Thursday, February 14, 2013


Another Coffee Break:
A New Onoma,   Part 4

February 15, 2013

Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

It's got to be more than 20 years since we first began to introduce the truth and the picture of real Ekklesia as it contrasts to the conventional idea of "church." For some folks it was pretty controversial but for most it was revelatory. It was during that same time frame that the revelation of the onoma of the Lord Jesus Christ leaped into our beings. For some reason, it has continued to be controversial. Some people are so stuck on the "name" that they just can't see what God is doing. They don't seem to understand the truth of what John shared in his epistle:

"We know that when He shall be manifested, we shall be like Him." (I John 3:2)

THAT, folks, is the fundamental truth behind the revelation of what John wrote otherwise in Revelation:

"Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out; and I will write upon him the name (onoma) of my God, and the name (onoma) of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God; and I will write upon him my new name (onoma)!" (Revelation 3:12 KJV)

This is transformation! This is conversion. This is metamorphosis. This is a total shift in our personality, our character, our makeup, our nature......AND it is a change of our name! No, I'm not talking about changing your name from Lucy to Marie, or Bob to John, or anything like that. This isn't what this prophecy is all about. This is what Jesus prayed. Hear this in your spirit!

"That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art[merged and immersed] in me, and I [am merged and immersed] in thee, that they also may be one [merged and immersed] in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be [merged and immersed in] one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made (whole, complete and finished) perfect in one [new onoma]; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me." (John 17:21-23, with my amplification)

Jesus --in His onoma -- embodied the entirety of the Seven Spirits of God. That's where we go (or at least continue to go) with today's discussion. Once again, here they are in the order in which we see them revealed in the Word.

1. The Spirit of Judgment and Burning (Isaiah 4:4)

2. The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding (Isaiah 11:2)

3. The Spirit of Counsel and Might (Isaiah 11:2) -- referred to by the apostle Paul as: The Spirit of Power

4. The Spirit of Knowledge and of The Fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2) also referred to by Paul as: The Spirit of a Sound Mind

5. The Spirit of Grace and Supplications (Zechariah 12:10)

6. The Spirit of Truth (see John 15:26)

7. The Spirit of Glory (see I Peter 4:14)

Continuing on with our look at the seven Spirits of God, the third spirit named in the onoma of the Lord is the Spirit of Counsel and Might.

The concept of "counselor" is one with which we are much more familiar since we generally think of the Holy Spirit in this mode. The Hebrew word used in Isaiah's prophecy is et.sah. This word is frequently used by Isaiah in a prophetic sense as in: foreknowledge, the faculty of forming plans which are carried out exactly; prudence, wisdom: in a more oblique sense, et.sah means: the instrument by which one's purpose is carried out. Gebuwrah is the Hebrew word for "might," and it represents: strength, fortitude, virtue, power. Micah (3:8) uses the word to describe the spirit of the prophet as: being strong and intrepid. (Note also that gebuwrah has a companion word, gibbowr, which we will take up a little later.)

These are words and definitions which we can easily see as part of Jesus' onoma. It is even easy to see "counselor" within the purview of agape. "Might," however, is a little more of a stretch for some people. We all know Jesus as being mighty, but considering "might" as integral to agape requires some revision to our conventional thinking. It becomes a little more understandable when we realize that because there is a specific and definite purpose and objective in agape, gebuwrah is the capacity to accomplish the purposes established by Jesus Christ from the beginning.

Were it not for gebuwrah,nothing would have happened with He spoke those thunderous words, "Let there be light." The Holy Spirit could have continued to brood over the face of the waters for eternity just hoping for something to happen. Creation could not have started. The plan for Jesus Christ to have a counterpart who would fulfill Him would have simply remained a plan.

There is another side, as well. When the woman with the issue of blood (see Matthew 9:20) scrambled through the crowd to simply touch the hem of His garment, "Might" went forth. The Greek word which parallels gebuwrah is dunamis, normally translated: strength, might, ability, power; the inherent power resident in one by virtue of their nature.

It is this aspect of Jesus' onoma which enables Him to simply speak the word (as He did at creation), and see demons flee. There is a force of authority inherent in His nature and makeup. That force rules over every other power in the universe. It is the authority to which "every knee shall bow, of beings in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:10-11 -- my translation)

This is where the difference resides between using the "name of Jesus" as some kind of formula, and speaking in His onoma. In Acts 19:13-16, we are told of the seven sons of Sceva, who saw Paul casting out evil spirits in the onoma of Jesus. They took it as some kind of magical incantation with a power that would enable them to exercise the same authority. It wasn't. The evil spirits made mincemeat of them.

Then there is the case of Simon, the sorcerer, (see Acts 8:9-24) a man who had practiced various magical arts so as to manipulate the lives of people and gain power and respect for himself. In that same mindset thought he could buy this power. Peter's response was, "I see that you are in the anger of bitterness and the bond of unrighteousness."

(Note: The Roman Catholic historian, Werner Keller (in his book, THE CHURCH AS HISTORY), writes that Simon not only did notrepent after Peter's rebuke, but that Simon later traveled to Rome, where he foisted himself off on many as being "Simon Peter." There he was seized by Roman soldiers, crucified, and buried on the hill, Vaticanus (now the site of the present-day Vatican.)

One cannot appropriate this power for themselves. It is not just some "force" in the universe, divorced from the makeup and essence of Jesus Christ. It is the very life-flow, the virtue, the power, the authority of His onoma; and it is freely available to a responsive and obedient Bride being transformed by His Paraklete, the Holy Spirit. Though there were strict legal implications because of the manner in which his crucifixion occurred, it was the force which came forth as He shed His blood on the cross which broke the bondage of sin, captivity to Satan, and the power of the Law. It was that same gebuwrah/dunamis that reversed the curse upon the human race --or more specifically, upon all who would receive Him and the price He paid as the cancellation of the curse.

It is that same force which must be resident in us as His Bride, otherwise we are simply phony "name-sayers." It is that power which demonstrates Jesus' authority functioning in a people whom He is conforming to His nature, His makeup, His character, His onoma!

Now, let me take a different approach. Let's look at this Spirit of Counsel and Might from an entirely different perspective.

Proverbs 1:20-32: Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.  
"Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from [the] fear of evil.

The Spirit of Counsel and Might reproves, rebukes, admonishes and corrects us – in love! His purpose in so doing (see Verse 23) is so that He can “pour out My Spirit unto you,” and so that He can “make known [and bring revelation of] My Words unto you.”

Just as there are consequences for rejecting the Spirit of Judgment and Burning, so likewise are there consequences that come from rejecting the Spirit of Counsel and Might. “Might” establishes the baseline from which “Counsel” is provided. “Might” knows the safety that is provided with “Counsel” and establishes protective barriers for those who receive and walk according to “Counsel’s”word – and those protective barriers are designed to guard (with force and might) those who do.

Outside those protective barriers along the path which “Counsel” advises and admonishes is a realm of terror and destruction, distress and anguish (see Verse 27). “Might” is designed to protect those who walk according to “Counsel,” but “Might” will not stretch forth a finger to help those who choose their own paths contrary to the Word.

Solomon wraps up this first chapter of Proverbs with the prophetic promise and statement that “Whoever listens and obeys me shall dwell safely and be quiet from the Fear of Evil.” The “Fear of Evil” is the granddaddy of all evil spirits. It is the principal driving spirit of fear; and the father of the Fear of Man and the Fear of Death.

The Fear of Evil is the controlling force behind all religion and the deception in religion. The root of this fear is that it perceives God as hanging a “Sword of Damocles” overhead just waiting for your mistake so He can bring it down and destroy you. Thus God is perceived as “evil.”

The corollary is that one must keep certain laws or perform certain acts in order to please God. Distortion of God’s commands follows, deception sets in, and God’s Word is automatically disobeyed by the keeping of certain lesser commands to the setting aside or ignoring more important commands which are rooted in the principle of loving and honoring God.

Let’s see if we can look at a couple of examples of this.

Which is more important before the Lord:

(1) To feed and clothe the poor, or to spend time waiting on God? Both are important, but is our relationship with the Lord more important to Him, or is our religious observance of feeding and clothing the poor of greater importance?

(2) To give gifts to the Lord (sow seed, bring offerings, give to missions, etc.) or to reconcile differences between you and another brother (or sister) in the Lord? Where is our priority, here? Is giving our tithes, offerings, and supporting various missions of greater importance to the Lord, or is His focus on having a whole and healthy Ekklesia whose very existence becomes salt in the earth?

(3) To keep and recognize feast days and/or honor the Sabbath, or to walk by faith? Is it more important to the Lord that we religiously observe the feasts and keep the Sabbath, or is having our faith vested in the Lord of Sabaoth of first importance?

(4) To offer praise and worship to the Lord, or to forgive intentional offenses towards you by would-be brethren, or even those not of the household of faith?

Are you getting the picture? Fear causes us to obey the right commands in the wrong order. NONE of His commands are unimportant! Feeding the hungry or clothing the poor IS a command from the Lord, but it comes AFTER our time with the Lord – and as He directs.

It almost sounds like I'm getting religious here, like I'm trying to proscribe strict laws and details of the Law, but that's not what this is about! There is an order – a protocol – to our obedience to the Word and the Counsel of the Lord. We don't get to pick and choose which commands, or which counsel, we will observe and/or the order in which we will follow it. Religion tends to justify this disorder "just as long as we keep the Word." Nope. That's not the way it works!

Jesus made it clear that He wasn’t interested – and neither was the Father – in receiving gifts, offerings, etc. from us UNTIL we resolved issues of unforgiveness or offenses between us and fellow-believers. He wasn’t saying“Go spend your money or give your gifts somewhere else because I won’t receive them.” He WAS saying, “Set those gifts aside UNTIL you have resolved the matter between you and your brother. THEN come and bring them to me.”

The fear that drives deception is a religious fear, and it is a fear that comes upon us when we reject the Spirit of Counsel and Might.

The promise of the Lord to those who “hearken” (a word which literally means "to hear and obey") unto Him is that

(1) They will dwell safely. They will live their lives in safety and protection (see also Psalm 91) from harm and danger, and from attacks of the Enemy – both verbal and weapons-based, and from disease, pestilence, plague, AND from accidents.

(2) Their lives will be quiet. (See Psalm 105 and Psalm 91:3) The phrase, “noisome pestilence” in Hebrew is the phrase, havvah deber, which literally translates to “noisy disorder” or “words, events or things thrown into confusion and disarray in the midst of a rushing wind.”

(3) The Fear of Evil will have no power over them. Hence, there will be no confusion, no deception, no disarray or disorder in their walk along the path directed by the Spirit of Counsel and Might.

OK, so far?

There is a another, different dimension of revelation to the way the Spirit of Counsel and Might operates, and we’ll take that up in our next Coffee Break.

Chuck Pierce once again has a fresh prophetic word, and it is relevant to what I've just shared with you:

"You could easily miss the shift that is going on around you. Do not miss the shift that I am bringing into the earth realm above you. I am beginning to speak in ways to clarify what you have heard in past seasons. If you will listen from Heaven and not walk in the earth, your ears will be clear and your eyes will see. I say to you this is the beginning of a new season!

"This is a time when that which has looked dead will begin to bud – that which has looked as if it had no life. Know that I'm going to bring life where it looks like there's death. Where there has been death to finances, where there's been death to dreams, know that Aaron's rod has budded and life has come forth. Do not wait to see the full blossoming, butlook for the budding, for in the bud know that there is life.

"This is a season that I'm going to cause the budding to come forth. This is a time where you're going to be able to see life where you thought there was death. Know that it is only the death to the old. But I say it is the time of the budding of the new. Do not miss the new! Do not miss the life that I'm causing to come forth, for this is the time that I'm causing the rod to bloom and I'm causing the rod to bud. New life has been released in this hour.

"Know Me as Me and who I am, for seeds must fall into the earth for life to spring forth. Know Me, for this is a time that from Heaven I am stringing and making taut the lines that My word is coming on. I will bring words to nations and words to families and words to those who have made mistakes in the past. And in one day I will renew their life and their bodies. This is a time that I am stringing and causing My word to come. I have stairs up and down, ascending and descending, and angelic hosts are coming to redeem your past and open up your future."

Blessings on you!

Regner A. Capener

709 South 7thStreet
Sunnyside, Washington 98944

(509) 515-0133

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Sunday, February 10, 2013


Another Coffee Break:
A New Onoma,  Part 3

February 7, 2013
Mornin’ Folks! Best day of your life, right? Awww, now, don’t look at me in that tone of voice! Think of it this way: this is the day that the Lord has made – so take advantage of the day and walk in the blessings of the Lord!
Let's get right back to our discussion. We've got lots of territory to cover, and I'm likely going to run a bit long today. Here again is the prophetic Word given to and by John in Revelation:

"Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out; and I will write upon him the name (onoma)of my God, and the name (onoma)of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God; and I will write upon him my new name (onoma)!"(Revelation 3:12 KJV)

Because the name/onoma of the Lord is so clearly revealed in the Seven Spirits of God, I want to pick up where we left off last time in talking about the Spirit of Judgment and Burning. Before we do, here's a quick refresher on those Seven Spirits as revealed in the Word:

1.The Spirit of Judgment and Burning(Isaiah 4:4)
2.The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding (Isaiah 11:2)
3.The Spirit of Counsel and Might (Isaiah 11:2) -- referred to by the apostle Paul as: The Spirit of Power
4.The Spirit of Knowledge and of The Fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2) also referred to by Paul as: The Spirit of a Sound Mind
5.The Spirit of Grace and Supplications (Zechariah 12:10)
6.The Spirit of Truth (see John 15:26)
7. The Spirit of Glory (see I Peter 4:14)

In case this needs restating, it is imperative to remember that all of creation came into being for one purpose, and one purpose only: the bringing into being, the nurturing and maturing of a Bride destined to become the co-equal counterpart of Jesus Christ. Of necessity, that Bride must choose Jesus Christ of her own free will, else there can be no fellowship. Jesus' purpose has never been for a people who are robotically obedient to His commands and laws just because those commands exist. He has sought after a people who respond to His love and reciprocate with their whole beings -- because they love Him more than life itself.
The human race was given the same free will and choice that Jesus knows. He knew with divine foreknowledge that Satan would attempt to deceive the human race. He therefore incorporated His foreknowledge and creation of Satan into His plan for a Bride.

In Ezekiel's prophecy where he takes up the word of the Lord against Lucifer, he says, "Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God.........You were the anointed cherub who covers, and I placed you there." (See Ezekiel 28:12-14)

Correspondingly, He knew that only a small number of people would actually respond to Him with their whole beings. He also knew that an overwhelming majority would believe Satan's lies and deceit; that in their place of agreement with him, they would become his pawns in the battle against the Bride –and yet He still provided an open avenue and opportunity for their redemption.

Over the course of the last six millennia, therefore, in order to nourish and protect that Bride-in-processing, it has therefore been imperative that Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom, exercise judgment and extermination judiciously -- not to wipe out the opposition, but to allow just enough opposition to exist. The Bride would, as a consequence, be required to continually overcome and rule over that opposition in the realm of the Spirit.

The Spirit of Judgment and Burning, therefore, is pivotal to His onoma, His existence -- and to ours as His intended Bride. "Burning," of course, has another less comfortable (to the flesh, anyway!) aspect. It can also be seen within the framework of that which we have come to know as thlipsis: the fiery trials, the tribulations, the furnace of afflictions, and the "processing" which prepares us for Him. “Burning” serves to burn away the fetters which keep us in bondage.

A classic example of this is seen in the case of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Daniel’s friends who were thrown into the fiery furnace, bound with ropes and fetters. Not only did Nebuchadnezzar not get his desire to see the men die, the fire – heated seven times hotter than normal – only succeeded in burning away those bonds and setting Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego free! At the same time, those who threw them into the fire were killed by the heat of the furnace. Furthermore, Nebuchadnezzar saw the Lord walking with them in midst of the flames.

It is a choice reminder for us that whenever we are in the fire, the Lord is with us. This is a principle which addresses a commonly held misconception: namely, that the Lord does not want us to suffer. You can rest assured that He is much less concerned with the suffering of our flesh than He is with the building and development of our character, and the transformation of our onoma. (Now, as sure as I make that statement, some folks are sure to jump to the conclusion that I'm saying the Lord is cruel and heartless and that He doesn't care about our suffering. Wrong! He does! Our problem is that because we've lived our lives with such a humanistic perspective, we've lost sight of what it means to be overcomers -- and to KNOW the power of the Risen Christ over all disease, suffering and afflictions of every kind!)

Being changed into His likeness and image is the highest priority. It is of far greater importance that we not suffer throughout eternity, being separated from Jesus Christ (or worse, that we make it to heaven but are not included in the Bride because we failed to overcome the flesh) than that our flesh not endure pain for some short period of time – whether that period be measured in days, weeks, months, or years.
Now, let's talk about the second of the Seven Spirits of God: the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding.

Intrinsic to the very essence of Jesus' being is the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, Isaiah identified this second of the seven spirits using two Hebrew words: chok.mah, and biy.nah. Chok.mah comes from the root, cha.kam, which means: To judge with discernment; to be skilled in wisdom; to ascertain through supernatural perception. Biy.nah, the word translated "understanding," comes from its root word, biy, meaning: to discern or perceive; to have skill in insight; (in a mental sense) to stand apart, to cause to be separate and distinct, to easily distinguish.
At first glance, the concept of Judgment and Burning, melding and flowing with Wisdom and Understanding, seems to lose something in the translation. When we see the true meaning, however, of "Wisdom," in the sense of: judging with discernment, or ascertaining through supernatural perception; along with "Understanding" as: skill in insight, or the ability to separate (events, facts, circumstances, or people) into their distinct characteristics and qualities, we realize that without this Spirit, Jesus' onoma would be incomplete.

Consider, if you will, that the operations and workings of these spirits are promised as gifts -- a kind of dowry from the Bridegroom -- to the believer: the Bride being prepared and molded to be a fit counterpart for Jesus Christ.

Paul writes (in I Corinthians 12), "Now concerning spirituals, brethren, I do not wish you to be each is given the manifestation of the Spirit to make them fit and suitable (for the Bridegroom). For to one by the Spirit is given a word of wisdom; and to another a word of understanding by the same Spirit.............and to another, prophecy; and to another discerning of spirits......But [in] all these things is operating the one and same Spirit, dividing distinctly [out of His own nature and will] as He sees appropriate." (my translation)

Obviously, I have skipped over some of the mentioned manifestations of the Spirit -- "spirituals," if you will -- so as to illustrate just the first two aspects of Jesus' onoma.

In the phrase, "a word of understanding by the same Spirit" (we are more familiar with this as "a word of knowledge"), J. H. Thayer, in his Greek-English Lexicon, suggests that the word, gnosis, is better translated: Intelligence, understanding, advanced perception, a more perfected and enlarged knowledge. Gnosis, however, has a companion word in the Greek language, gnome, which helps us better see the framework from which this "word of understanding" operates.

Gnome means: Judgment, advice, decree, the faculty of knowing; the capacity to resolve with purpose and intention.

Judgment, therefore, is incorporated into this gift. Once again, this is not a harsh judgment, but the capacity coming out of agape to resolve things according to the desires of the Bridegroom. It is the best interests of the Bridegroom which are at stake, with a view towards that which He is accomplishing in the Bride's preparation. The Body of Christ has been slow to understand this concept of judgment. We have all withdrawn and flinched whenever there has been a perception of someone being judgmental, and have even tended to call people "judgmental" when they have simply spoken the truth in love.

What has happened, however, is that the Enemy has quietly quoted and inserted the scripture -- over and over and over again (within our subconscious) -- "Judge not that ye be not judged" (Matthew 7:1), and in the process, programmed us with a fear of judgment.

In Jesus' statement, "Judge not," an entirely different word is used in the Greek text -- krino -- which means: To separate, to pick out, to choose, to select; to approve, favor or esteem one over another:it also means: to pronounce an opinion concerning right and wrong.

Jesus, therefore, was referring to the choices and pronouncements of human will, choice, and intellectual opinion -- not His divine purposes, and not that Spirit of Judgment which is integral to His onoma.
Consider, once again, the significance of this truth. Human nature is very judgmental in its unregenerate state. This judgment is fed by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. So long, therefore, as we (even as Christians) eat of the Tree of Knowledge, we make "judgments" -- that is, we form opinions -- of what is good or evil, and make pronouncements accordingly. We make choices in our assessments of individuals. The result is "exclusivity." We form associations, attachments and friendships, and fellowship only with those we find "desirable."

Once we fall into the trap of becoming "exclusive" in our fellowship and/or associations with individuals, we then prefer certain ones over others. Without realizing what has happened, we have succumbed to The Fear of Man. The end result is the inability to speak the revealed truth of the Lord (the aforementioned "word of knowledge," or "word of understanding") to those who need it because of the fear of losing that desired relationship.

My brethren and my sisters, we are —each of us — being processed and dealt with in this area of our lives. Our responses to the dealing of the Holy Spirit are absolutely critical. How can we expect the Lord to imbue us with His onoma -- an onoma which incorporates true judgment -- if we make human judgments based on opinions nourished by the Tree of Knowledge?

How can we expect to walk in an onoma that makes divine decrees which govern not just the affairs of the human race, but also assert rulership in the realm of the Spirit over principalities and powers and lords of the darkness of this age, when we can't even speak the truth in agape to the brethren and sisters closest to us?

It is imperative that this become life in our beings! It is the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, working hand in hand with the Spirit of Judgment and Burning – both of which are integral to agape – which are foundational to the authority and rulership of Jesus’ onoma. By the same token, they must be linked and joined into, and made operational, as a part of the foundations of our onoma.
Our onoma is being conformed and changed to complete and fulfill the onoma of our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. John wrote that, "We know that when He shall be manifested, we shall be like Him." (I John 3:2) The Greek word translated, "like," is homoios. It means: To resemble, to be similar, to be like in form or look, in appearance, in nature, in mode of thinking, feeling, or acting; corresponding to, or equivalent to in strength, power and attractions, in authority, in mind and character.
No word could better describe the change of our onoma. In and of ourselves, we are unable to make this change. Yet the change is as inexorable as His power, and He makes the change in us, so long as we respond wholeheartedly, without hesitation, without limitations, without compromises, and without attempting to gloss over anything He exposes by His Spirit. In other words, our responses to the Paraklete, who has been given the responsibility of oversight for this change, must be with every breath of our existence.
It is the onoma of our Bridegroom which is at stake, and nothing less than absolute conformity to His onoma will suffice.
No one who resists, draws back, compromises in any way, or attempts to cover over any area of His dealing can expect to ever be incorporated into His Bride. That is not being judgmental. This is not a decision or an opinion of mine. It is simply truth! The Holy Spirit, in cooperation with the Bridegroom, has set the standard of change and conformity.

If we cannot overcome the frailties of our flesh and emotions, if we cannot dethrone imaginations and every high thing which exalts itself above the onoma of God, if we cannot overcome the lies of Satan and his evil spirits, along with their operations within us, how can we ever expect to be seated at His right hand "far above every principality and authority and power and lordship, and every onoma that is named, not only in this age, but in the coming one." ? (Ephesians 1:21 -- my translation)

That's a good place to leave things for today. We'll return next week with the third of the Seven Spirits of God: the Spirit of Counsel and Might.

Following is a very important prophetic word just shared by Chuck Pierce:

"Lift up your eyes! Lift up your eyes! Your redemption is drawing nigh, that which you need Me to come through on your behalf. Lift up your eyes and see! For you were looking in one plane and one direction. If you will lift up your eyes I will show you a horizon line that is set further than you have seen in the past. Lift up your eyes, for your help is on the way.

"For all the blessings in spiritual places I've given you, many of you have forgotten what I have spoken. And many [blessings] were hidden from one generation that I'm ready to reveal in another generation. So lift up your eyes, for above you, where I am seated in that Heavenly place, I am ready to reveal to you what you could not see even in the year that you have just completed.

"For one generation will begin to pass off their gift to another. When that happens, this generation will become a rear guard to those that are now moving on the front line. Get ready, for a movement has begun and Heaven has entered the earth realm and My people are beginning to move in a new way with revelation.

"There is a sound that I am bringing forth. For I have a people that will create the winds that are necessary to rearrange many events in the earth. Watch for the rearrangement of events. Watch for that which couldn't be bridged to be bridged. Watch for what could not be penetrated to be opened up. Watch for that which was out of order to be reordered. Bring forth the sounds into the earth that will cause some things to tumble, other things to be rebuilt, and some things to rise up and display the power that Heaven has not had displayed in the past season. Let Heaven be seen in the earth realm and let My people go forth in triumph.

"I have purchased right of ways in the earth realm, and those ways have not been pioneered before. But now I'm raising up a people and I'm giving them rights to ways that need to be opened up. Go! I have the deed to the right of way, and paved the way for many to come into a new place."

"I'm bringing down the wind into the earth realm that's stirring up the oil and the anointing to anoint the vision of My people tonight. Judah is going first and the sound is creating a salve to heal the eyes of My people. Some of you have a hard time erasing certain pictures that your eyes have seen. There's an anointing tonight for healing of a deep memory based upon the reflection of what you have seen that was not aligned with My purpose. Allow the sound and your worship to heal your vision."
Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener
709 South 7thStreet
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted –provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact. Older Coffee Break archives are available at Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

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Saturday, February 2, 2013


Another Coffee Break:
A New Onoma, Part 2

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning!

Got your coffee poured yet this morning? Come and join me. I've got some really dark roasted coffee that I picked up from Kaladi Brothers in Anchorage. Alaskans know what I'm talking about. Years ago I used to drive down the Seward Highway in Anchorage in the wee hours of the morning, and when you went past their place, you could smell the coffee roasting in their roasters. Fact is, you could smell it for blocks either way. That's a tantalizing odor, folks! Anyway, I brought some of it back with me to Sunnyside, and that's what I'm enjoying as I write this piece.

Let's begin our discussion today with a prophetic word in Revelation:

"Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out; and I will write upon him the name (onoma) of my God, and the name (onoma) of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God; and I will write upon him my new name (onoma)!" (Revelation 3:12 KJV)

This prophetic word is -- in my personal opinion -- one of the least understood and most profound promises ever made to God's people -- and especially those who have pressed in spiritually for the complete and total transformation that comes in the midst of an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Without getting ahead of myself too much in this overall discussion, let me just say that this is a prophecy and promise of total transformation into the character, the personality, the very makeup of the Lord Himself -- His very onoma, if you please -- and it comes as a product of our overcoming. Nothing about this promise is automatic for anyone. There is an ongoing process of overcoming the enemies of God who have pitted themselves against us with the objective of spoiling the plans and purposes of the Lord Jesus Christ.

As already noted in the previous Coffee Break, I did a series titled, Seven Nations, Seven Letters, in which I detailed the principal areas of overcoming described in the seven letters to the Ekklesia in Revelation 2 and 3. That's not what this series is about, however. My objective with this discussion is to share what Holy Spirit's objective is in changing and transforming us into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ as He prepares us for His return. (The archives at our new website ( have yet to be updated for access to the older Coffee Breaks, but if you want to read the series on the Seven Letters, you can simply send me an email and I'll forward it on to you.)

Let me pick up with where we left off in the last Coffee Break in our discussion of the Seven Spirits of God.

In Revelation 4:5, John writes, "Out of the throne proceeded lightnings, and thunders, and sounds; and seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God." Now he illustrates a very basic part of the nature and makeup of the Lord in the picture of these lamps of fire, and I will deal with this as we go forward with this discussion.

In case you think that I'm really stretching a point to say that the seven Spirits of God comprise the onoma of Jesus Christ, read on.

John makes his fourth reference to these seven Spirits of God in Revelation 5:6, where he says, "And I saw and beheld in the midst of the throne and the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb standing as having been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God which have been sent into all the earth." Finally, John makes clear that the Lamb which was slain (whom they all knew to be Jesus Christ) was He in whom consisted the Seven Spirits of God.

I won't take the time in this discussion to deal with all of these metaphors since they are peripheral to that which the Holy Spirit is saying concerning the new onoma. It is important, however, to identify these seven Spirits. They appear throughout the Scriptures from beginning to end, and I will list them in the order of their appearance in the way they are specifically identified:

1. The Spirit of Judgment and Burning (Isaiah 4:4)

2. The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding (Isaiah 11:2)

3. The Spirit of Counsel and Might (Isaiah 11:2) -- referred to by the apostle Paul as: The Spirit of Power

4. The Spirit of Knowledge and of The Fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2) also referred to by Paul as: The Spirit of a Sound Mind

5. The Spirit of Grace and Supplications (Zechariah 12:10)

6. The Spirit of Truth (see John 15:26)

7. The Spirit of Glory (see I Peter 4:14)

Before we get into any depth in discussing these seven Spirits, it is important to understand the framework which encompasses them. John -- in his first general epistle to the Ekklesias at large -- wrote the following, "Beloved, we should love (agape) one another, because love (agape) is of God; and everyone who loves (with agape) has been begotten of God and knows God. He who does not love (with agape) does not know God, because God is love (agape) ......... And we have known and have believed the love (agape) which God has toward us. God is love (agape), and he that abides in love (agape) abides in God, and God abides in him." (See I John 4:7-8, 16)

Twice he makes the statement that "God is love:" more specifically, that He is agape. The seven Spirits of God, therefore, operate within the framework of agape. The sum of these seven Spirits is agape.

Agape is a dimension of love which has been often taught and preached throughout the Body of Christ, and -- unfortunately -- rarely understood. There is nothing mushy, gushy, sloppy, or emotional about agape. Yet it evokes emotions in a powerful way. For years I have heard it taught as "commitment," or "a decision of the will." That is about as sad and tragic a definition as has ever been contrived! While the will is incorporated in the act of loving, agape goes far beyond cold logic and/or some impersonal sense of duty or commitment wrapped up in "a decision of the will."

This is a word which derived its origins in the work of the Septuagint translators who sought for a means in Greek language structure which would appropriately define the love-relationship described in the Song of Solomon. Agape, and its companion verb, agapao, were coined by the translators to define a limitless love which followed neither logic, nor emotion (as seen in the more common Greek word, phileo), but predicated its existence entirely on the basis of that which was best for the recipient.

The Greek scholars, Lachmann and Tregelles, after much research into the historical usage of this word, defined agape as: Love going forth from one's whole being and taking up its abode within another as though they were one being. One of the best definitions given is that of the scholar and Hebrew exegete, Gesenius: To prize someone so highly as to be virtually unwilling to give them up for any price -- no matter what the cost.

Agape is not a romantic love, yet it transcends all romance. It is not based in human relationship, yet it encompasses and rises above human relationship. It grips one’s being with a power which belies the love and tenderness which exist at its core.

The more one attempts to define agape in human terms, the harder it becomes. Agape transcends normal human emotions and abilities. It defies human logic and loves, even when that love is not reciprocated. Hence, Jesus made the statement to Nicodemus (who was trying to understand the whole concept of spiritual regeneration), "For God so loved (agape) the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish, but shall have life eternal."(John 3:16)

Agape takes on a revolutionary dimension and perspective, however, when we realize that it encompasses the aforementioned seven Spirits of God. Consider agape within the confines of "Judgment and Burning." Then "Counsel and Might." O.K? Have you ever perceived agape as the "Spirit of Power?"

Obviously, these are not concepts or perspectives which are normally considered. In my roughly seventy years of knowing and walking with the Lord, I don’t believe I have ever heard anyone teach on agape with this perspective, or incorporating these concepts.

This is the love of our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, for His Bride! It is elemental and central to His onoma. It is imperative, therefore, that we understand His onoma.

The whole thought of "judgment" is usually seen within the context of executing punishment upon evildoers. Doomsayers, who fear "The Great Tribulation," see judgment as doom and gloom. That is a perspective warped by the lack of a genuine agape,love-relationship with Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Judgment and Burning can, and may indeed, bring cataclysmic woes to those who play at religion and church, but it is actually defined as: setting things right for, and on the behalf of, those in union with Jesus Christ.

This is primary to Jesus' onoma. Judgment must be executed upon Satan. There is a day of everlasting torment and burning in store for him. Those who choose, by an act of their will, to agree with Satan's position must -- of necessity -- suffer his judgment. That doesn't mean that Jesus just jumps up and down for joy over the prospect of executing judgment upon those who reject Him. Peter wrote that "The Lord is ........ not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (II Peter 3:9) That word, "willing," in the original Greek text is boulomai.

Before I continue, let me digress momentarily.

The context of this word, boulomai, appears within the framework of “desire.” Jesus’ mind and will are not framed in such a way as to purpose destruction (from some place of revenge) on all who do not know Him. Rather, His heart’s desire is to see “all” avoid the sentence of death which came upon the human race through partaking of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He yearns for a people who will repent of their partaking of the Tree of Knowledge, who will repent of their giving in to the desires of the flesh, who will repent of their association and agreement with Satan, and every lying spirit which is a part of his onoma.

(All evil spirits, incidentally, are lying spirits. Every spirit of fear is a lying spirit. Every spirit of anger and rebellion is a lying spirit. Every spirit of witchcraft, control and manipulation is a lying spirit. Every spirit of fornication, adultery, and sexual deviancy is a lying spirit.) When we listen to, and follow the suggestions, the inducements, the seduction, or the impelling commands of any demonic spirits (or our flesh), we place ourselves in a place of agreement with Satan – and, co-incidentally, in opposition to Jesus Christ. This causes us to miss the mark or the target God has set before us, to err, hence to “sin.”

The Greek word used throughout the New Testament for “sin” is hamartia. This is an archery term taken from the ancient Greek Olympics which means to:miss the mark; to go wide of the target. The metaphorical context of its usage is this: we are the arrow shot from the bow. We have been sent towards a target. If we bend or twist in flight, we veer away from the target and miss the mark. Hence, we err. Applying this metaphor to our relationship, the target towards which we have been sent is a place of intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

To miss that mark is to miss His objective for us. While an arrow, in the natural sense, has no will or mind of its own to determine its course, it does – by virtue of its makeup – have its own individual quirks (e.g., the wood may be slightly cross-grain; there may be a weakness in one section which causes it to warp slightly when in flight; there are a host of other oddities which can cause an arrow to miss its mark, no matter how true the original aim and course of the marksman). We, on the other hand, have the ability to choose while in flight to remain true to the set course, or deviate from that course through our agreement or participation with Satan and his wicked spirits, or yielding to the flesh which resists the forces of the winds buffeting us in mid-flight. Hence, hamartia. Hence, error.

We have been raised with the notion that judgment is only something which addresses gross misdeeds – that judgment is not for the believer in Christ. In actual fact, we mustbe the recipients of judgment. There mustbe correction brought about for “missing the mark,” else we will neverrise to the place of adornment for the Lord; and – more than that – He will never have a Bride who is His co-equal counterpart.

Repentance, therefore -- from Jesus’ viewpoint – begins with coming to a place of agreement (in the Spiritnot simply intellectually) with Him in knowingwe have missed the mark and the objective He has set for us; and then submitting our will to His direction and purpose. Repentance is a turning from eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Repentance is renouncing our place (or places) of agreement with Satan, his spirits, and our flesh.

O.K? Pardon the digression, but it seems an appropriate aside to our overall discussion on the onomaof the Lord. To be transformed into His onoma absolutely requires the kind of repentance just described.

"Burning" is also something we seem to shy away from like "The Plague." However, it too is integral to Jesus' onoma. In Isaiah 4:4, where Isaiah first refers to the "Spirit of Judgment and Burning," the word used in the Hebrew text is which is translated, To kindle and consume with fire; to exterminate. Thus we are given a picture of the character of this Spirit -- this part of Jesus' onoma -- in the execution of His righteous judgment upon those enemies of the Lord who take up a stance against His Beloved, and the extermination of all those wicked spirits who rise up against His Bride.

There is an unusual picture of those enemies in David's cry (Psalm 139:19-24 KJV), "Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, Oh God: depart from me, therefore, ye bloody men. For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain. Do not I hate them, Oh Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies. Search me, Oh God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

Do you see the intent of David's prayer? He clearly recognizes that the real enemies of the Lord are within one's own being-- that those who rise up against God are wicked spirits whose entire being exists for the sole reason to speak against the Lord and His purposes. His prayer, therefore, is, "Search me, Oh God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked path, or course of direction in me...." (the use of the Hebrew word, de.rek, for "way" actually is meant for a path, a course of action, a course of direction.) David’s concern was that the Lord reveal any of those "wicked" hiding within his character, his makeup, or his thoughts.

I can see that I'm not even close to finishing this discussion on the Spirit of Judgment and Burning as a part of Jesus' onoma, so let me stop here and we will take this up the next time.

See you soon!

Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener
709 South 7thStreet
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted –provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact. Older Coffee Break archives are available at Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

If you would like to have these articles arrive each morning in your email, please send a blank email to: remove yourself from the mailing list, please send a blank email to

CAPENER MINISTRIES is a tax-exempt church ministry. Should you desire to participate and covenant with us as partners in this ministry, please contact us at either of the above email or physical addresses, or visit: