Saturday, June 28, 2014


Another Coffee Break:

Dealing With Fear, Part 1
June 27, 2014

Peter and Janet Van Hierdan are friends we've known for the past nine years.  We met under rather unusual circumstances during a tour of the National Cemetery in Washington, DC.  Peter was walking in front of us, engaged in an animated discussion with a Canadian friend.  I couldn't help overhearing them as Peter was describing a series of puzzling events that were taking place in his home with his teenage children.

It seems that they'd been having Bible studies with other kids from the area.  Peter and Janet had been supervising and leading these Bible studies and things had taken a decidedly unusual turn -- especially for folks whose church and faith background was rooted in the Netherlands Reformed Congregation.  After the time of Bible study was finished, the kids would get together and begin praying.  One evening without any warning, some of them began speaking in tongues.

Soon those who'd been baptized in the Holy Spirit began laying hands on others, and it spread like fire.  They started praying for one another and seeing healings take place.  For families who had no background whatever in these kinds of displays it was a source of consternation. 

Overhearing Peter's discussion during our walk in the National Cemetery and his puzzlement over what he was seeing and hearing, I couldn't help but insert myself into the conversation.  It resulted in Peter and Janet coming to our hotel room that night while Della and I shared with them.  We laid hands on them to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit that night, and while we didn't see or hear any immediate manifestation of their speaking in tongues, the seeds were planted -- seeds that would shortly explode with humorous manifestation.  All of us had been in DC for a conference and when the conference ended, we shared telephone numbers and addresses (Peter and Janet live in Lethbridge, Alberta), and we headed our respective ways.

A few days later Peter calls me.  "I just received a phone call from my wife -- at least I'm pretty sure it's my wife -- but I can't understand a word she's speaking!"  He explained that Janet regularly went on prayer walks just to be alone with the Lord.  On this occasion as Janet had been praying, she received a royal download of her prayer language, to the point where (as I shared with you in the last Coffee Break about my own experience) she couldn't speak English.  I assured Peter that this was not unusual, and that he should expect more of this.

In the weeks, months and years that followed, Della and I were able to be with them in their home and see the continual growth and the gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit abound in their family to the point that their sons and their daughters developed unusual prophetic giftings.

I've really only scratched the surface of this story but my purpose in sharing is to introduce Janet to you and to let you know that she has published a rather unique book titled, Preparing the Bride of Christ for His Return.  This book is a chronicle of her own experiences and revelations developed during her prayer walks and times with the Lord.  When Janet first began to share the book with me, I saw it as an extraordinary and very inspirational daily devotional and recommended that she chapterize it in that manner.

The book is currently available at in both softcover and e-book form.  A link is available on our website at  Simply click on the photo of the book cover.  You won't be disappointed!

OK, my introductions today got a bit windy, so let's see if we can get cracking on this new series.

In the thirty-plus years that have gone by since Holy Spirit first began to download into me the revelation of the families of fear, my understanding has grown by a quantum leap of just how pervasive these families are, and the extent to which these wicked spirits conceal themselves as part of the character or personality of individuals.

In 1981, I was invited to speak on a Sunday night at the Presbyterian church in Fairbanks, Alaska on the subject of deliverance.  One of the elders of the church was a gentleman whom I'd known as a teenager, growing up in Barrow, and he'd heard me share in a Charismatic conference on deliverance from fear.  He shared what he'd heard with the pastor, and as a result I was given the invitation to come and teach.

When I began to teach, I made the statement that "If you get stirred inside, if anger rises up inside you or you get really fidgety while hearing this message, that's a good sign!  The Enemy who has hidden himself inside you -- an enemy who has camouflaged himself as part of your nature and makeup -- does NOT want you to hear and receive the truth that you have authority over him, and that you can be rid of him."  When I finished sharing that night, the first person to the front of the church to receive deliverance was the pastor.  More than three-quarters of the church followed him to the front.  As they followed me in a prayer of deliverance, there were a few cases of folks who began to cough almost uncontrollably, some began to experience convulsing as though they were about to vomit and some made hissing noises but most of them very calmly exercised the authority they had in Christ Jesus to receive their deliverance.

My very first experience with ministering deliverance from fear occurred a decade earlier in Salt Lake City.  An 18-year-old girl sat on the front row of the church as I was teaching, and when I finished she immediately volunteered the fact that she lived her life in constant fear, doubt, and uncertainty, reacting to sudden noises or events around her as though something was going to kill or injure her.  When I spoke to the spirit of fear and commanded it to leave her, the sound that came out of her mouth was almost unbelievable.  It was akin to the sound of a steam locomotive with a deafening hiss and something approaching a scream.

Have to admit, the look of shock on her face and the faces of those sitting near her was something to behold!  But the manifestation of her deliverance from fear and the boldness that developed in her life in the years that followed was a story all by itself.  Although I left Salt Lake City the following year to minister with Dwain McKenzie at Long Beach Christian Center (in California), events transpired which allowed me to see this young woman's life unfold and keep track of her for a number of years to come.  She eventually went on to become a stock broker, an investment advisor, and -- eventually -- a managing director for Smith-Barney (now Morgan Stanley Smith Barney).

With that, let's lay some foundations from the Word.

II Timothy 1:7 (KJV):  "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

Let's expand this a bit from the Greek text:  "For God has not endowed, or committed to our being and existence the spirit (the very breath and speaking forth) of fear, timidity and faithlessness; but of miraculous power, might and strength, and of agape love, and of a disciplined mind (under control and not subject to "flights of fancy")."  (RAC Translation and Amplification)

Then we pick up with a verse shared in the previous Coffee Break from I John 4:18 (KJV):   "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."

Once again, here is the same verse amplified from the Greek text:

"There is never any alarm or fright or excessive concern in the love feast [we have with Jesus]; but completed and mature love throws out any fright or excessive concern: because fright and alarm bring torment. He who allows himself [the luxury] of alarm, or fright, or excessive concern does not permit the finished work and maturity of God's love feast in Christ Jesus in us."  (RAC Translation and Amplification)

Now, take another look at the way the Greek phrases II Timothy 1:7:  "For God has not endowed, or committed to our being and existence the spirit (the very breath and speaking forth) of fear, timidity and faithlessness; but of miraculous power, might and strength, and of agape love, and of a disciplined mind (under control and not subject to "flights of fancy")."

Do you see it?  God HAS NOT endowed us with any spirit of fear.  We were never given the breath of an evil spirit at Creation.  Adam and Eve were endowed with and imbued with the breath of God, and His breath became their spirit.  For the 2,000 years or so they lived in the Garden, their lives exemplified what John describes in his Gospel like this:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The same was in the beginning with God.  All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.  In him was life; and the life was the light of men."  (John 1:1-4 KJV)

When God breathed the breath of life into Adam and Eve, He breathed into them HIS life, and that life was light -- both in the sense of what flowed in their veins AND in the context of the revelation that filled their beings.  Adam and Eve never had to go to school to learn anything.  They didn't graduate from Eden University.  They never had to attend Garden Tech in order to learn how to tend the Garden.  Eve didn't have a PhD in child-rearing or home economics.  Adam didn't attend four or eight years at the Divine Institute of Technology in order to transition between dimensions or to become expert in zoology.

OK.  You can laugh at me if you like, but you get the picture!  The naturally supernatural ability to do what they did came with the Breath of God being breathed into their beings.  It brought all the revelation they would ever need to fulfill every commission God gave them. 

Oh, and by the way, when God breathed into Adam, and then into Eve after He took a rib from Adam and made her, He didn't conduct a ceremony in which He stood before them and performed some kind of ritual.  God blessed them with His declaration, "Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth.  And God said, See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the land and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.  And to all the animals on the earth and to every bird of the air and to everything that creeps on the ground—to everything in which there is the breath of life—I have given every green plant for food."  (Genesis 1:28-30  Amplified Bible)

What Adam and Eve received from the Lord with His Spirit being breathed into them, AND the blessing He declared over them, was total dominion over the earth.

David makes this clear in Psalm 115:16 when he writes, "The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men."  (KJV)

It's even clearer when you read it in the Hebrew text:  "The Heaven, even the Heavens [past, present and future], are the Lord's: but the earth has He appointed, assigned, delivered and charged to the sons [and daughters] and descendants of Adam."

By now you are seeing it, aren't you?  What happens when someone is given complete dominion -- full authority?

They are given the control of things!  No one, no being, no entity has the power or authority to take it away.  If the one with dominion and authority cedes any part of that authority to someone else, then that "someone else" has the ability to function or to exercise some rule in the stead of the grantor.

Let's put it another way.  The grantor has the final authority.  He is a king.  The one to whom some portion of power or authority is granted is still subject to the king.  That individual is regarded as a prince.

It may seem like I'm really going around a 40-acre field but my objective is to show you some contrasts, and in the process help you understand the nature and the foundation for the creation of, or basis for fear.

Once again, what was it that first happened with Adam and Eve?  "And God blessed them......."  With God's Blessing came His authority!  With God's Blessing, Adam and Eve had full revelation of God's plan for the Garden; they had all their needs supplied; they had the creative ability to call each of the animals, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea and endue them with their respective nature, their character, their personality and their makeup.

Here's one thing most folks miss in this picture: Adam had dominion over the serpent!  The serpent was subject to him.  The serpent was answerable to him.  Despite the fact that Satan had entered into the serpent, causing it to take on Satan's character and makeup, the serpent still remained a serpent -- a reptile (or creeping thing), if you will -- over which Adam had all rule and authority.

When the serpent deceived Eve through cunning and subtlety into eating of the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he tricked Eve into violating God's command and warning that doing so would induce death.  Adam acted with purpose, not being deceived, and he acted emotionally, not fully considering or comprehending the long-term consequences of his action when he took the fruit from Eve and ate of it himself.  God specifically commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of that tree -- NOT because He was trying to keep something good from them, but because the human frame was never designed for any knowledge acquired by anything other than revelation.

What Adam did not comprehend was that when an individual eats of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, three serious consequences follow: (1) the Knowledge of Good produces pride and arrogance; (2) the Knowledge of Evil produces the Fear of Evil, and along with it a host of other fear families; and (3) that kind of fear produces a chain reaction in human cells and human DNA resulting in ultimate death.

Adam and Eve were never designed to die.  They were created in the image and likeness of God, Who is Eternal.  They had dwelled in the Garden for some 2,000 years (give or take), walking and talking with the Lord and functioning inter-dimensionally between earth and the heavenlies.  The fact that partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil began marking a point in their existence at which life would terminate produced in them (and all their descendants) the Fear of Death.

Next week we will explore the events that unfolded in Scripture when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of that tree, and watch each specific event that followed, along with a visual demonstration of the families of fear as they activated in both of them.

Again, if you are in need of healing -- especially if you have some terminal disease or prognosis of a very short time to live from the doctors -- please join our prayer conference calls on either Monday or Wednesday of each week at 7:00 PM Eastern. Once again, the number to call is (805) 399-1000.  Then enter the access code: 124763#.  To get into the queue for prayer, when Randy opens the call up for everyone, hit *6-1 on your keypad. Let us minister to your need for healing!

Blessings on you!


Regner A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944

Our book, A Tale of Two Brides, published by Destiny Image, is now available on as an E-book:

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted –provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact. Older Coffee Break archives are available at Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

If you would like to have these articles arrive each morning in your email, please send a blank email to: remove yourself from the mailing list, please send a blank email to

CAPENER MINISTRIES is a tax-exempt church ministry. Should you desire to participate and covenant with us as partners in this ministry, please contact us at either of the above email or physical addresses, or visit:


Another Coffee Break:
AphiƩmi Healing, Part 35
June 20, 2014

Earlier this past week, I had an experience that has been an eye-opener.  Some sixty years have gone by since I was first baptized in the Holy Spirit.  On the night that I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues, it was nearly four hours before I could speak a word in English.  My brother tried to carry on a conversation with me but I couldn't answer him in English.  Every response came out in some other language.  Not until the following morning was I able to carry on a coherent conversation in English.

In the years since, while I take time to pray, to intercede, to decree and declare and to do warfare in the tongues of men and angels, it hasn't been often that the flow of tongues exceeds 20 - 30 minutes at a time.  Even in our daily time of prayer and intercession, I don't often exceed 15 or 20 minutes.

On Tuesday night just before midnight, I was awakened by sounds I couldn't identify.  In an instant I was wide awake and sleep was totally gone from me.  Della and I have both learned that when these events happen, we generally put on our robe, go downstairs to the living room, and pray quietly in tongues until the need for prayer or intercession lifts.  This time was a bit different.  For the better part of two hours, I prayed in tongues non-stop.  It was like a river flowing out of me.

Some thirty minutes or so into this flow of the Spirit, I said to the Lord, "OK, Father, what's this all about?  What are you wanting to accomplish?"  His answer was pretty surprising.  "I'm preparing you to live and walk inter-dimensionally."

The pictures and images that flashed past me in the next few moments left absolutely no doubt as to what He meant.  In Luke 4:30 we see Jesus shifting dimensions when the angry mob wanted to throw Him off a cliff.  He simply passed right through the crowd.  We see the same thing occurring when He suddenly appears to the disciples (John 20:19) following His resurrection.

I've twice experienced this in years gone by.  Back in the late 1960's I was driving in northern Utah with a business partner on our way to an appointment.  A heavy snowfall had left the somewhat sparsely traveled highway with a single set of ruts in the deep snow.  Warming temperatures had melted the snow just enough to create a glaze in the ruts making it extremely difficult to get out.

Coming to a rise in the highway with a bridge in front of us, we couldn't see what was on the other side of the bridge.  As we approached the bridge we realized another car was coming right at us in the same ruts.  Each of us were traveling at roughly 45-50 mph, and there was absolutely no chance we were going to be able to stop.

I did what I was trained to do.  "JESUS!!"  I hollered it at the top of my voice.  We shifted dimensions and passed right through the oncoming car.  The driver of the other vehicle, whom we could see close-up, had utter terror on his face as we passed through him.  It took a minute for both of us to stop and we stepped out of our cars and looked back at one another.  The other driver was wiping the brow of his head trying to figure out what had just happened.  It was one of the events in your life you never forget, and when the Lord said to me, "I'm preparing you to live and walk inter-dimensionally," I knew exactly what He meant!

OK, that bit of sharing took more time than I planned, so if as a result today's Coffee Break runs a bit longer than usual, please excuse me.

One of the issues that affects many Christians today when it comes to receiving their healing -- no matter what kind of healing is needed -- or their deliverance from oppression is that they have been programmed through either religious doctrines or societal traditions with a mindset that places them in opposition to the Word and to what Jesus has done for them.

I've addressed this issue in the past, but let me re-emphasize this again.  We have a covenant -- one made available to us by the Lord Jesus Christ.  He didn't provide that covenant for nothing!  When Jesus took our sins -- past, present and future -- on the Cross; when He took all of our diseases and infirmities by subjecting Himself to the extreme lashes that ripped his flesh into shreds; when Jesus died and then rose again from the dead, there was nothing left undone for us.

For us to receive what Jesus has paid for is to simply believe and accept what we need by faith: NO begging, NO whining, NO hope-so, think-so, maybe-so, NO "if it be your will" baloney!   He's already paid for us to have it!  Where do we get the idea that it may not be His will for us to be healed, to be set free from oppression?

Let me take this another step -- and I know that as soon as I say this, somebody is surely going to accuse me of being one of those "blab it and grab it" types, or -- worse (!) -- "one of those terrible prosperity preachers."

(And that's OK, folks!  I'll admit to being guilty of both -- although not perhaps the way you think.  I "blab" whatever Father says to me, and then I grab hold of what He says I can receive.  I am violently, outspokenly standing in opposition to anyone who says it is God's will for me to live in poverty and constant need.  Last time I checked, the Word clearly states that "My God shall liberally supply all your needs, your requirements and your demands out of and in direct proportion to His riches in Glory by and through the anointing of the Anointed One, Christ Jesus." [Philippians 4:19, RAC Translation & Amplification]

Hmmmm... then there's this one: "But you shall without doubt mark, remember and mention the LORD your God: for it is He who gives you the capacity, the means and the ability to get wealth and riches, so that He may establish his covenant and confederacy with you by which he swore an oath unto your fathers, as is evidenced before and among you this day." [Deuteronomy 8:18, RAC Translation & Amplification]  Sorry for the rabbit trail.  Let's get back on track.)

Will somebody please provide me with even one scripture that specifically states -- no guesswork, no "assuming," -- that it is the will and purposes of God or His heart's desire (never mind the fact that Jesus paid for our deliverance from poverty) for us as believers to live in poverty, dead broke, struggling to pay our bills, just barely eking out a living?  How, pray tell me, does that show the world at large our covenant?  How does that demonstrate Father's love?  How does that draw a picture of a God who owns all the cattle on a thousand hills?  Who is it that is suggesting that God is very greedy, and that He intends to keep everything all for Himself so we can live like poverty-ridden slaves?  (OK, I'm done.  I'll leave this alone for another time.)

Any doctrine or teaching which proposes that we have to beg God for anything whatsoever is a flat out lie!  Any doctrine or teaching which suggests that any part of our spiritual growth, our maturity in God, our responses to the quickening of Holy Spirit are optional if we're going to receive all that God has for us, or if we have any expectation whatever of being incorporated in the Bride of Christ is pure heresy!

Christians have been literally peppered for centuries with teachings and doctrines that make God into some kind of super, terrible, mystical being who's created this incredibly difficult way to live, putting us on some kind of performance standard if we are going to be pleasing to Him.  The problem today, even for Christians who have walked with the Lord for many years, is that Father is still unapproachable, that we have to walk on eggshells if we are going to come before Him and ask for anything.

Let's revisit the scripture from Paul's letter to the Romans that we talked about in last week's Coffee Break:

"Let me conclude what I've been saying by putting it this way; there are no adverse sentences or verdicts hanging over those who are IN the anointing of the Anointed One, Jesus.  For the Law (and principles) of the Spirit [the breath that God breathed into us when He raised us from the dead] of God's life in the anointing of the Anointed One, Jesus has liberated and exempted me (us) from the Law which decrees judgment and execution for the sins and offenses (willful and unpurposed) resulting in death." (Romans 8:1-2, RAC Translation & Amplification)

If indeed we have been set free from the Law of Sin and Death with all of its consequences, the diseases, the sicknesses, the infirmities, the poverty and the death that all are a part of it, what is it that we need to beg for?  Why do so many Christians not believe that if they speak, decree, declare and receive the healing that Jesus has already paid for, they're not going to get it?  Why do so many Christians think that there is still something they have to do in order to "deserve" healing, or deliverance, or provision for their needs?

Religion puts people on a performance basis with the Lord.  Covenant with Jesus Christ puts us on a friend-to-friend, elder brother-to-brother family relationship in which love -- agape love -- is the determining factor.  If indeed love is the governing basis for our relationship with the Lord, then there's no place for fear, for doubt, for unbelief, for trepidation of any kind!

Let's was it that John put it when writing his first general letter to the body of Christ?

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.  We love him, because he first loved us."  (I John 4:18-19)

Let me amplify this a bit out of the Greek so as to clarify things more fully:

"There is never any alarm or fright or excessive concern in the love feast [we have with Jesus]; but completed and mature love throws out any fright or excessive concern: because fright and alarm bring torment. He who allows himself [the luxury] of alarm, or fright, or excessive concern does not permit the finished work and maturity of God's love feast in Christ Jesus in us.  Our love for Him must be unconditional because he first loved us [unconditionally]."

You see it don't you?  We've been brought into a love-relationship with Father through Jesus Christ!  Everything we have need of has been paid for.  Because of His love toward us, Jesus stands next to us every second of every moment of every day with His hands outstretched waiting for us to receive whatever we ask for, be it healing from terminal diseases, sicknesses, infirmities, chronic health problems or whatever!

He stands next to us with His hands outstretched ready to deliver us from oppression.  He has given us ALL authority over the power of the Enemy.  I continue to repeat what I've said for many, many years: the weakest Christian has far more authority over Satan than he has power to exercise against us.  Unless we believe that, however, and walk in that authority, he continues to lie and deceive and entice us to believe that we are namby-pamby nothings next to him and that he has the right to do whatever he chooses just because he's "the prince of the power of the air."

Bahh.....Humbug!  A prince has greater authority than a king?  A prince has more power than a king?  Not the last time I checked!  Satan is never -- and I repeat, NEVER -- referred to, anywhere in the Word, as a king.  Four times in the Word, Jesus is referred to as THE KING OF KINGS!  That makes Him -- and His Throne -- Supreme!  It also makes us -- as John describes it in Revelation 1:6 -- "... kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

Allow me to share some things as a lead-in to the next series of Coffee Breaks which will be titled, DEALING WITH FEAR.  The last time I did a series on the families of fear and the dominant spirits of fear was probably back in 2005 or 2006, and it's time to seriously update those teachings.

When Jesus visited that day with the Samaritan woman at the well, and she began to talk about worship, relating to worship in a physical sense with physical acts in a geographical place, Jesus stopped her with the statement, "You worship that which you do not know.............But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.  God is a spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth." (John 4:22-24, NASB)

The point He makes is that worship is neither a physical act, nor a function in a physical or geographical place.  Worship is not the doing of things.  Worship is not something which occurs in a church or a synagogue.  Worship is not even the doing of things which please the Father.  Although true worship will certainly result in our doing things which please Him, it is a place of union, a place of intimate love in the Spirit.

Again, without belaboring the point, Jesus went beyond just saying that those who worship God must worship Him in spirit.  He added the phrase, "and in truth."  In so doing, He pointed back once again to that place where Adam and Eve had once lived in the Garden.  So long as they were clothed in the absoluteness of the onoma of the Lord, so long as they lived enveloped in that place of Truth -- that place where His Word, His Rhema, His revelation (they are all one and the same) formed the very essence of their existence -- His throne was operational in and through them.  They lived worship.

Jesus was saying to the woman of Samaria that relationship with the Lord, that worship, that intimacy with Him has nothing whatever to do with human reasoning, thought processes, or the knowledge of good or evil.  He was saying that "worship" and "knowledge" are not compatible.  Everything which occurs outside the realm of the Spirit functions in the place of intellect, reasoning and knowledge.  Worship -- which can only occur in the Spirit -- must be in Truth.

As previously noted, Truth vanishes with knowledge, whether it be the "knowledge of good," or the "knowledge of evil."  If Truth disappears, the Throne goes with it, along with all the authority and power of the Throne.  Worship, therefore, "in Truth," needs no help.  Worship in the Spirit, and in Truth, is the sum and substance -- the totality, if you will -- of being One with the Lord Jesus Christ, with the Father, with the Holy Spirit.  To worship "in Truth" is to worship in the totality of Jesus' onoma -- the very essence of His being.  He is that Truth!

Our salvation, and everything that goes with it, has been paid for!  Our deliverance from oppression has been accomplished, both at the Cross and at the tomb when Jesus rose from the dead.  Our healing has already been finished.  That's the truth!

Is it not time for us to change our confession to agree with what the Word declares -- NOT the "facts on the ground?"  Our confession MUST agree with what Jesus' blood provided.  John saw the finished work and described it for us in the Revelation.

"The [accused] conquered, subdued, overcame and defeated Satan by the redeeming blood, shed by the Anointed One in His anointing as the [once-and-for-all] sacrificial Lamb, and by the documented decree written and declared in God’s Word as it was spoken and agreed with and confessed by those who testified to the [redemption of the] Blood, even at the point of death or the threat thereof."  (Revelation 12:11, RAC Translation & Amplification)

Let's finish up this series on AphiƩmi Healing with Paul's statement to the Romans:

"For all have erred, missing the mark, being deficient in manifesting the glory, the honor and dignity of the Lord God; Being regarded and freely proclaimed and rendered innocent by His grace – His divine influence and changing power – through the full ransom and riddance [of our error]  that is in [and comes through] Jesus, The Anointed One and His anointing;  Whom God has exhibited and set before the world to be our Mercy Seat and reconciliation [with God] by our exercise of faith and trust in His blood; to declare His righteousness and justification by His acquisition and taking possession of sins that have transpired (throughout the ages) through the lovingkindness, tender mercies and endurance [in the meantime] of God."  (Romans 3:23-25 (RAC Translation & Amplification)

Understand?  Our sins, our diseases, our sicknesses, our infirmities, our oppression by the Enemy, our poverty -- ALL -- have been eradicated by the Lord Jesus Christ!

See you next week as we begin a new series.

Again, if you are in need of healing -- especially if you have some terminal disease or prognosis of a very short time to live from the doctors -- please join our prayer conference calls on either Monday or Wednesday of each week at 7:00 PM Eastern. Once again, the number to call is (805) 399-1000.  Then enter the access code: 124763#.  To get into the queue for prayer, when Randy opens the call up for everyone, hit *6-1 on your keypad. Let us minister to your need for healing!

Blessings on you!


Regner A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944

Our book, A Tale of Two Brides, published by Destiny Image, is now available on as an E-book:

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted –provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact. Older Coffee Break archives are available at Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

If you would like to have these articles arrive each morning in your email, please send a blank email to: remove yourself from the mailing list, please send a blank email to

CAPENER MINISTRIES is a tax-exempt church ministry. Should you desire to participate and covenant with us as partners in this ministry, please contact us at either of the above email or physical addresses, or visit: