Coffee Break:
A Revelation of God's Glory, Part 10
October 16, 2015
to share a really cool experience that just happened. I've talked about our youngest son, Joshua,
and his battles in the past, as well as the rather humorous event that took
place when he asked his children to lay hands on him and pray for his deliverance
from a very reactionary and explosive spirit of anger.
had occasion to fly down from Alaska to take care of some business and stayed
with us for a quick overnight. Despite
his acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as his savior and Lord, he had never been
baptized in water. We have shared with
him on numerous occasions the fact that within the realm of the Spirit, there
are legal implications for us that go with water baptism which cut off Satan's
right to torment us. (That's not to say
that he observes the Law of the Spirit automatically, but we do have the right
to say to him, "I'm no longer of the Adamic seed. That person died. Who I am is a new individual, raised to life
in Christ Jesus.")
of things Josh has been seeing in his own life he has come to that recognition,
and we were able to baptize him in the swimming pool at the local Best
Western. He experienced a physical
sensation of heat and pain prior to going down into the water and when he came
up out of the water, the extreme heat on his forehead and the pain were gone.
following morning, prior to his departure back to Alaska, we took Communion
together. As we broke bread together and
took the cup, Josh saw with his eyes evil spirits departing from him. He heard them with his ears screaming at him
in unintelligible languages as they departed.
Despite the fact that he knows of our ongoing ministry throughout the
years in dealing with deliverance from evil spirits, his reaction to us afterwards
was, "That freaked me out!" Nevertheless,
he was able to testify to feeling a dramatic difference and a lightness in his
own spirit.
Della and me, it is more evidence to God's keeping of His Covenant to us when
He promised, "All your children will be taught of the Lord, and great
shall be the peace of your children."
let's pick up where we left off last week in the promise of our change of onoma.
Here's the portion of Revelation 3:12 that relates specifically to
today's discussion:
I will engrave within and upon him ..... the very nature, the
character, the authority, the makeup and the very essence of the city of Yod
Hey Vav Hey (Elohim), which is the new Jerusalem, which descends [to the earth]
out of Heaven from my Yod Hey Vav Hey (Elohim).
3:12, RAC Translation and Amplification)
more, here is the corresponding and confirming verse from Revelation 21:2:
And I, John, saw the holy, consecrated and set apart city [of
many people], the recently made and unprecedented Jerusalem, the city of double
peace, descending out of Heaven [to the earth] from Yod Hey Vav Hey, made ready
as the betrothed Bride, adorned, ornamented and embellished with honor for her
husband-to-be. (Revelation 21:2,
RAC Translation and Amplification)
change, the transformation of our onoma
into that of the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, is a product of our
overcoming. When John receives this
prophecy concerning the overcomer, and you follow the sequence of successive
promises beginning with the promise made to those who overcome the issues
described in the letter to Ephesus and following through the letters to Smyrna,
Pergamos, Thyatira and Sardis right up to Philadelphia, it becomes abundantly
clear that the seven letters to the seven Ekklesias are one single letter to
the body of Christ. The ultimate
objective is for us to have absolutely no contamination of our character, our
makeup, our personality and the very essence of who we are so that we literally
mirror that of the Lord Jesus Christ.
purpose from day One is that we become that Bride He created us to be for
Himself! His objective is that we become
His counterpart, His other self, His Beloved!
His Plan is that we become His Glory manifested in the earth. Ever stop to wonder just what that is? It isn't complicated, really! His Glory is the manifestation of His
presence -- as it is in Heaven -- here on earth. His Glory is all that He is! He IS the Spirit of Glory (see I Peter 4:14).
come back to a very brief description of the previous letters and the
overcoming picture demonstrated in each, but as we consider the next part of
the prophetic promise given to Philadelphia (and I will engrave
within and upon him my new (and completed) nature, character, authority, makeup
and very essence)
let me share with you that which the Lord accomplished in me when He gave Della
to me as my counterpart, my other self and my beloved!
When a man and woman are married, there is
a change of character and makeup. The man becomes completed by virtue of
having his wife; and the wife takes on the name -- and over time -- the
character and personality of the husband.
You see this often in folks who have been married for a long time. They even tend to take on one another's
appearance. Their physical
characteristics sometimes change to the point where they actually look like
brother and sister, and folks sometimes take them for having that relationship.
Let me describe it like this.
When Della and I got married, I had been
very incomplete and unfulfilled. Despite the many successes and unusual
miracles and events that had unfolded throughout my life, I continually felt
that I was operating at a fraction of the potential the Lord had given me a picture
of. To use the metaphor from the Song of
Solomon, I was "black." There
was a continual searching in my spirit to become complete with the Bride whom
God had chosen for me.
Della, on the other hand, struggled to
become the woman God had made her to be. You'd never know it now, but she
was timid, quiet and very self-deprecating. One of my broadcasting
friends and associates laughingly referred to her as "Mouse
Knuckles," because of her (then-) very retiring ways.
Our being joined by the Lord changed everything
-- for both of us. For the first time in my life, I was complete.
There was a sense of security, a sense of wholeness, a sense of having
everything plugged in so that I could begin to see the promises of God (made to
me beginning at age seven) fulfilled.
One very extraordinary thing happened for
me when Della and I were on our honeymoon.
At age 12, the Lord had given me (by way of an artist's detailed sketch)
a vivid picture of what His choice for me would be in a Bride. I had carried that sketch around in my wallet
for years until the wallet was stolen from me.
We were standing in the parking lot of the Seattle Marriott one day when
Della turned a certain way. For the
first time, I saw in her silhouette and pose that image God had planted in me
as a 12-year-old, and remembered the picture I had carried around all those
years before.
Della, for the first time in her life,
began to feel a sense of safety and protection, and the liberty to become that
woman of God she had seen in her spirit as far back as age four. Because
of experiences she'd been through (that are unnecessary to recount here), she
had felt suppressed and severely restrained. I did my best to encourage
her -- and to steer some of her decisions -- so that she would have the kind of
opportunities that would begin to fulfill the drive and motivations of her
It wasn't long before friends, who had
known both of us prior to our marriage, began to remark on the phenomenal
change taking place in each of us. What was happening was that -- for
each of us individually and jointly -- we were experiencing a radical change of
onoma. Our character and makeup, our
personalities, our sense of authority and power in the realm of the Spirit, and
the ways in which we did things all began to coalesce into one new being.
Ask anyone today. Della is me; and I
am her. You don't see Della without seeing me; and you don't see me
without seeing Della. Of course we have our distinct differences.
But there is a unity, a sense of completeness we never had before.
Because I am now whole, I am free to be all that God has called me to be and
commissioned me to do. The things I have seen and experienced in the
realm of the Spirit since the Lord gave Della to me have been a real taste of
what He promised me at age seven, and what I saw in Heaven at age nine, then at
age ten, and again many years after that after multiple trips back and forth in
the Heavenlies and throughout time. And
they are a drop in the bucket for what lies ahead!
Because Della is now whole, she is free to
be that powerhouse woman of God she was called to be and sent forth by the Lord
with an anointing. (Ask anyone in our
fellowship! (smile) They'll tell you that Della is positively
anointed by Holy Spirit with a phenomenal anointing!) No longer is Della that quiet, mousy,
withdrawn individual that everyone used to see her as being. She has a holy boldness in her to speak the
truth, to prophesy, to declare and to bring forth to fruition and completion
the things Holy Spirit shows her.
One brother who has known me for right
close to 60 years is Dwain McKenzie -- the same brother with whom I ministered
in Barrow, Alaska back in the 1960's, and again in the 1970's at Long Beach
(California) Christian Center. Perhaps twelve or fourteen years ago
-- after not having seen us in person for quite a few years -- he came to south
Texas and stayed in our home for a few days while attending a minister's
conference. His comment to each of us was that we were nothing at all like
we used to be; that the Lord had done something truly remarkable in us.
He was right. I have a new onoma. Della has a new onoma. It has been written into us.
And that is the picture that John is drawing when the Lord says to the
overcomer, "and I will write upon him my new name." Della and I have one complete onoma. We
make up one whole being.
Better believe it! In that same way,
Jesus Christ is undergoing a change of makeup, a change of personality, a
change of His very existence by virtue of His being joined to, and completed
by, His counterpart, His other self, His Beloved Bride. That may be a bit
hard to think of because we think of the Jesus as being complete now.
Perhaps it would be better to say that Jesus is undergoing the fulfillment of
His makeup. It's hard to imagine Him
being any greater, any more powerful and any more complete than He is now; and
yet, that is what HE HAS ORDAINED!
That is what FATHER HAS ORDAINED for
This is the way things were designed from
before the foundations of the earth.
This is what Creation was all about.
This is why we were created. And
this is why Jesus had to come to this Earth to redeem for Himself that people
whose pathway to relationship and intimacy with Him had been contaminated by
This is the essence of overcoming. Jesus isn’t looking for a bunch of robotic
automatons. He’s after a people who
choose Him and choose all that is necessary, no matter the cost, to be
transformed into His likeness and character and makeup so that He can be
completely fulfilled in His Bride!
Paul draws this picture in his letter to
the Ephesians -- and we'll come back to this a bit more later on -- when he
expresses it like this:
Ephesians 1:16-23: (I) cease not to give thanks
for you, making mention of you in my prayers;
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give
unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes
of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope
of HIS calling, and what the riches of the glory of HIS INHERITANCE in the
And what is the
exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe,
according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when
he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the
heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and
dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in
that which is to come: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave
him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his
body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all. (Emphasis, mine)
see the picture, I'm sure. We are His
inheritance! His calling is us! He receives His inheritance when He receives
us as His Bride. His calling is
fulfilled and completed when He receives us as overcomers, having been changed,
transformed, metamorphosed into His onoma.
Jesus gets what He paid for in a Bride without spot or wrinkle, readied
to rule throughout the eternity of the eternities.
pick up next week with the picture that Paul draws in his letter to Ephesus.
I remind those of you in need of ministry that our Healing Prayer Call
takes place on Mondays at 7:00 PM Eastern (4:00 PM Pacific). Our call-in number has changed to (712) 775-7035. The new Access Code is: 323859#. If you miss the live call and want to go back
and listen later, simply change the last four digits of the dial in number to 7039.
At the same time, in case you are missing out on real fellowship in an
environment of Ekklesia, our Sunday worship gatherings are available by
conference call – usually at about 10:45AM Pacific. That conference number is (605) 562-3140, and the access
code is 308640#. We hope to make these gatherings available by
Skype or Talk Fusion before long. If you
miss the live call, you can dial (605) 562-3149, enter the same
access code and listen in later.
on you!
Regner A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
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