Coffee Break:
Going Beyond, Part 8
January 2, 2015
We left off in this series
the week before Christmas talking about baptisms, and specifically the baptism
of fire. I'd like to wrap that up today
and then try to move on to the fourth item in the list of foundations that Paul
makes reference to in Hebrews 6 -- the laying on of hands. As a refresher, however, let's revisit
Hebrews 6:1-3, and then continue from there.
Hebrews 6:1-3, RAC Translation & Amplification: Therefore, and as a consequence, it is critically
important that we forsake [what Jesus has already eradicated from existence]
the beginnings and commencement of the [initiating] Word of the Anointed One
and His Anointing (Jesus Christ),
Let us move
forward energetically to the place of completion and consummation; not laying
down [or setting in front of you as a continual requirement] the legalistic
requirement to repent, and re-do your thought processes concerning the old,
dead works and requirements of the Law [as though it were necessary in order to
attain redemption from past sins or iniquities], under the guise that this
builds faith in and toward God, the line-upon-line, precept-upon-precept
instruction in the purification processes in baptisms, the necessity of laying
on of hands (for impartation or conveyance of power), [the foundational truth
that Jesus provides] resurrection from the dead and cancelation of the curse of
death, and — finally — the understanding and revelation of the judgment and
decrees that exist throughout the eternity of the eternities.
And this is
what we will be enabled to do conditional upon God’s transfer of authority,
granting license and liberty to move past these foundations.
left off in Part 7 talking about the things that Paul experienced, the
overcoming processes worked in him through persecution, through tribulation --
through the fire -- as Holy Spirit worked in him the character and nature of
the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything we see
recorded in these passages from Paul’s letters to the Corinthians came in the
midst of his total, unreserved, unabashed responsiveness to the direction of
Holy Spirit. The fire that bathed Paul
allowed him to lay the same foundations and patterns for growth and development
in believers that we walk in today!
impartations he left behind him produced a global Ekklesia that saw growth
patterns in Rome alone exceeding 50,000 new believers — believers who gladly
and willingly went to the fires, the lions and the gladiators in the “games”
that cost them their lives.
folks, can only come when there is a genuine impartation of the life of Jesus
Christ in people. Where there is the
baptism of fire, there is true revelation!
Before we move on, let’s finish the discussion from Paul’s letter to Timothy
where we began this discussion a couple weeks ago.
Baptism of Fire produces testing — testing of the word in a practical
dimension. It takes away the theoretical
and replaces theory, academia and supposition with experience; and that kind of
experience is never subject to the whims, the ideas, the wants, the “hope-so’s”
and the deviations in doctrine that are the by-product of theory.
admonishes Timothy to be a “tried and tested laborer who has no fear of being examined” or challenged by
wily, deceitful men (and women) with their clever arguments designed to water down
the truth so as to escape the fire of the Word, necessary to produce the
living, demonstrable life of the Lord Jesus Christ in us.
phrases his description of these religious arguments as advancing ungodliness
which produces a “gangrene pasture” — a source of spiritual, physical and
emotional poison.
what the infiltration of these watered-down doctrines has done to the body of
Christ. We have had century after
century after century of wanna-be representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ and the
Kingdom of God who name the name but have no power to back up what they preach.
been OK to have pastors and missionaries, but woe be unto you if you promote
apostles and prophets! There has been a
brand of grace preached which allows people to continue on in their sin because
“love covers a multitude of sins” and God’s grace takes care of everything!
did the Day of Pentecost manifest to the believers who were all gathered together
a 64-dollar Greek word for you! Our
English translations say that the 120 were gathered together “in one accord,”
but the Greek word used in the original text — homothumadon
— is a contraction of homou: at the same place and at the same time,
and thumos: great passion, breathing hard, breathing with
took place was a literal demonstration with the flame of fire that appeared in
their midst and the individual tongues of fire that sat upon each of them. What it produced was fire from their lips in
the form of tongues: other languages that they had never previously learned —
and with those tongues “of men and of angels” went forth the tongues of fire
that set the world ablaze with the Gospel.
Azusa Street Revival at the turn of the 20th Century produced the same kinds of
manifestations. There was a flame of
fire that appeared over the building where William Seymour was preaching. It was a fire that the local fire department
couldn’t put out despite their best efforts — one that left the Los Angeles
Fire Department in utter consternation and immediately grabbed the attention of
the news media! It produced a couple of
generations of people who personally set the religious world on fire.
shared with you three weeks ago my grandparents’ experience in 1921 when their
farmhouse was filled with the sound of the “rushing mighty wind” (my Grandmother called it the sound of a
tornado), a large flame of fire appeared in the middle of the room above the
gathered people who were praying, broke into little tongues of fire and set
down on the heads of each person. Every
person in the room experienced the “tongue” of fire and began to speak in other
tongues — languages they had never before learned or heard.
event produced a series of events and a generation of people whose changed
lives — and the power and authority of the Kingdom that went with them —
produced an expansion of the Kingdom of God that is still being felt today.
1957 through 1960, a flame of fire and a column of light that reached into
Heaven appeared over the church building I helped my father build as we saw an
extension of Acts 2 repeated, resulting — as I shared last week — a move of God
and an outpouring of Holy Spirit with people speaking in tongues from eastern
Siberia through arctic Alaska, across arctic Canada and into Greenland.
me address one last point to consider before we take a different look at this
baptism of fire.
every instance where we see Holy Spirit baptism, we see speaking in tongues.
The grand entrance of Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost was with tongues of
fire. That was not just symbolism, it
marked a singular change for a people in fire — and a people with whom the fire
of God would bring change to the world: salvation, and everything that goes
with it!
consider something that Peter writes to the body of Christ at large.
I Peter 4:12-13, NASB: Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal
among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing
were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of
Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may
rejoice with exultation.
another application of the same terminology that Paul uses in his letter to
Timothy — this time Peter is using it.
Peter uses the kind of descriptive words which come out of the refining
of precious metals. Where we see the
phrase in the NASB, “fiery ordeal” (“fiery trial” KJV), the Greek word is purosis: literally meaning,
smelt, to heat to the place of conflagration as a test of purity.
the past century and a half, the body of Christ has been plagued with a
teaching on escaping what is erroneously referred to as “tribulation” and being
snatched out before things get too hot here on earth. Those who have believed and propagated this
doctrine have placed themselves in direct opposition and conflict with something
that is absolutely necessary in order for Jesus to have a holy and purified
Bride — a Bride who, like Jesus, has “learned through the things {she) has
a quick look at how Paul describes what Jesus went through as our “pattern
Hebrews 5:8-9, KJV: Though he were a Son, yet
learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect,
he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.
see if we can amplify and clarify this a bit more.
Though He
were [the] Son, yet He learned compliance and attentive listening by means of
those things He experienced [in the testing and trial ]; and being finished —
made whole and complete [through that testing] — He became the author — that
One who caused and brought about the access to — salvation, deliverance,
wholeness, safety, health and prosperity throughout the eternity of the
eternities. Hebrews 5:8-9 (RAC Translation
& Amplification):
OK? Does that help?
baptism of fire is not strange in the least!
Jesus went through it before us so that we would have this as our
pattern, and know that if we are going to become obedient to Him as the
firstborn Son (who Himself was totally obedient to Father), the baptism of fire
is something we must all embrace and run towards rather than run from.
Spirit’s Baptism of Fire is NOT for our undoing or our destruction, it is for
our deliverance from everything which
impedes and obstructs our relationship with the Lord. It is to prepare us for the kind of rulership
that awaits — and that rulership is not in “the sweet bye and bye,” it is for
the here and now.
have been designed to rule and reign. We
have been designed for dominion. We have
a destiny as kings and priests. Our role
as priests, of course is as intercessors for those who are yet to come into the
Kingdom, and for those who have awaiting them the same kind of testing and
preparation we are currently experiencing.
how Paul describes this in writing to Timothy.
II Timothy 2:4-7, KJV: No man that warreth entangleth himself with the
affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a
soldier. And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except
he strive lawfully. The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the
fruits. Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all
been chosen and called by Father. We
have been chosen and called by the Lord Jesus Christ. We are in a series of processes designed and
prepared for us by Holy Spirit, Who is our Paraklete, our comforter (in the
midst of this preparation), our “drill sergeant,” and the One who knows just
how hot the fires must be in order that we be fully prepared, tested and tried.
that brings us back to Paul's instruction to Timothy.
Be instantly responsive to the Lord, making
yourself available to Him in the midst of the crucible, a tried and tested
laborer who has no fear of being examined – one who, by virtue of God’s testing
and the time spent in the crucible with Him, knows the proven Word of
Truth. II Timothy 2:15 (RAC Translation
& Amplification)
This is God’s testing! This is Holy Spirit’s testing!
Our time in the crucible, our time
in this baptism of fire — this trial by fire — brings us to the place where we
theory to us. It is no religious
The tongues of fire have a
deliberate and specific purpose in our lives.
Our immersion into the fires of Holy Spirit baptism rids us of everything
which slants the Word to our comfort and wishes. Once we have been there, once we have
experienced the fire and the testing and trial that goes with it, we don’t have
to guess at what the Word means or try to make that which has been written fit
our understanding: we fit into the Word Himself, and what He says and directs.
I once said to the Lord, “Whatever
you have to do to me, through me, or in me in order for your best to be worked
in my life, do it! Even if you have to
hit me upside the head with a 2 X 4, do it, Lord!”
Ouch! I meant it and still do to this day, and I
would not trade a minute of the fire for what He has worked in my life. The fire may not be done, but I won’t run
from it!
Looks like we'll have to
wait until next week to deal with the foundation we refer to as "the
laying on of hands." See you then.
Next Monday, January 5th, the prayer
calls will resume our normal schedule.
Once again, the number to call for healing is (805) 399-1000. Then enter the access code: 124763#. To get into the queue for prayer, when Randy
opens the call up for everyone, hit *6-1 on your keypad. Let us minister to
your need for healing!
Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
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