Coffee Break:
A Revelation of God's Glory, Part 6
September 18, 2015
far in the past week, we've laid the foundation for understanding a fundamental
principle of our relationship with the Lord in the picture of being literally
created for him. Just as Eve was taken
out of Adam's side -- and Jesus is referred to as "the Last Adam" --
we also have been literally taken out of Jesus' side. We will get into this picture more, possibly
today, and maybe not until next week, but let's return to the prophetic cry of
the Lord as it was given by Jeremiah.
wrapped up last week by saying that when Jeremiah delivered his prophetic Word
to Israel, the Lord was literally crying out because of the search that was
going on for His people, desiring to be joined once again to that special
people He had chosen for Himself. They
were the reciprocal of the Lord in the earth -- and they had gone astray,
seeking after other gods.
then, the prophetic parable that Jesus shares in the 25th Chapter of Matthew as
he talks about the ten virgins. In this
parable, the ten virgins are supposed to be a picture of a people prepared as a
bride-to-be and betrothed to the Lord.
25:1-12: Then shall the kingdom of
heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to
meet the bridegroom. And five of them
were wise, and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with
them: But the wise took oil in their
vessels with their lamps. While the
bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight there
was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed
their lamps. And the foolish said unto
the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so;
lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell,
and buy for yourselves. And while they
went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to
the marriage: and the door was shut.
Afterward came also
the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto
you, I know you not. Watch therefore,
for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
we get too far into this parable, let's define some terms used here in the KJV
as "wise" and "foolish" from the Greek words used in the
original text.
word used to describe the "wise" virgins is the Greek, phronimos, and it comes from
a root word, phren, which means: to rein in, to curb,
to discipline one's minds and feelings.
The word, phronimos, by extension,
means: to be thoughtful, discreet, cautious and practical. There's a whole lot here in this description
of the "wise" virgins, and we'll break this out momentarily.
contrast to "wise," the Greek uses the term, moros. We get our English word, "moron,"
from this term, but its true definition is: thoughtless,
imprudent, without forethought or wisdom; empty, useless. J. H. Thayer adds to this definition, one who thinks he can operate outside of God's
wisdom; one who neglects and/or despises the sozo offered.
so far? Good! Then, let's put these terms in the context of
Jesus' parable.
was it that defined the "wise virgins?" Let's see if we can enumerate what the
Bridegroom was looking for in His betrothed.
(1) They had their lamps lit, and an ample supply
of oil. Throughout the Word, the lamps
have been a picture of passion and pursuit of relationship. In Psalm 119:105, David makes the statement,
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." That passion with God tells you where you are
with Him, and it lets you know (by revelation) where you are going with Him.
oil is a picture of the anointing that comes by and through Holy Spirit. One does not come by that anointing
carelessly and heedlessly. It comes by
being in His presence -- NOT occasionally, NOT when one just feels like it, NOT
because you want something from Him -- because you love Him. You WANT to be with Him. You desire to KNOW Him. You crave what He wants. Your purpose is to know His very heartbeat,
to feel what He feels. Your aim is to be
everything that fulfills Him, everything that completes Him.
(2) The ample supply of oil -- the extra beyond
what was needed for the moment -- indicates that the "wise virgins"
were prepared for the possibility that the Bridegroom might not come when they
expected Him, and that they could not allow their passion and pursuit of His
presence to wane during any potential delay.
(3) There is an extraordinary aspect of this
extra oil that often gets missed in the reading of Jesus' parable. That oil cost them dearly! It cost them -- in many instances -- their
reputation, their occupations, their friends, their resources ..... all that
might have been dear to them in the natural!
One thing they absolutely had been required to set aside was their
plans, their reasoning, their thoughts, their doctrines and ideas. They had come to the place where it just didn't
matter what it cost them; having the Bridegroom's heart, having His best wasn't
just important: it surpassed every other consideration!
(4) When the announcing cry sounded, "Behold
the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him," the Greek text uses the term, kosmeo, to describe the
virgins "trimming" their lamps.
In fact, this term, kosmeo, literally means: to put in proper order, to decorate (both literally and
figuratively), to garnish, to adorn.
[We get our modern English word, cosmetics, from this Greek word.]
we get a picture of the "wise virgins" who put their lamps and the
burning flame "in proper order," who "adorned and
garnished" themselves with their passion for the Bridegroom. You see, they were ready for Him! They may have nodded off in the delay
incurred before His coming but they knew He was glorious; every fiber and cell
of their existence and preparation for Him was that they would be an adornment
for that Glory.
probably just scratched the surface of this so far, but let's consider the
"foolish virgins." Remember
the Greek term that describes them? Moros. Thoughtless, imprudent, without forethought
or wisdom.
(1) The sad commentary on these virgins is that
they were virgins. They started off
right! They had been seen by the
Bridegroom as someone desirable, someone with potential, someone with a destiny
who could be a part of His destiny, someone in whom there was passion and
problem was not in how they started, but the fact that they were so sidetracked
by their preconceived notions of when and how He would return for them that
they failed to spend the requisite time in His presence to really get to KNOW
Him, His heart, His desires, His plans, His purposes.
(2) These five "foolish virgins" actually
started off with oil. Their lamps were
lit. They displayed a passionate love
for the Bridegroom. [Let me draw an
analogy here that some folks may take issue with.] As we have noted, the oil is a picture of the
anointing that comes through and by Holy Spirit. It comes by being in His presence.
five "foolish virgins" yielded themselves to what we have come to
know as "the baptism of the Holy Spirit." They experienced the initial flow as Holy
Spirit took their yielded tongues and began to speak through them with the
tongues and languages of men and of angels.
The problem was that they stopped there.
They treated the experience as a goal or an objective to be reached in
their preparatory walk with the Lord instead of a gateway to intimacy. They received enough oil in their lamps to
have a flame burning with passionate love.
(3) Ephesians
5:17-20: Wherefore
be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is
excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing
and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
the above passage in Greek can be a hilarious experience, but let me focus on
the express verbiage in the second half of verse 18, but
be filled with the Spirit! The Greek text looks like this: Plerousqe en
Pneumati. Literally translated, it becomes, Be
being (continually) filled and furnished in and by (Holy) Spirit. I'll continue with this translation and
amplification momentarily, but there's no such thing as a one-time experience
of being filled with Holy Spirit. This
is a continuing daily, moment-by-moment, hour-by-hour experience.
in the Holy Spirit is an initial immersion which takes place when we yield our
tongues over to His control. He begins
speaking through us with words and languages that go far beyond our learning
and natural reasoning. He shuts down our
minds so that we are not partaking of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and
Evil, and causes us to begin eating of the Tree of Life and drinking from the
River of Life. Our minds may be going a
hundred miles a minute, but what is coming out of our mouths has absolutely
nothing whatever to do with whatever is going through our minds. It becomes a gateway to being continually
filled and experiencing a dimension of intimacy with the Lord that is not
available any other way.
said all of that to say this: the "foolish virgins" failed to keep
filling their vessels with the oil of the Spirit. They never really got to KNOW the Bridegroom. He was a figurehead in their life, a goal to
be achieved, a future provider and source of provision, but not someone to know
and be known by at the level of the Spirit.
The concept of what it would cost them to be in that place of
continually being filled was foreign.
me take just a bit more of Ephesians 5 before we move on.
our English translations render the word lalountes (lalountes -- from laleo) as "speaking," in fact
the proper word in the Greek to use if we want to render this as "articulate, reasoned, thought-out speaking" should have
been legountes (legountes -- from lego).
The difference here is that the word lego
is articulate speech, whereas the actual word used, laleo, means: to utter a sound, to
use the tongue or the faculty of speech.
you're looking at me cross-eyed, thinking, what
difference does this make, let's be clear!
If I articulate words to you, I'm speaking out of forethought. My words are planned. I have reasoned out what needs to be said.
the other hand, if I'm just making sounds, what comes out is what Episcopal
Rector, Dennis Bennett, referred to in his book, NINE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING, as glossolalia, describing his experience of being baptized in
the Holy Spirit. They are words, all
right, but they are words NOT formed from my forethought or reasoning: they are
words in languages that I know nothing about.
Paul is saying, therefore, is this: "speaking (or singing) to yourselves
in Psalms (the praise or worship or intercession) written (mostly) by David,
[that which has already been set forth as music with words], hymns (NOT what we
have referred to as "hymns" from the hymnal) -- repetitive,
celebratory short songs or phrases, and spiritual songs [supernatural,
spirit-driven, divine utterances], singing and making melody (the Greek term
is, psallo, which means to pluck or strum on a
stringed instrument) in your heart (the Greek phraseology here is to agree in
your mind with what is coming forth by the Spirit) to the Lord.
see if we can assemble all of this in a cohesive sentence:
Don't be intoxicated with wine, but intoxicate yourself with the
Spirit, being continually filled and furnished [saturated and satiated] in and
with Holy Spirit, freely allowing your tongue to become His vessel in speaking
and singing to yourself the Psalms, celebratory, repetitive short songs and
phrases, and supernaturally given, Spirit-driven, divine utterances, singing
and playing upon an instrument, agreeing in your mind with what Holy Spirit is
uttering [beyond your natural abilities or learning]. (Ephesians 5:17-18, RAC Translation &
folks, is how the five wise virgins kept their passionate and fiery love alive
for the Bridegroom. THAT is how they had
an ample supply of the oil of the Spirit.
one other factor that I will touch on briefly, here, but we will dig into it
more next week. The oil that was used in
the lamps, as well as the oil in the Golden Candlestick in the Tabernacle of
Moses, was an oil which came from a crushing process. It is a picture of the crushing that takes
place in those who have the oil of the Spirit.
That crushing is necessary in us to get rid of all of our carnality so that
the Glory of the Lord can be revealed.
picture has a lot to it, and it is germane to the cry of the Lord as revealed
in Jeremiah's prophecy, so let's stop here and pick it up next week.
next week.
I remind those of you in need of ministry that our Healing Prayer Call
takes place on Mondays at 7:00 PM Eastern (4:00 PM Pacific). As of Monday, September 14th, our call-in
number has changed to (712)
775-7035. The new Access Code is: 323859#. Our previous conference line experienced
drop-outs and periodic audio quality issues, so this was a needed upgrade!
At the same time, in case you are missing out on real fellowship in an
environment of Ekklesia, our Sunday worship gatherings are available by
conference call – usually at about 10:45AM Pacific. That conference number is (605) 562-3140, and the access
code is 308640#. We hope to make these gatherings available by
Skype or Talk Fusion before long. If you
miss the live call, you can dial (605) 562-3149, enter the same
access code and listen in later.
on you!
Regner A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
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