Saturday, July 28, 2012


Another CoffeeBreak:

Greetings to all of you!

This is not the Coffee Break I'd planned to release today, but because of the urgency of this message to the body of Christ, it was necessary to delay the article I'd written and intended for this post until next week.

I've shared the following story in times past, but because of its relevance to what the Lord has instructed me to share today, I will briefly relate it once again.

Back in the late 1960's and up until 1972, I served at Full Gospel Assembly in Salt Lake City with Bill Christopulos.  This was at a point in my spiritual development where I had learned many things and had many experiences in the Heavenlies and in the realm of the Spirit.  One of the areas, however, in which my spiritual development and understanding was severely under-developed was in the realm of eschatology -- "End Times" doctrine.

Everything that I thought I knew and understood came from the prominent prophetic teachers of the day; and most of them promoted an end-time doctrine which had grown out of the teachings of a woman by the name of Margaret MacDonald in the early-to-mid 1800's, and subsequently incorporated into C.I. Schofield's reference bible published in the late 1890's.  When the Azusa Street Revival broke out after the turn of the century, Schofield's bible was THE reference bible for everyone to have.  Schofield's notes became accepted as gospel and with the growth and development of the Pentecostal fellowships and denominations that grew up in the 1920's and 1930's, Margaret MacDonald's teachings on the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, the Antichrist and End Times (it has come to be referred to as: dispensational, pre-trib rapture) became de rigueur among Pentecostals.

Naturally, Schofield's reference bible expanded well beyond Pentecostal realms and for many years it was the standard reference bible among virtually every Evangelical denomination.  As a consequence, the MacDonald doctrines were taught as absolute revelation and truth.  Most Evangelical and Pentecostal bible colleges and seminaries promoted these teachings, and virtually everyone of the generations -- me included -- who grew up during this era believed these teachings without question.  Lest anyone take offense to what I'm about to share, let me be clear: not everything that Margaret MacDonald taught was error!  At the same time, much of the teaching was founded upon some concepts which have been part and parcel of the body of Christ since the days when Latin was the language of the church world.

As already noted, I grew up with these doctrines and believed them with my whole heart and soul.  You could walk into any Bible book store and pick up any one of a variety of books, whether reference books, study books, prophecy books, and even fiction, all predicated on this understanding of the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, and End Times in general.  Prophecy teachers abounded on radio and television, all expounding on their variants of these doctrines, and yet mostly all agreed on the fundamental tenets.

Now that I've laid that foundation, let me get to the story I wanted to share with you.

In 1970 and 71, I was expounding on all these teachings with our Wednesday night bible studies.  I had all my charts together, my statistics and my predictions down pat!  I was really on a tear!  It didn't hurt, either, that our bible studies were sometimes better attended than the Sunday morning services.  My ego was really pumped.

One Wednesday night I was putting contemporary world events into the end-time scenarios and expounding on who and what the antichrist would be like.  It was a particularly ego-filling night and I wrapped up the teaching feeling really good about myself and my ability to communicate these "truths" to our congregation.  No sooner had I gotten home when Holy Spirit pulled the plug on me.
As clearly as I've ever heard Him speak he said to me, "Are you teaching all these things because you received them from me as revelation, or because you read them in books or heard someone else expound on them?"

OOOOPPPPSSSSS!!!!  I knew the answer to that even before He finished asking the question.

"I thought you and I had an agreement that you would teach or preach nothing but that which I gave to you by revelation and subsequently walked out in your life!"

Whewww!!!  Talk about lowering the boom on me!  Holy Spirit didn't have to say another word.  I had to drop my head in shame and disappointment realizing that I was doing nothing more than parroting what everyone else was saying without any consideration as to whether there was any real download of revelation or impartation from Heaven concerning the return of the Lord Jesus Christ or the events surrounding His return.

Without any further ado I put all of my books on the Second Coming together, my books on the Antichrist, the Tribulation, my charts on End Times, and all my study notes.  I went outside and brought in a trash can and dumped all those books, charts, notes, etc. into it and threw them away.  For more than 20 years I refused to even have a discussion with anyone on the topic, and I certainly didn't teach or preach on any of it.

Not until the mid-1990's did Holy Spirit begin to really download fresh revelation and understanding.  Still my understanding was grossly incomplete and there were far too many unresolved issues.  To the extent that I was able to share pieces of the picture, I did so.  When the Library of Congress first began to go online in the early 90's, I had access to some archaeological findings that unfolded confirmation of revelation that had been flowing and fitting pieces together that I'd seen in the Word.

Without realizing that I was actually sharing something that was revelatory for that period of time, the Lord had demonstrated for me a clear link between the picture of the seven nations that Israel was commanded to overcome and drive out of the land of promise, and the seven letters with which John opens up Revelation.  That's not where I'm going today, however.  I've already posted a lengthy series of Coffee Breaks outlining that revelation.

Let's get to the core of what I need to share with you today.  Take a look at the very first verses of Revelation 1.

"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw."

Go back and read it again.  How does it open up?  See?  "The Revelation of Jesus Christ!"  OK, wait a minute.  If you've been like me in past times you passed right over it.  The Book of Revelation is a revelation of end times!  Right?  It's a revelation of the Antichrist.  Sure it is.  It's a revelation of the Great Tribulation.  Uhh Huhh!  Yup.  It's a revelation of the Mark of the Beast!

Whoaa!  Wait a minute!  That's NOT what it says!  Every translation I can lay my hands on -- even the original Greek text that I read -- says in no uncertain terms: "The Revelation -- apokalupsis: the unveiling, the manifestation, the disclosure --  of Jesus Christ!"

This is a critical distinction, folks!  This is a revelation of the nature, the character, the makeup, the very divine, supernatural personality, the loving and authoritative character of the Lord Jesus Christ!

But it is more than that.

This is a revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ operating IN AND THROUGH HIS BRIDE!  This is a revelation of Christ in us, and us in Him!  This is a revelation of the overcoming nature of Jesus Christ bred into, imparted and infused into a people against whom Satan throws the full force of his power and might -- a revelation of how easily Satan is defeated.

For many years I've said that the book of Revelation is a manual for spiritual warfare.  It is more than that.  Sure, it gives us pictures of unfolding events both prior to Jesus' return and after His return.  It provides understanding -- clear understanding -- of the era in which we live.  Coupled with prophetic pictures shared by both Isaiah and Daniel, we get to see what a thousand years of peace on earth looks like.  Revelation also gives us -- and this is where I'm headed with today's discussion -- a clear picture of the character and makeup of just what Antichrist is.

Beyond these pictures (and they are really peripheral to the grand scope), however, Revelation is an unveiling of the character and nature of Jesus Christ -- both personally, and as manifested in His Bride -- in a very practical and demonstrable way.

Remember Paul's prayer in Ephesians 1:17?  "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him."

This is what John is instructed to share as he pours out this revelation.  He begins with some graphic pictures of the glory and magnificence of the Lord and then shares with us how this revelation unfolded for him.

"I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 11Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia....."

Notice that John was "in the Spirit" when these events unfolded before him.  No amount of human reasoning and academic study can produce the kind of wisdom and understanding -- the revelation, if you will -- that comes "in the Spirit."  Without that place of revelation, things begin to break down.  Error quickly creeps in.  Doctrines develop that easily become substitutes for what Jesus is really after.

As already noted, that portion of the revelation has been shared in a lengthy series of Coffee Breaks (some 30 in all) titled, SEVEN NATIONS, SEVEN LETTERS.  It is not my purpose to revisit that revelation today.  Rather, I'd like to deal with the analogy that many have used in comparing the references to the Beast, the False Prophet and/or the whore of Babylon with the "Antichrist."

From what Holy Spirit has shown me and the revelation gained as a result of my visits to Heaven, and the time-travel experiences He gave me, transporting me both into the future as well as back into the past has resulted in a realization that Antichrist is a whole lot more -- and a whole lot less -- than the popular teachings of the day have made of it/him.

First and foremost, Antichrist is a spirit.  John makes that abundantly clear in his general epistles to the body of Christ.  (For the sake of brevity, I refer you to I John 2:18, 22, I John 4:3, and II John 1:7.)   Antichrist is a very religious spirit.

I suppose I ought to go back to the root of the word in the Greek text.  As you might well imagine, the Greek word has been literally Anglicized into our word today -- antichristos.  The problem with this is that we've applied the Latin definition of anti- rather than the Greek definition.  Let me demonstrate.

The Latin form of anti-  is properly translated: to be set in opposition to; against, the opposite.

The Greek form of anti-  is a bit different: instead of, a substitution for, substitute, in place of, for.

When you see the translation of the Greek, it isn't hard to extrapolate the Latin from it, and yet that extrapolation causes folks to draw some wrong conclusions.  It IS clear that everything we know as antichrist sets itself in opposition to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, but it goes way beyond that picture.  Think "substitute" Christ.  Think "in place of" Christ.

Once that picture begins to come into focus, a whole lot of things fall into place.  Antichrist is actually operating within the body of Christ, and has been for some 2,000 years.  It was in full bloom with the doctrine of the Nicolaitans (power over the people/power to the people) John describes in Revelation 2.  It was on public display when the emperor Constantine declared all of Rome to be "Christian."

It was manifested throughout the Dark Ages.  It has been operating in every segment of church life in the centuries since.  Why do I say that?

Once again, think "substitute Christ."  Think "substitute Gospel."  Any "gospel" which promotes or preaches a version of Jesus Christ that leaves the power and authority or the glory of the Lord on display through His people today is Antichrist!  Any version of the Gospel of the Kingdom which produces a people who are less than the spotless Bride (no spot or wrinkle) Jesus is coming for is Antichrist.

Any doctrine preached which promotes a "get outta here" mentality (before tribulation, testing and trial comes) in believers is Antichrist.  Any teaching which suggests, promotes and encourages God's people to avoid the fire comes straight from the spirit of Antichrist.

When John the Baptist began to preach the coming of the Messiah, he said, "He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.  Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."  (Matthew 3:11-12)

That fire is for our cleansing.  It brings purification.  Anything which suggests that we don't need this fire cheapens and degrades the call of the Bridegroom.  Consider what Paul wrote to Timothy (see I Timothy 2:15): "Be instantly responsive to the Lord, making yourself available to Him in the midst of the crucible, a tried and tested laborer, who has no fear of being examined -- one who, by virtue of God's testing and the time spent in the crucible with Him, knows the proven word of truth."  (my translation from the Greek)

That "crucible" is the container in which gold (or other precious metals) gets placed for refining.  It is heated to hundreds of degrees in order to get the impurities removed.  This was the illustration Paul used in order to make clear the fact that we must endure the fire.  Paul continues in his letter to Timothy: "Stand aloof from, and avoid the untested, untried "word" which comes forth from those who would propagate speculation and create their own doctrines. These profane speculations and so-called "words" are empty babblings which will only serve to advance ungodliness; and those who spread these doctrines will only yield a gangrene pasture -- a source of poison to those who ingest their "word"......"

If you'll pardon the illustration, that "gangrene pasture" is precisely what the spirit of Antichrist wants God's people to feed on.  Folks, tribulation is something promised by the Lord for all believers.  Jesus put it like this:

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."  (John 16:33)

By now, you're beginning to get the idea.  Whether we ever see an individual who is referred to as "the Antichrist," or not, is really almost irrelevant.  Antichrist is here now!  We see it on public display coming out of our nation's leaders as they promote tolerance for Islam, acceptance of homosexual and lesbian (and other deviant) behavior as "normal," the killing of unborn children for the sake of personal convenience, and a socialist, entitlement mentality which avoids personal responsibility that is presented as "the way Jesus would treat things," and "after all, Jesus preached love."

That, my friends, is a substitute Jesus.  That IS Antichrist!

Are you hearing this?  Do you understand what I'm saying?

"The deep things of God are known only to Him, but are revealed to us through His Spirit. That is the promise of 1 Corinthians 2. Therefore, it is our expectation to witness an unprecedented outpouring of His Spirit and unfolding Last Day mysteries that will perfect the bride and empower the Sons of the Kingdom.

Mere human knowledge is not sufficient to bring in the great harvest. We must be endowed with God’s supernatural provision that is clearly promised for this hour. To do so, every saint of God must come to the realization that Christ is "all in all." 

He is Light; He is the Way, Truth, Life; He is the Resurrection; He is Wisdom; He is Righteousness; He is Goodness; He is Understanding; He is Alpha and Omega; He is the Beginning and the End; He is All in All.

To merely acknowledge these as doctrinal truth is not sufficient. They must become experiential reality through personal encounters with the Living Christ. The Lord is standing at the door knocking with a personal invitation for profound fellowship and the unveiling of Latter Rain revelation. For those who will forsake all else to dine with Him, this will be an age of greater glory and personal transformation into His very image.  (Prophetic Word from Paul Keith Davis)

Blessings on you!


Regner A. Capener

709 South 7th Street
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted – provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact.  Older Coffee Break archives are now available at and are being slowly added at  Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

If you would like to have these articles arrive each morning in your email, please send a blank email to: Subscribe@AnotherCoffeeBreak.comTo unsubscribe, send a blank email to

CAPENER MINISTRIES is a tax-exempt church ministry. Should you desire to participate and covenant with us as partners in this ministry, please contact us at either of the above email or physical addresses, or visit

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Another Coffee Break:

Practical Discipleship,
Part 2: Impartation

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning!

Rich and DeAngela Warren have been a part of our fellowship and our ministry for nearly seven years.  Last weekend, their son, Seth, got married in a setting that I think most couples would envy.  DeAngela's dad, Leroy Blankenship (I've talked about him on numerous occasions during the past years), officiated at the wedding.  We might as well have been in the Garden of Eden.  The beauty of the waterfall in the background and surrounded by lush greenery provided a spectacular and perfect setting.

Leroy was his usual poetic self as he described the first union between Adam and Eve, and at the conclusion of the ceremony, he sang an original love song to both bridegroom and bride.  All I can say is, WOW!!!

When I wrapped up the last Coffee Break I'd thought to move on to another topic, but the Holy Spirit reminded me that I'd missed sharing one of the most important aspects of discipling: the imparting of the anointing, the transfer of the mantle that God has laid upon the one who is mentoring, teaching, sharing and discipling.

Let's begin again today with the command Jesus has given: "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."  (Matthew 28:18-20 NASB)

There is so much wrapped up in Jesus' command that it is almost hard to know where to begin.  He starts off by saying that all authority -- make sure you get this -- ALL AUTHORITY in Heaven and on earth has been given to Him.  I don't mean to be redundant but "ALL" literally means that there is no part of the authority or dominion in any realm, earthly, natural, spiritual, emotional, mental, of the heavenly realm or dimension, AND the realm of the demonic over which Jesus lacks the final say.  What's more, He has not just the authority, but the power to back up that authority.

He follows up that preface to His command by saying, "Go ye therefore!"  In other words, "Because I have all authority, I'm commissioning and empowering you to go forth on my behalf as my personal representative; and you have the full backing of Heaven to do everything I've commanded you."

"Everything I've commanded you" takes in a lot of territory, folks!

Remember when Jesus sent the 70 out, two by two, and told them to "heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons"?  Then Jesus said to them, "freely ye have received, freely give."  (Matthew 10:8)

Take a quick look at Mark 16:15-18: And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach, declare and proclaim the gospel, the good news of the Kingdom, to all of creation.  (see also Matthew 24:14)  He who actively believes [and puts into action My Word] and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved [and opposed mentally, emotionally and spiritually] shall be condemned.  These signs will accompany those who actively believe and put into action: in My name [in the very character and makeup, the essence of who I AM] they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will take on wily, deceitful men whose purpose is to sway and deter them through clever arguments [and defeat them], and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover and be completely restored.”  (My translation and amplification)

[A quick note before we continue: The phrase which occurs at the beginning of verse 18 -- "They shall take up serpents" -- is a common Hebrew metaphor, and it means to take on those people who try to deceive or sway through clever arguments or manipulation.  The particular phraseology which occurs here makes very clear that Jesus is giving those who believe the authority, the power, the wisdom AND the anointing to combat and defeat such arguments and/or manipulation.]

Both Matthew and Mark use the expanded reference to "the Gospel" by clarifying it this way on four separate occasions: "the Gospel of the Kingdom."  You see, the Gospel is not simply some good news of salvation through Jesus Christ; it is the news that we have access to and available citizenship in a Kingdom -- a sphere and a dimension of living -- which is superior to, and has authority over, all the kingdoms of this natural world.

Thus, when Jesus begins His covenant promise to "those who believe," He instructs us to preach, declare and proclaim the good news -- the angelic tidings -- of His Kingdom to all of creation!  That's more than just preaching to people, folks!  That's the exercise of Kingdom authority over all that is this earthly realm.  That includes the ground we walk on.  That includes the trees, the plants, the vegetation -- the agricultural realm, if you please.  That includes the animal kingdom, birds, marine life, bugs, etc.  That includes the weather.


We are instructed to preach, proclaim, declare, prophesy, decree -- to enact by the release of the spoken Word -- the Kingdom of God in, upon and throughout all the earth!  That doesn't mean we get to say anything that pops into our heads.  This only works when we speak that rhema -- that same Word we first heard from Holy Spirit -- which is coming (present tense -- not past tense) out of the mouth of God!

One cannot receive that rhema unless one has his or her ears attuned to hear what Holy Spirit is saying. cannot even hear in the realm of the Spirit unless they spend time in that realm.  When you spend time with the Lord, there is a change that takes place in you, your nature, your character, the way you behave, the way you think.

Notice what happened when Peter and John began to do the works that Jesus did.  "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus."  (Acts 4:13)

When Jesus sent forth His disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, there was an impartation that went with the disciples.  What do I mean by this?

There was a transfer that took place in the Spirit realm.  When Jesus sent them forth, He commissioned them.  With that commissioning came an anointing.  With that anointing came an empowering.  With the empowering came a mantle, a covering, a transfer of divine authority and power to accomplish what they had been commissioned to perform.

Let me use some personal experience for the sake of illustration.

Without retracing a lot of ground that I've already discussed in prior posts, I grew up with angels.  They were my early companions.  I saw them on an almost daily basis for three years.  When Jesus appeared at my bedside early one morning and began to lay out His plan and purpose for my life, there was a shift from that moment forward in my life.  The angelic realm was mere preparation.  It laid a foundation of "normalcy" for the realm we generically refer to as "supernatural."  It paved the way for me to think "naturally supernatural, and supernaturally natural."

From the moment that Jesus first appeared at my bedside and began to lay out His purposes and His destiny in and for my life, a transition began to take place in the way that I thought, in the things I expected, and in my perception of unfolding events.  Two years later, when I experienced my first trip to Heaven, communication in the Spirit had become second nature.  Hmmmmm.....let me rephrase that!  Communication in and through Holy Spirit had become the norm.  It was perfectly natural.  From that day to this -- more than 60 years later -- it has been the way I live and breathe.  I wouldn't know how to live any other way!

Though that experience at age nine was only the first time I had the opportunity to visibly walk and talk with the Lord side-by-side, from that day to this we have walked together continually -- whether I've been able to visibly see Him there or not.  And that, my friends, changes a person's outlook on everything!  There is an intertwining of personality that takes place when you walk together.  There is a transfer of character and makeup that happens.  This is absolutely essential and intrinsic to discipleship.  The more I have lived and walked with and in Christ Jesus, the more I have taken on His character and nature.  (Oh, and by the way, He's not finished with me yet.  There is still more change to take place!  [Smile!])

One of the most practical aspects of discipleship and discipling is that one must first be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.  One must always remain in a place of submission to Holy Spirit.  One must not only listen but respond.  The first and most basic tenet of discipleship is -- as Francis of Assisi used to put it -- "to hear and obey."  It is absolutely impossible for me to lead someone into a way of living and walking in Christ Jesus that I have not first lived and walked.  I can't promote a theory and hope it actually works for someone.

One of the reasons why we have seen such a watering down of the Gospel throughout the years is that being "in Christ" and having "Christ in us" has become a religious philosophy -- a theory, if you will -- lacking in reality and practical living.  Christianity is anything but a religion.  It is not a theory.  It is a lifestyle with naturally supernatural implications.  There is a dynamic to it that is absolutely foreign to the societies of this world.

Jesus Christ was and is God incarnate!  In the flesh!  In the here and now!  Without the transfer of character and personality, without the impartation of the divine nature and makeup of who and what Jesus is, made visible and operational and functional on a daily basis in us, anything we have to say becomes "sounding brass and tinkling cymbals" devoid of Kingdom life and reality!

As first, disciples of Jesus Christ, and then disciplers for Him of others also desiring to walk the Kingdom life, we impose the light and the sound of Heaven whenever and wherever we go.  It is impossible to do otherwise.  Our very presence brings change wherever we are.  Our very presence impacts the environment.  At least, it had better do so!  Otherwise we're a bunch of frauds who live a religious lifestyle without the reality of intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Roughly 29 years ago, Della went to work in the jewelry business, beginning as an assistant manager for a family-owned jewelry store in Anchorage.  The main store manager had been brought into the store to run it based on the recommendation of others in the business.  This person -- a lady -- led a very worldly lifestyle and was totally devoid of any sensitivities to Jesus Christ.  It didn't take long for the very presence of the Lord in Della to become threatening to this woman despite the fact that Della was very quiet and non-confrontational.  She became more and more uncomfortable with Della's presence in the store.

Della and I began to pray for this lady.  The more we prayed the more nervous and uncomfortable she became, to the point that she began making accusations about Della to the family that owned the store.  One of the owner's daughters was sent into the store to work with Della just to assess the situation.  This young lady responded enthusiastically to the presence of the Lord in Della and a bond of friendship formed -- one that would last for years to follow.  The existing store manager was shortly thereafter moved out of that store to another location.  The owner's daughter stayed on to groom Della to manage outright one of their stores, and it wasn't long before Della was given a different store to run on her own.

In the years that followed the blessing and the presence of the Lord went with her.  When she transitioned over to work with and manage for Zales Jewelers, the company's corporate managers saw and recognized the anointing of the Lord.  The regional managers began to use her as a trouble-shooter to ferret out corruption and thievery among their stores.  Everywhere she went, dishonest and lazy employees were exposed and removed who were negatively affecting the store's performance and image in the community.  Everywhere she went, she brought profitability and honor, in several instances setting sales records for those locations.

Beyond that, Della became a mentor and a "discipler" in an economic sense training and creating management teams for the company.  But her "discipling" ran far beyond the material and business world.  It became a joy and a pleasure to lead some of those employees into a committed walk with the Lord Jesus Christ and to mentor them spiritually.

I've shared all that just to illustrate the fact that when there is true integrity in your walk with the Lord and a continual pursuit of His presence and the excellence of His character, you cannot help but influence and change the spiritual climate in which you live and operate daily.  The authority of the Lord goes with you and the blessing of the Lord manifests in your labors and your work ethic.

As disciples of Jesus Christ and then Kingdom representatives, we are both ambassadors AND part of Heaven's royalty.  As such we have been given both authority and the responsibility of bringing the earth back under subjection to Heaven.  We DON'T rule over people!  We DO rule, however, over the spiritual realm -- and with it, and in the process thereof, take dominion over thrones and principalities and rulers of the darkness of this world in the realm of the spirit.

THAT, all by itself, brings change in people and influences natural events, spiritual events, political events and economic events around us!  It is our responsibility as active believers to put into action the Word of the Lord in the earth and to enforce the peace of God in our societies.

The apostle Paul put it like this: "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;  For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;  Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."

We cannot force men and women against their will to come to the knowledge of salvation, and we cannot force people to lead a disciplined life in Christ Jesus.  We can, however, fulfill our responsibilities as Kingdom representatives to bring about the change in our society -- change which must first begin in the realm of the Spirit.  We first implement that change through prayer and intercession.  After that, depending on the rhema of Holy Spirit, we begin to declare and decree.

We are first spirit beings.  We are secondly, soul, and thirdly, body -- in that order.  If we desire to bring about the necessary change to our societies, it must begin first as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, living under submission and subjection to Holy Spirit, and then -- as He so orchestrates -- discipling those around us in order to implement Kingdom change in the earth.

Are you hearing this?  Great!  See you next week (I hope!)

"If we are just in the flock of the Lord's companions, the veils will remain and we will only obliquely be able to see His glory and be changed by it. This is why my goal in ministry has never been to make people my personal disciples but to help everyone I can to become a personal disciple of Christ Jesus Himself.

As we also can note from John 10, it is His sheep who know His voice, not His lambs. While we are young in the Lord, we will have to follow others until we learn to know His voice, but my hope is to have my own veils removed and those of all I can help along their way. We must see Him in order to be changed into His image, not just become the image of one of His friends.

What would any man think if his children all looked like his best friend? We need to consider what we're doing when we're leaders who are trying to get people to conform to us rather than to Him. Our lives can and should be good examples for others, but as the Apostle Paul stated, he was in labor until Christ was formed in His people. This is our goal."  (Prophetic Word from Rick Joyner)

Blessings on you!

Regner A. Capener
709 South 7th Street
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133

All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in part, is granted – provided proper attribution and this notice are included intact.  Older Coffee Break archives are now available at and are being slowly added at  Coffee Break articles are normally published weekly.

If you would like to have these articles arrive each morning in your email, please send a blank email to: Subscribe@AnotherCoffeeBreak.comTo unsubscribe, send a blank email to

CAPENER MINISTRIES is a tax-exempt church ministry. Should you desire to participate and covenant with us as partners in this ministry, please contact us at either of the above email or physical addresses, or visit