woman to fit herself into the very makeup and personality of her husband, to complete those areas of him that are lacking or insufficient, to round him out into a complete being.
What am I describing, folks?

We're talking about the Bride of Christ!

This passage from the Song of Solomon is descriptive of a preparation process that takes place. Notice that the Shulamite has been through the fire, in a manner of speaking. She has been exposed to every form of danger. Yet, she has not only tended to a business of her own (albeit falling short because of her care of the business affairs of "friends and family"), she has ministered to the needs of the aforementioned friends and family and maintained a right spirit in the midst of everything.

In case you missed it, folks, that's pretty rare in the world today! She is an admittedly beautiful woman to look at (Solomon wouldn't have chosen someone who wasn't), but more than that, she has the kind of beauty that shines out from within a character that has overcome obstacles, the storms of life, persecution and opposition on every hand. She exhibits a peace and tranquility and a self-confidence that comes from the constant presence of the Lord. Besides all that, she has the self-possessed attributes that come from watching the deliverance of the Lord and His protection over her no matter what she went through.

Now, go back and take another look at the woman described in Proverbs 31.

This woman has the best interests of her husband and her husband's reputation at heart. She looks after the needs of her children and even the household retainers -- the servants, the maids, etc. She's not afraid of hard work and puts "the pedal to the metal" in order to ensure that her business endeavors are successful. She is particular and tasteful in her choices. She has a vision for the future -- not only for her own labors, but also for her husband's esteem and reputation in the community.

Out of her mouth comes grace and peace. Out of her spirit comes wisdom and understanding. Her counsel is sought after by her husband, her children, her family at large and the community of which she is a part. Her words are backed with integrity.

In spite of her personal successes and the praise she receives -- not only from her husband, but her children, her family in general, and the community at large -- she has a clear and uncompromised understanding that everything she has and everything she does can be directly attributed to the favor of the Lord.

Now! We've been speaking somewhat in metaphors and similes, but let's bring this down to earth a bit. This, my friends, is exactly what the King of Kings, our Lord and coming Bridegroom, has been after in His Bride: the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31.

Jesus Christ is coming back for a virtuous woman. Consider what John saw and wrote in Revelation 19:6-7:

"And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready."

Contrary to a lot of unfortunate and erroneous doctrine which has been preached throughout the body of Christ for well over a century, the Bride of Christ is NOT going to be made ready WHEN Jesus returns. The Bride of Christ will have readied herself so that Jesus will have something and someone to come back to and for!

This is no namby-pamby, Caesar-Milquetoast, quiet and meek lady! This is an overcomer! This is a warrior! This is a lady who wields the sword of the Lord boldly, but carefully and accurately, tearing down the Enemy's strongholds. This is a virtuous woman whose integrity is that of the Lord Himself! When she opens her mouth to speak, it is the authority of Jesus' voice you hear.

When she ministers to the needy, she doesn't just "fix" the short-term problem; she gets to the heart of the issues and brings the necessary healing and correction needed so that the "healed" can go forth in the power of that healing and duplicate what they've received. Whereas the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 might well have been considered a "miracle worker" because she was able to juggle so many different things at the same time and accomplish them successfully, the virtuous woman Jesus is after is literally immersed in Him, in His character and makeup, in His personality. She's not just "supernatural"; she is naturally supernatural, and supernaturally natural!

That's because she and He have been blended together into a complete being! You'll excuse me, I trust, for using this personal example, but when people see Della, they see me. When they see me, they see Della. It's simple, really. I'm me because of, and with Della. She is who she is because I am blended into her personality and character. We complete each other.

So it is with the virtuous woman prophesied of in Proverbs 31. She fulfils, she completes, she rounds out everything that Jesus is. She is the expansion of His personality. She is the augmentation of His love, His authority, His grace and His power! She is everything He has been looking for and waiting for these thousands of years since the first words of Creation were first spoken.

The virtuous woman is the "what and why" Jesus suffered and died, and rose again destroying death in the process in order to win for Himself. Jesus is returning for this virtuous woman, but He's not coming today or tomorrow. The Bride is yet to be completed, and there is no cry -- either among the Bride, or coming from Holy Spirit -- which even begins to sound like, "Come, Lord Jesus." Nope!

C'mon, Family! It's time to wake up and realize that Jesus will not return until He has a disciplined Bride who has conformed to His image -- not their religious image of what they are supposed to be. This is a people who, when He comes, will make Him proud, joyful, and absolutely pleased in every respect with what He receives!

See you again, soon!

Bobby Connor is a brother in the Lord whom I first met back in the 1970's. He is a strong and clear prophetic voice to the body of Christ in this hour. Here is a portion of a prophecy recently delivered by him:

God's Holy Spirit is stirring His people! The King of kings is awakening warriors to take their place, to join the victorious, joyful band of Believers known as the overcomers, those who stand strong for King Jesus and carry His glory and love throughout the earth (1 John 5:4)!

As followers of this glorious King, each one of us is called and commissioned by the Spirit of God to become mighty warriors of God. What is a warrior? One who has experienced many battles and has defeated every enemy. One who succeeds without fail! The warrior, however, is not a common soldier. Warriors demonstrate nobility and honor, bravery and fearlessness, and, above all, radical devotion to their Leader. Warriors will die for their king!

You may well be asking, "Me? A mighty warrior?" Yes, you! Does this calling sound impossible? It is! Is this beyond your strength and ability? Absolutely!

Our identity as warriors of God is only possible because we, in ourselves, are now dead! We have been crucified with Christ. We no longer live: our lives have been bought by His Blood at Calvary. Christ now lives as God's Warrior in and through us!

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20

During these perilous, dark days, we can be fearless champions because Christ, living within and through us, has already "overcome the world" (see also Joshua 1:7). We don't have to overcome; Christ already has. He is the mighty Lion of Judah! He is the King of kings! Remember His promise: "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4). The apostle Paul reminds us that we are NOW more than conquerors in and through Christ Jesus (Romans 8:37).

(For the rest of this prophecy, go to:

Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener
709 South 7thStreet
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted –provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact. Older Coffee Break archives are available at Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

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