Wednesday, August 22, 2012


            Another Coffee Break:
Pictures of Tribulation & Wrath, Part 2

 Felicitations and Blessings!

Before I get into today's Coffee Break, I have an issue that needs attention.  One of our primary forums for publishing these posts -- -- has decided to cease operating in its present form.  Our forum -- -- has already been closed to any updating.  It is up to date as of a couple weeks ago, but eight years worth of Coffee Break archives will vanish as of December 1, 2012.  With something on the order of 100,000 readers who access the 30+ Multiply forums on which these columns appear will suddenly be without access.  That means we will have to scramble to move the Coffee Breaks to a new site -- and that site has yet to be determined.  If any of you are looking for something to do and you have the necessary skills to create a whole new site from scratch, please contact me immediately.

Secondly, for about the umptieth time, my MSN account was hacked and a large number of you received spam messages which purported to come from me.  Once we are able to get a substitute website up to replace the Multiply site, I will be dumping MSN as an email provider.  Even though I've been with MSN for nearly 20 years, the fact that privacy issues are not a priority with them, and the fact that -- increasingly -- users of MSN are nearly as prone to hacking as AOL users makes it necessary to make these changes.

Anyway, onward and upwards!

Let's begin today by drawing a completely different picture of tribulation than the one (or ones) referred to in the previous Coffee Breaks.  First, let me lay a foundation for this from Revelation 5:9-11.

"And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;   And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.   And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands."

(Note: The KJV translates the Greek zoon as "beast."   This is a somewhat misleading translation since the word actually should translate as "living being" or perhaps more accurately, "living creature," without actually identifying the kind of "being."  That, however, is a separate discussion for some later time.)

In sharing the Revelation of Jesus Christ, one of John's opening remarks (see Revelation 1:5-6) goes like this: "And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,  And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen."

Where we're going in our picture of tribulation that John is instructed to share is preceded by the fact that we are FIRST AND FOREMOST "kings and priests unto God;" and that being the case, we are given an assignment and a responsibility, specifically: "and we shall reign on the earth."

OK, so far?  The ability to "reign on the earth" is a direct byproduct of overcoming each of the enemies described in the seven letters -- and this is important to our understanding of where John is taking us next.

Notice also that the 5th chapter of Revelation opens with John seeing the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lion of Judah being handed a book which was sealed with seven seals.  Each of those seals had a prophetic significance for which John now receives understanding and revelation.

Chapter 6 is a clear description of the opening of the first six seals and gives us an understanding of events which have been taking place in the earth since the day(s) that John was first given this Revelation.

The first seal is opened by the Lord, a sound of thunder (the Greek word, bronte: a roar, an explosion of sound) is heard and John sees a white horse and a rider with both a crown and a bow going forth to conquer.  What John is seeing is the spirit of antichrist.  The particular Greek word used here is the same word (actually the root) which appears in Revelation 2:6 and 2:15 as "Nicolaitanes."  In previous Coffee Breaks (and in a forthcoming book titled SEVEN NATIONS, SEVEN LETTERS) I have dealt with the "doctrine of the Nicolaitanes" as well as "the deeds of the Nicolaitanes" which the Lord specifically labels as "which thing I hate!"

The unique thing about the word "Nicolaitane" is that it is a reversible contraction of two words: nicos [or nicaos] -- meaning, power; and laos -- meaning, the common people.  As previously noted, depending on how you contract these two Greek words you wind up with "power over the people" (or hierarchical church structure) or "power to the people" (more simply described as democracy in the church) or "congregational" church government.  No matter how you slice it, you come up with humanism and humanistic control -- i.e., "man in control" -- rather than the government of God.

It is antichrist because it substitutes mankind -- whether that be power filtered down through tiers of leadership, or power exercised by the masses -- in place of the Lord Jesus Christ and/or the leadership of Holy Spirit.  It presupposes that a man (or men) lack the individual ability to hear what Holy Spirit is saying and how He chooses to lead His people; and it substitutes man-made decision-making for direct leadership AND THE ANOINTING of Holy Spirit.

Thus, depending on how you render nicos and laos, you have a single individual (or a small group of individuals through tiers of leadership) exercising the power to conquer the masses in the body of Christ; or you have the masses in the congregations dictating (through the taking of votes) who their leader is to be, how that leader is to lead, and what he (or she) is permitted to preach or teach.  You have a form of Godliness.  You have some real, genuine preaching of parts of the Gospel, but the demonstrable authority of Holy Spirit is missing; and the promised signs to follow the believer are absent.  There is no "gospel of the Kingdom" with the attendant authority and power to demonstrate.

In this illustration (in Revelation 6:2) of the rider on the white horse, you see the false Christ going forth "conquering, and to conquer."  It was already happening in John's day, and it certainly is happening today!

John next sees the second seal opened, and with that seal a rider on a red horse who was given the ability to steal peace in such a way as to cause men and women to turn on each other with accusations, personal attacks and even kill each other.  You'll observe that John describes this particular rider as having a great sword.  What you are seeing is a classic picture of a religious spirit being driven and motivated by the Fear of Evil.  The word in the Greek text translated here as "a great sword" is the word machaira, and it is a commonly-used term meant to describe the execution of judicial punishment.

Although this spirit is certainly alive and well and operating in the earth today -- with a vengeance, I might add -- it is my personal conviction that John saw the tribunals under the various Roman Emperors and the Inquisition that took place in the Dark Ages in which false accusations were leveled against Christians, and they were put to death through absolutely unbelievable methods.  Torture, mutilation, beheadings, being burned at the stake, thrown to the lions, used as target practice for gladiators -- these were but a few of the means used to try to get Christians to recant their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  (If you haven't read Foxe's Book of Martyrs, I strongly recommend it to you.)

Tribulation?  Yesssirrrreeee!!!  We're at war, folks!   We are at war against Satan, his hordes of demons and his agenda of lies and deception against the people of God.  He opposes us.  He opposes the Lord Jesus Christ.  He opposes the Plan that Father God put in place before the foundation of the earth.  Anyone who thinks they can live in this world and walk as lights in this generation without suffering tribulation is simply deluding him- or herself.  So long as we walk with the Lord we will be opposed, persecuted and fought against with death as Satan's purposed objective.

Now John sees the third seal opened, and with that seal the release of a black horse with a rider whose primary objective was to change weather patterns that would alter growing seasons in such a way as to ruin crop harvests, bring drought and release pestilence.  His plan? To starve people through famine and release plagues of diseases across the earth.  Have we seen this?  You bet!  So that you understand that John was seeing something that was about to unfold in the near future -- let alone the distant future! -- between 400 AD and 800 AD, the population of Rome lost 90% of its inhabitants due to famine and starvation.

Let me bring this more up to date.  Between 1810 and 1849, four famines raged throughout China taking 45 million lives.  Between 1959 and 1961, a continuous cycle of famine took another estimated 43 million lives in China.  Even more to the present, in 2009 an estimated 10 million Kenyans lost their lives due to famine and disease, and that doesn't count those in Somalia, Ethiopia, East Africa and Niger.  And we haven't even begun to talk about the famines that have occurred within the past decade in Russia, Siberia, Vietnam or North Korea!

Let's continue with the opening of the seals.  Let me remind you that we are NOT seeing the wrath of God!  This, folks, is tribulation -- GREAT tribulation -- and it is going on (and has been ever since John was allowed to see it!)

The fourth seal is opened, and John sees a pale (Greek: chloros > green) horse.  The rider in this instance is Death, and John tells us that "Hell followed with him."  In this instance we have the picture of death having authority over a quarter of the earth.  Specific delegated authority was given to kill with the sword (persecution, wars and conflicts), famine, pestilence (all kinds of diseases -- some of them exotic diseases) and with wild beasts (Greek: therion > savage beasts, venomous creatures).

Here again we have a picture of something that has been going on nonstop for the past 2,000 years.  I will remind you that literally millions of Christians were killed at the hands of the various Roman emperors for their testimony.  Wars of one kind or another and conflicts have raged throughout the centuries.  The significant difference was the beginning of the 20th Century in which -- for the first time in history -- much of the entire world was engaged in a conflict.  The world was still recovering from World War I when Hitler came to power in Germany,  Stalin came to power in Russia and Mussolini came to power in Italy.

Everyone thinks that Hitler was the measurement standard of all that is evil when he slaughtered six million Jews, (and we're not arguing that) but no one thinks about the 13 million Christians and Jews (and people in general who opposed Stalin) murdered during Stalin's regime.  Add to that the estimated 1.25 million killed under Mussolini's regime and you have more than 20 million people who were murdered under these three dictators between 1939 and 1945.

Let's make it a bit more recent.  How about the uprising in Tahrir Square in Cairo?  How many of you saw the news piece on CNN and on MSNBC (on February 2, 2011) where they were covering the uprising?  In the video clip there is a very clear picture of a pale green rider on a pale green horse riding into the crowd.  The rider has a sword in hand, and two angelic beings accompany him.  Suddenly the rider and the accompanying beings disappear as though they simply faded away.  The appearance of this rider really caught the attention of the news media, but Christian commentators latched onto it immediately as a sign of a prophetic event unfolding.  Perhaps you've seen the news being reported in the past few days by FOX News, the Washington Times, World Net Daily and other news media where the Muslim Brotherhood is crucifying Christians on trees in plain sight for the world to see.

Now, let's add to all of this the incredible famines we've already talked about; and then there are all the stories in the news about pets turning on their masters and killing them, zoo animals escaping and killing people in the streets, wild animals -- cougars, bears, mountain lions (you name it) -- coming into communities and attacking people.  OK, you say, but we've heard these kinds of stories for years!  Sure you have, but how many years?  10, 20, 30 years?  Compared to the last few centuries, folks, these stories are increasing dramatically.

The picture now changes as the Revelation continues to unfold for John.  The fifth seal is broken and John sees the great altar with the souls of the thousands and millions of people throughout time who had been murdered because of their testimony, and because of their faithfulness in standing for and upon the Word of God.  He hears the cry coming forth from them asking the Lord how much longer the wicked would be permitted to continue before the blood of those slain was avenged.

The Lord lets John know that white robes (wedding garments) were given to all of them, and that they should just relax a bit longer until those who still remained who would be killed were put to death.  If you understand this picture, then you understand that the tribulation and persecution seen when the second and fourth seals were opened was still incomplete, and that there was yet an additional number of believers to die because of the Word of the Lord in them, and because of their testimony.

Let me pause for a moment to comment on remarks I've heard from numerous Christians over the past few years.  A common point of contention among many is that a loving God would never put His people through such persecution and tribulation, allowing them to be murdered in cold blood because of their testimony.  What these misguided Christians fail to see and understand is that, first of all, God is NOT a sadist!  He isn't the one doing all of this.

This is the work of Satan who opposes and exalts himself above all that the Lord Jesus Christ is (and has been) doing.  With every cell of his existence, Satan seeks to prevent the Lord from receiving His inheritance in a people who are His exact counterpart, His other self, His precise image!  These are a people who victoriously rise above the persecution, the opposition, the tribulation and the threat of death to overcome every effort of the Enemy to prevent them from being that counterpart of Jesus Christ.

Death is no threat to them whatever!  They have no fear of death!  The comfort of their flesh is irrelevant when compared to the Glory of the Lord being revealed IN THIS HOUR!!!  And John saw it!  He could testify firsthand to it.  Let's not forget that when John was given this Revelation of Jesus Christ and put it down in writing for the body of Christ to read, the Roman Emperor, Domitian, had tried to put John to death.  Failing that, he tried to torture John by dipping him into a vat of boiling oil.  John came out of that vat unscathed and unmarked.  When that failed, he exiled him to the Isle of Patmos so as to rid the empire of John's influence.  Even that failed!  John could therefore write the Revelation as a victorious survivor and overcomer.

If we are to believe historical documents, John lived to the year 116 or 117 AD, finally dying in Ephesus at an age easily exceeding 110 years.  The early church father, Polycarp, who suffered martyrdom himself, was a disciple of John being mentored in the Gospel by a man who clearly understood the message of the overcomer.

Here's how John saw it, personally experienced it, and described it:  "And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."

Get it?  John is seeing the final moment of victory when every effort and every device of Satan is put down because of (1) the legal authority given to the believers by and through the blood of Jesus, (2) the faithful testimony of the overcomers as they testified to what the blood of Jesus accomplished in defeating Satan, and (3) they never let the threat of death deter them, even though -- for many -- torturous death did come as Satan tried to force them to change their confession.

I've said it before and I'll say it again!  Great tribulation?  You bet!  Getting raptured or caught away out of it so that you don't have to experience great tribulation?  NOT if you want the Glory of the Lord to be revealed in the here and now AND gain the final victory that Jesus has given us over Satan!

Next week we'll look at the breaking of the sixth seal and the significance of the events that John saw, and if we have the time to do it we'll look at the eighth chapter to see the wrath of God.

"A phenomenal opportunity to encounter and embrace our Heavenly Father is being given to the Church around the world today. It is one that must be welcomed and protected. With the dawning of this new day in Church History, the anointing of Heaven is disbursed in the spiritual atmosphere so those truly seeking Truth can lay hold of it and obtain great insight with understanding. As Sons of the Kingdom ask with sincerity for this deposit, it will be received. Our spiritual eyes will be illumined to see the Scriptures from Heaven's perspective, not merely man's.

The spiritual realities that are being birthed in the earth now will have no end. They will literally flow into the Millennial age and the coming manifestation of His Kingdom on the earth.

Though we do not know when those days will be fully revealed, we do know that the purposes now being birthed will advance directly into that age. We will begin to taste the good Word of God and the power of the age to come. Like the beloved disciple John in his notable revelations, we will be allowed to eat the open book containing the full manifestation of the Lord's redemptive plans and purposes. This will be the tasting of His Kingdom Word and a demonstration of Kingdom might, in order to wonderfully introduce the Lord Jesus in truth and power, to an entire generation.  (Prophetic Word from Paul Keith Davis)

Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener

709 South 7th Street
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

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Sunday, August 12, 2012


Another Coffee Break:
Pictures of Tribulation & Wrath,
Part 1
Greetings & Solutions!
Without any ado let's get right to today's discussion.  By the way, I do have a French Press brimming with some very dark roasted French Roast.  Come on over and set a spell with me.
In keeping with the theme of the past two discussions, this Coffee Break can be regarded as part III of the Antichrist series as I seek to clear up some confusion in the body of Christ concerning some of the end time teachings and doctrines we've all been exposed to.  Again let me begin with I Corinthians 13:9,10,12):
"For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away...... For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
As already noted, my sharing with you comes out of the revelation Holy Spirit has downloaded in me and that which I have been walking personally -- especially during the past 30 years.  I do not claim to have all of the blanks filled in yet so bear with me if some of what I share doesn't seem to click in your spirit.
In our last Coffee Break, I noted that Paul used the Greek word thlipsis in Colossians, and here we have it translated "afflictions."  Let's take a look at that for a minute.
"Although you were previously alienated and hostile in your thinking by virtue of the wicked deeds you were engaged in, yet He [Jesus Christ] has now reconciled you to the Father through the death of His fleshly body [on the Cross] in order to present you before Him holy, blameless and beyond reproach -- if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and immovable, and not removed in any way from the hope of the Gospel [of the Kingdom] which you have heard, and which was proclaimed in all creation under Heaven -- that of which I, Paul, was made a minister.  I rejoice now in my tribulation and sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His Body (which is the Ekklesia) in filling up that which is lacking in Christ's afflictions.  Of this Ekklesia I was made a minister according to the administration and stewardship from God imparted upon, in and through me for your benefit so that I might completely carry out the preaching and teaching of the Word."  (Colossians 1:21-25, my translation & amplification)
We actually see the word thlipsis twice in this passage -- once translated as Paul's tribulation and sufferings, and once as the afflictions of Christ.  Notice what that thlipsis  produced in Paul.
It resulted in Paul's being able to share from a personal standpoint the afflictions that Jesus went through on our behalf.  It produced the change of Paul's nature in such a way that the Lord imparted a stupendous anointing.  That anointing resulted in the efficacy of Paul's being able to share a revelation of Jesus Christ such that 2000 years of fellow-believers have been able to profit and grow in their relationship with the Lord as a result.
Next, take a look at Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians.
"[We] sent Timotheus, our brother and minister of God, and our fellow-laborer in the Gospel of Christ, to establish you and to comfort you concerning your faith: that no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we were appointed thereunto.  For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass and ye know."  (I Thessalonians 3:2-4 KJV)
Here again, twice, we see the alternate translation of the word thlipsis as "afflictions" and "tribulation."  Again, Paul is telling us that tribulation and afflictions for believers [who press forward in Christ Jesus] is the norm!  Tribulation isn't something abnormal for the believer!  Tribulation is a normal part of our existence as believers.  To create an imaginary picture -- a fantasy, if you will -- in the mind that tribulation is something to be avoided is -- once again -- a lie of antichrist.  It is a false Christ that says You don't need to go through tribulation!  I'll just snatch you out of the way and keep you safe in Heaven during "the great tribulation."  It is a false Christ -- a substitute Christ -- that suggests that A loving God would never put His people through tribulation!
We've been quoting this verse from John's Gospel in the previous Coffee Breaks, and here it is again!  Jesus said (and continues to say!):
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."  (John 16:33)
It's NOT the Lord that is putting us through tribulation and afflictions.  These things are a byproduct of the fact that sin is at work in the world.  We are enemies of sin.  We are residents and representatives of a Kingdom that is in the midst of overthrowing Satan's dominion in the earth today.  For us to think we're going to somehow escape experiencing tribulation is an absolute fantasy.  It is a demonic fantasy!
Let me take this another step.  What about our fellow-believers in China today?  What about our fellow-believers in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries where folks worship a god who hates Yowd Hey Vav Hey (Jehovah) and His Son, Jesus Christ, with a purple passion?
Father and mothers kill their sons and daughters who convert to Christianity, and they feel absolutely justified in doing so.  They cut off the hands or the feet of believers.  They starve them to death in prison.  They hang them on public display in order to demonstrate their utter hatred of the Lord Jesus Christ and all who believe in Him.  They drill holes in the heads of Christians and string wires through them, connecting those wires to electric current in order to hopefully destroy their brains and rid them of any thoughts of serving the Lord Jesus.
Tribulation!  It goes with the territory, folks!  The overwhelming majority of the tribulation that committed believers suffer today is a direct product of other religious people (and very often those who call themselves Christians) who oppose them as heretics, or simply do not want to hear a Gospel preached that requires them to be anything other than passive "believers."
I'll share with you some personal experiences for the sake of illustration.
You all know that I grew up in the arctic, and that my parents were pioneer missionaries who went into communities where people either were hearing a watered-down Gospel, or they were still steeped in ancient traditions under the rule of shamans.  The churches that did exist in those communities were not challenging the status-quo and any concept of deliverance from evil spirits was non-existent.
We saw a move of the Spirit in the late 1950's and early 1960's equal to anything you read about in the book of Acts.  After several years of being absent from the far north, I returned in the late 1970's to Barrow, Alaska.  It was not my intention to start another church fellowship when I went, and I expected to work with the pastor who was serving in the church I'd helped my Dad build.
He was a fairly young man and one who was not confident in himself, nor in the relationship he had with the Lord, nor in the church denomination he was with.  When I returned to Barrow, I had long been away from the denomination my father was a part of -- not out of any antagonism towards the denomination, but simply because the Lord had opened up doors of opportunity for me to minister across denominational lines.  By that time, I'd served in a conservative Baptist church, spent a year ministering in a Methodist church, filled in for a Lutheran pastor while he took a sabbatical, preached in multiple seminars with Roman Catholic priests -- some of whom were among my best friends, spent a year teaching classes on the Priesthood of the Believer in a Mormon ward, done Charismatic seminars with Lutheran and Episcopal denominational leaders, etc., etc., etc.  You get the picture.  I went where the Lord directed me to go and He gave me the necessary grace and favor.
Because I was not a part of my father's denomination any longer, all of a sudden I was a threat.  The current pastor of that church in Barrow I'd helped Dad to build made it clear that I was not welcome there.  At the same time, elders in the local Presbyterian church who had known me from years prior came to me and asked me if I would serve in an interim capacity while they awaited the appointment of a permanent pastor by the Missions Board of the denomination.  I accepted gladly and served there for four months.  The new, permanent pastor and I became good friends and we were able to fellowship together freely.
When people in the community realized that I was not going to serve at the Presbyterian church any longer, and that I'd been declared persona non grata at the other church, they asked me to begin another non-denominational fellowship, and that I did.
I began to teach and preach deliverance from evil spirits, from the traditions of man, and began to teach on the reemergence of the Tabernacle of David (a society of praisers and worshipers) as a practical and operational event in the body of Christ, religious opposition began to rear its ugly head.  When I began to teach and lead people in the realm of spiritual warfare, I became the target of real warfare and persecution.
My name was spoken of in the pulpit of the very church I'd helped my parents to build, and it was bandied about as that of a heretic.  However my name was used, people were encouraged to do everything in their power to drive me out of the community.
For months my phone would ring and a muffled voice on the other end would say words to the effect of, "The next time you step out the door, you're going to get a bullet through the face."  Hate mail filled my mailbox.  My two youngest children were repeatedly attacked and beaten on their way home from school.  My oldest daughter was shot at six times.
Driving one day from my office, I heard a thud on the side of the van I was driving.  I wasn't sure if I'd hit something so I stopped to take a look.  There was a bullet hole that had punctured the side of the van just behind my seat.  The bullet passed through the van and out the other side.  Not long thereafter, I was standing in a construction shack with one of the elders in our fellowship on property we had acquired for building a worship center.  We'd been standing in front of a window studying the building plans when suddenly Holy Spirit yanked us apart.  In that same split second, the window exploded as a bullet passed a couple inches from my face.
I opened the door to the shack and saw a man standing out on the road some 300 feet or so away with a rifle and a scope.  Running toward him as fast as I could, I hollered at him, "Hey, what do you think you're doing?"  That obviously was the last thing he expected.  He turned to run and dropped his rifle.  He stopped to grab it off the ground and ran to a waiting vehicle with the motor running and sped away.
A few days later when the construction crew was at work on the same property getting ready to sink piling into the ground, a group of young men showed up with rifles in hand and told the construction foreman that "You either stop now, or we will kill you and your crew."  He came to see me a few minutes later and told me that they were all boarding a flight for Anchorage.  "Call me if you ever get this mess straightened out," he said.  "If we can actually get on with the work, let us know and we'll come back.  Otherwise, we're out of here!"
We had leased the community center from the city for our fellowship gatherings.  The building was in a severe state of disrepair, so we set about to restore the building.  We put in new flooring, linoleum and carpet, painted the place and installed new bathrooms.  Not long after the work was complete, we showed up one Sunday morning for our services and the place was a wreck.  The city manager had rented the place out on Saturday for some parties and no effort had been made to clean it up.  When I went to report it to the city manager, he let me know that the building was not ours to use any longer and that our lease was terminated.
I'd been operating two for-profit businesses in Barrow as a means to fund our growing ministry operations and to provide capital for the expansion of the ministry of the Christian Broadcasting Network in Alaska.  In the eight weeks that followed the loss of the community center, my store was broken into six times.  Every time I tried to restock the merchandise (it was a high-end stereo and TV business), the store was broken into and the place cleaned.
In the middle of these robberies, two employees who were managing my communications business embezzled $145,000 in cash and fled the town.
What's funny is that in the midst of all this turmoil we were seeing miracle after miracle take place in the lives of individuals.  In my mind, all of these things just went with the territory.  I'd seen Dad and Mom suffer persecution and opposition for the sake of the Gospel.  Why should I think it would be any different with me?
I sent my two youngest children out of town to be with my parents for their own safety and protection.  My oldest daughter felt she could stick things out.  She was nearing graduation from High School and didn't want to leave her friends.
The repeated loss of merchandise in my retail store eventually brought me to the place where I didn't have the necessary cash to keep refilling the shelves, and I couldn't pay for the merchandise that had been stolen.  It forced me into bankruptcy.
Within a matter of weeks after filing, there came a knock on our door.  When I answered the door, police officers stood there with guns drawn.  They announced that they had a search warrant and told me to get out of the way.  When I asked them what they needed or what they were looking for (and that I would be glad to get for them whatever they thought I had) they pushed past me and began ransacking the house.  They took clothing, bedding, personal papers, and some very expensive stereo equipment that I had in the living room, and left.
Because I was closely linked to CBN in Virginia Beach at the time, I called CBN's Chief Counsel and told him what was happening.  His reaction was to be expected, "This can't really be happening in America!  This is not the Soviet Union!  How do they think they can get away with this?"
In the end, I had no attorney to represent me -- none of the local attorneys (and they were few!) wanted to touch the case -- and by the time I was able to get an attorney in Fairbanks (over 500 miles away) things had really gone downhill fast.  In the end, none of the items taken were ever returned, and the stereo equipment wound up in the homes of two of the police officers.
Despite the furor and confusion, the opposition and the persecution, we were seeing the Gospel spread through Christian television into the native communities scattered throughout Alaska.  We were hearing miracle after miracle after miracle of changed lives, people receiving healing, folks being set free from evil spirits.
The story I've just related to you is a fraction of all that took place.  There's a whole lot more that I could share, but you've gotten the picture.  It would fill a volume to just talk about the tribulation and the persecution.  You see it don't you? This was not the wrath of God!  This was nothing more and nothing less than what Jesus assured believers they would experience....remember?
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
Jesus spoke this promise in order to ensure that we would be at peace in the midst of it.  Tribulation, persecution and opposition all pale into insignificance when you see Holy Spirit at work otherwise.  None of it moved Paul.  Consider what he said as he prepared to be taken to Jerusalem:  (See Acts 20:22-24)
"And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there: Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me.  But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God."
Later on Paul would write to Timothy and say, "But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra;  what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.  Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."  (II Timothy 3:10-12)
Now look again at the last half of verse 11:  "what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me."
I've often wondered why so many Christians are anxious to avoid suffering, persecution, affliction and tribulation when God's Word makes it repeatedly clear that this goes with anyone who "will live Godly in Christ Jesus."
Without quoting the entire passage (and I refer you to II Corinthians 6:4-10) Paul makes the point that Father God demonstrates the difference between those who have His approval and those who do not by the grace with which they live through tribulation, afflictions, tumults, imprisonments, necessities, distresses and every other form of thlipsis.   How so?  By the way in which He vindicates His Word!
I've run out of time today to take this where I wanted to go, so we'll continue with this topic next week, but let me finish up today by saying that in the midst of all the persecution, the opposition, the losses that I suffered, the accusations that were leveled against me, and all the attempts that were made on my life, when all the smoke cleared away, the Lord vindicated His Word -- that same Word He had sent me to Barrow to deliver -- in ways that simply left me breathless and astonished.
Tribulation?  Yesssirrrreeee!!!  Anyone who thinks they can live in this world and walk as lights in this generation without suffering tribulation is simply deluding him or herself.
Great tribulation?  You bet!  Getting raptured or caught away out of it so that you don't have to experience great tribulation?  NOT if you want the Glory of the Lord to be revealed in the here and now!
Next week I'll take you into the sixth chapter of Revelation for a picture of great tribulation.  Then we'll look at the eighth chapter to see the wrath of God poured out.
"A phenomenal opportunity to encounter and embrace our Heavenly Father is being given to the Church around the world today. It is one that must be welcomed and protected. With the dawning of this new day in Church History, the anointing of Heaven is disbursed in the spiritual atmosphere so those truly seeking Truth can lay hold of it and obtain great insight with understanding. As Sons of the Kingdom ask with sincerity for this deposit, it will be received. Our spiritual eyes will be illumined to see the Scriptures from Heaven's perspective, not merely man's.
The spiritual realities that are being birthed in the earth now will have no end. They will literally flow into the Millennial age and the coming manifestation of His Kingdom on the earth.
Though we do not know when those days will be fully revealed, we do know that the purposes now being birthed will advance directly into that age. We will begin to taste the good Word of God and the power of the age to come. Like the beloved disciple John in his notable revelations, we will be allowed to eat the open book containing the full manifestation of the Lord's redemptive plans and purposes. This will be the tasting of His Kingdom Word and a demonstration of Kingdom might, in order to wonderfully introduce the Lord Jesus in truth and power, to an entire generation.  (Prophetic Word from Paul Keith Davis)

Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener
709 South 7th Street
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted – provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact.  Older Coffee Break archives are now available at and are being slowly added at  Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

If you would like to have these articles arrive each morning in your email, please send a blank email to: Subscribe@AnotherCoffeeBreak.comTo unsubscribe, send a blank email to

CAPENER MINISTRIES is a tax-exempt church ministry. Should you desire to participate and covenant with us as partners in this ministry, please contact us at either of the above email or physical addresses, or visit

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Another Coffee Break:
Wrath vs. Tribulation

And a supercalifragilistic morning to you!  Well, OK!  Expialidocius, too!

WOW!  Guess I should have seen it coming, but didn't realize my last Coffee Break would stir up such a hornet's nest.  Talk about angering religious spirits!  Even had one preacher call me the Antichrist because of what I shared.  Oh well!  I know that when you begin to address long-held doctrines and traditions, this comes with the territory.  Nevertheless, I'm bound to share that which Holy Spirit directs.

This Coffee Break can be regarded as part II of the Antichrist series, and yet I'm dealing more with the confusion that has developed in the body of Christ as a result of "antichrist doctrines" -- or doctrines which essentially cheat the Lord Jesus Christ out of receiving His due inheritance in His people.  Before I get into the things I need to share, let me build a "fence" around this discussion.  In case you haven't figured it out yet, I don't know all there is to know.  (Grin!)  The apostle Paul put it like this (see I Corinthians 13:9,10,12):

"For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away...... For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

I can share to the extent of the revelation that Holy Spirit downloads in me, and to the extent that I walk out and experience that which He imparts.  I used to look back a decade or so and think, Wow, the Lord sure has taught me a lot!  What was learned during a period of ten years ago in time past has accelerated enormously as we draw closer and closer to the Day of the Lord.  Now I look back a matter of months and say, WOW!!!
Now, let me make a few quick corrections to some statements made in the last Coffee Break.  I'm indebted to a good brother in the Lord and fellow-laborer in the Gospel, Keith Gerner, for steering me in the right direction.  Keith is a true apostle.  He has overseen the move of God in Ireland for more than 50 years, and is one who has literally been responsible for tens of thousands of people (and even more) coming into the Kingdom of God.  That said, Keith received his degree in history from Oxford, and was able to help me get some facts straight concerning Margaret MacDonald and the influence of the Scofield Reference Bible.

First, Margaret MacDonald was not an adherent of pre-trib rapture.  Some of her writings are available online, and as she wrote in an article the year before she died, she saw the rapture coming AFTER "the tribulation, being the fiery trial which is to try us," and for "the purging and purifying of the real members of the body of Jesus."

Secondly, the doctrine of dispensationalism, along with the doctrine of a pre-tribulation rapture was the product of a "revelation" by two Jesuit priests in Spain in or around 1830.  As they began to share these doctrines within their sphere of influence, it drew the attention of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.  They were subsequently excommunicated, eventually leaving Spain for France where they fell in with local leaders of the newly-spreading Plymouth Brethren movement.

These teachings became part and parcel of the Plymouth Brethren, and began to spread into the Reform denominations -- along with that, the Presbyterian leadership in America.  C.I Scofield was converted in or around 1879 and mentored by James Brookes, then pastor of Walnut Street Presbyterian Church of St. Louis.  Brookes had become a strong adherent of J. N. Darby (Darby's Translation of the N.T.) who was a pioneer in the Plymouth Brethren's beginnings.  Darby was a strong proponent of the dispensationalist pre-trib teachings.  As a result, Scofield was mentored under those doctrines.

 I originally stated that Scofield's Reference Bible was published in the late 1890's, but in fact, Scofield only had his New Testament notes and commentary at that time.  His complete reference Bible was published by Oxford Press in England in 1909, replete with Scofield's notes, references and cross-references.

OK.  Enough of that.  Let's move on.

Over the past years, and especially the past few months, we have had numerous discussions with various brethren concerning the confusion surrounding the difference between tribulation and the wrath of God.

As I noted in the last Coffee Break tribulation is something promised by the Lord for all believers.  Jesus put it like this:

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."  (John 16:33)

Before we get too far along in this discussion, it's necessary for us to look at the Greek word used throughout the New Testament which gets translated "tribulation."  This is an interesting word.  Thlipsis (there's a tongue-twister for you!) literally means: pressure, afflicted (affliction), burdened, trouble -- and of course, the two uses we most commonly associate with: persecution, tribulation.  This word comes from the root: thlibo, which means to squeeze into narrow places, to crowd.

Pretty clear so far, right?

One of the translated uses of thlipsis in Paul's letters is the word, affliction(s).  I'll come back to this momentarily.

The word "wrath" which appears in the New Testament Greek as the word orge (and comes from its root, oregomai) occurs some 45 times.  It literally means: violent passion, justifiable ire or abhorrence, and by extension, punishment; indignation, vengeance.  This is one of those picture words in the Greek language which creates an image of the mind literally stretching forth in violent excitement in order to execute righteous judgment.

Now that we have these definitions, let's take a look at some appropriate applications in the Word so that we can clearly understand why tribulation is a necessity for God's people; and why, in contradistinction, those in love with the Lord and committed to Him will not experience His wrath.

Pardon me, folks, if at first this comes across pedantically or too much like a lesson from a Bible College class.  I don't want to bore you, but it is necessary to lay a foundation so that you can understand the real picture of tribulation and rejoice in the midst of it because of what the Lord is doing in us.

Consider Joseph.  Here's a guy who had some real revelation from the Lord.  He goes to share it with his family and gets mocked by even his father.  In fairly short order, his brothers kidnap him and sell him to some Ishmaelite slave traders.  He gets sold to Potiphar, Captain of Pharaoh's personal guard, as his personal slave.

Despite the betrayal of his brothers and the unbelievable change of circumstance, Joseph manages to refrain from becoming accusatory or bitter.  He behaves with integrity before Potiphar and in the process of time is given charge over all of Potiphar's household and business affairs.  Things are looking up.

Potiphar's wife decides that she's going to have Joseph and attempts to entice and seduce him.  Nope.  When she tries to lay hands on him and force him into a compromising situation, he breaks loose leaving his outer garment in her hands.  When she cries "Rape!" Joseph is immediately seized and thrown into prison without a trial or any opportunity to defend himself.  Still he refuses to become embittered.

Once again, the Lord is with Joseph (He has been all along in the midst of this tribulation) and he gains the favor of the prison warden.  Once again, Joseph is given complete charge -- this time over all the prisoners and over the operation of the prison.  Something like five years pass.  Pharaoh's cupbearer and baker get caught in events which anger him and they get thrown into prison, only to be placed in Joseph's care.

A few months pass and both dream dreams.  Because the Lord is with Joseph he is able to interpret these dreams.  The cupbearer is going to be restored to his position and the baker is going to lose his (and his life).  Joseph pleads with the cupbearer to remember him to Pharaoh when he is restored.  Sure enough the baker is executed and the cupbearer is restored to his position.  Unfortunately, the cupbearer forgets his promise to Joseph.

Two more years pass.  Joseph has now been in prison for seven years.  He was 17 years of age when his brothers sold him into slavery.  He is now 30 years of age.  13 years have passed -- years of trial, trouble, pressure, false accusations and -- for the last seven -- imprisonment.  These are years of severe tribulation for a man who has had dreams and visions from the Lord, and promises that are forever etched in his being.

Now it is Pharaoh's turn to have some dreams -- two of them.  No one among Pharaoh's wise men and advisers have any clue as to what they mean.  All of a sudden the cupbearer remembers Joseph and tells Pharaoh about him.  The long-awaited call comes and Joseph is retrieved from prison, cleaned up and dressed in appropriate garments to be presented to Pharaoh.  As Pharaoh unfolds his two dreams the Lord reveals the prophetic picture to Joseph, which he in turn shares with Pharaoh.

In less time than it took for Joseph to share with Pharaoh the prophetic implications of his dreams and make recommendations to him, Pharaoh changes Joseph's status from former slave and prisoner to Prime Minister of Egypt.  Now Joseph is second in command over the entire nation.

What am I getting at?

The tribulation that Joseph experienced wasn't God's doing, it was man's!  But God used those 13 years for Joseph's benefit, his training and preparation to rule.  He took what was meant for Joseph's harm and turned it to Joseph's benefit, the benefit of Joseph's family, the preservation of Pharaoh and all of Egypt, and the preservation of surrounding nations.

Consider David.  Like Joseph, he was 17 years old when his life took a very unexpected turn.  Anointed by Samuel to become King of Israel, he came to Saul's attention in fairly short order after the Philistines sent their champion warrior, Goliath, along with the armies of the Philistines against Israel.  Sent by his father, Jesse, to bring bread and goodies to his brothers who were on Israel's front lines of battle, David sees and hears Goliath's taunts against the Lord and against Israel.

The Spirit of God rises up in David when he hears these taunts and he lets it be known that if no one else is going to take on Goliath, he will -- and the Lord will be with him.  Saul is glad to have someone who will challenge the giant but wants David to take on his armor before going to battle.  Saul is a big man, standing somewhere between 6'6" and 7' in height.  David is nothing like that, and Saul's armor is way too big.  David shrugs off the offer and takes on Goliath announcing and decreeing the Word of the Lord as he heads toward him.

As a sling-fighter, David has developed deadly accuracy, and with divine guidance directing the stone from his sling, David drops the giant with a single stone to the center of his forehead.  Leaving nothing to chance, David rushes over, grabs Goliath's sword and cuts his head off.  Seeing their champion dead, the Philistine army turns to flee the scene of battle.  Israel's army under Saul's leadership takes off after them.  That day, tens of thousands of Philistines die.

Saul decides this is too good a warrior to waste anywhere but at his side, and he takes David into his court.  Jonathan, Saul's son, has a heart for the Lord and a bond of love and fellowship develop between the two of them.  In the celebrations and victory dances that followed the slaughter of the Philistines, the women of Israel -- throughout all the cities of Israel -- began to sing and chant, "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten-thousands!"

In that moment, hatred of David is born in Saul's spirit, along with fear and jealousy, and he determines to find a way to kill David.  During the next thirteen years, David will find himself at the wrong end of Saul's spear, conspired against, falsely accused, on the run constantly for his life, and occasionally taking refuge among the enemies of Israel, the Philistines.

Interestingly enough, it was during these years of tribulation, trial, persecution and being on the run for his life continuously that men and women began to join themselves to David to stand with him.  Initially we are told (I Samuel 22:2) that some four hundred men (not counting women and children) joined themselves with David's company.  Later, we see that group growing to more than 600.

Despite all that happened to him, David learned to conduct himself circumspectly with honor and integrity, displaying the grace, the love and the mercy of the Lord God in the sight of the entire country.  When at last Saul died at the end of a spear the men of the tribe of Judah crowned David as their king.  Another seven years would pass before the rest of Israel would determine that David should be king over the whole nation.

It isn't necessary for me to recount all that David did, or the life he led.  We all know that according to recorded history, David was considered by the Lord to "be a man after God's own heart."  David became the king by which every other king in the nation's history was judged and measured.

Why?  It wasn't just the way he ruled.  It was the way he functioned even in the midst of great persecution, trial and tribulation.  He became not only the standard for kings, he was a classic example of grace, love and mercy in the face of tribulation and persecution.

Let's skip ahead to the apostle Paul.  Tribulation?  Hmmmmm..... The way I see it this man's life epitomized tribulation.  How much more do you want to see in the way of opposition, attempts on one's life, false accusations, imprisonment, hunger, thirst, shipwreck, etc., etc., etc.?

How did Paul put it?  "Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am more; in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft. Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.  Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep;  In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;  In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness."  (II Corinthians 11:23-27)

Last time I checked, that counts as tribulation.  How about you?  Care to try all that, and then suggest that Paul didn't experience great tribulation?

So what was the fruit of all that tribulation?  For Joseph, it was the ability to show mercy to his brethren -- the same ones who started him on his 13-year journey through Hell -- and rejoice because of what the Lord did with him as a result of it all.

For David, it was a picture of love, grace and mercy demonstrated to the grandson of the enemy who tried to hunt him to his death.  It was a picture of mercy and grace toward a son who betrayed him and tried to take the throne away from him.  For David, it resulted in the development of such character that God promised a new covenant with His people predicated in "the sure mercies of David."  (see Isaiah 55:3, Acts 13:34)

For Paul, it produced in him the ability to communicate to every succeeding generation the love of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Now, let's talk about the wrath of God.

Remember when Korah rose up against Moses along with Dathan and Abiram and 250 elders of Israel?  Remember their rebellion against God's choice of Moses to lead Israel and their jealousy of him?  Remember their accusation against Moses and against the Lord, saying that Moses had simply led Israel out of Egypt to kill them?  (Read Numbers 16)

Despite the fact that God had delivered Israel out of the hands of Pharaoh and his great oppression, performing spectacular sign after sign with the ten plagues, the crossing of the Red Sea, the water out of the rock, the manna from Heaven, and everything else that God did, Korah and his conspirators were accusing God of having ulterior motives.  Because they took their anger and jealousy out on God's anointed and chosen leader, Israel got to see the wrath of God in action in a way they'd never forget, and at the same time see God's vindication of His choice in Moses!

"And Moses said, Hereby ye shall know that the LORD hath sent me to do all these works; for I have not done them of mine own mind. If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD hath not sent me.  But if the LORD make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD."  (Numbers 16:28-30)

And that's precisely what happened!  The earth opened up and swallowed Korah, his household, his family, his tents and all that belonged to him, and then slammed shut.  Then fire came out from the Lord and consumed the 250 elders that had joined in the rebellion.  But it didn't stop there!  14,700 people who had stood by in tacit agreement with the rebellion were consumed by a plague.  That, my friends, is a classic example of the wrath of God.

There's a whole lot more to this picture and we'll pick it up there in our next Coffee Break titled, PICTURES OF TRIBULATION & WRATH.

"The deep things of God are known only to Him, but are revealed to us through His Spirit. That is the promise of 1 Corinthians 2. Therefore, it is our expectation to witness an unprecedented outpouring of His Spirit and unfolding Last Day mysteries that will perfect the bride and empower the Sons of the Kingdom.

Mere human knowledge is not sufficient to bring in the great harvest. We must be endowed with God’s supernatural provision that is clearly promised for this hour. To do so, every saint of God must come to the realization that Christ is "all in all." 

He is Light; He is the Way, Truth, Life; He is the Resurrection; He is Wisdom; He is Righteousness; He is Goodness; He is Understanding; He is Alpha and Omega; He is the Beginning and the End; He is All in All.

To merely acknowledge these as doctrinal truth is not sufficient. They must become experiential reality through personal encounters with the Living Christ. The Lord is standing at the door knocking with a personal invitation for profound fellowship and the unveiling of Latter Rain revelation. For those who will forsake all else to dine with Him, this will be an age of greater glory and personal transformation into His very image.  (Prophetic Word from Paul Keith Davis)

Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener

709 South 7th Street
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted – provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact.  Older Coffee Break archives are now available at and are being slowly added at  Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

If you would like to have these articles arrive each morning in your email, please send a blank email to: Subscribe@AnotherCoffeeBreak.comTo unsubscribe, send a blank email to

CAPENER MINISTRIES is a tax-exempt church ministry. Should you desire to participate and covenant with us as partners in this ministry, please contact us at either of the above email or physical addresses, or visit