Another Coffee Break:
Part 5
This is a bit
tardy, but allow me to express my thanks to the more than one thousand people
who sent me individual birthday greetings for my 70th birthday! Have to say that I was more than a little
astonished to receive so many cards, letters and e-notes. It more than doubled the largest number of
birthday wishes I've received in any prior years. All I can say is, WOW!!! Anyway, once again, Thank You!
past weekend was one of the most rewarding experiences in intimate worship that
I've seen in more than a decade. Asked
to lead worship for a Full Gospel Businessmen's retreat, Rich Warren (close
friend, brother, fellow-musician and bassist) joined me in leading somewhere
between 120 and 150 men into the presence of the Lord. It would not be overstating things to say
that there were more than a few moments when we experienced the Glory of the
Lord tangibly.
really is a work of the Holy Spirit to bring such a group of musicians together
and orchestrate a flow of worship with all of them in such a way that you would
think they'd worked together for years!
But it is in exactly that kind of unstructured atmosphere with folks who
have one mind and one spirit to minister to the Lord that the Holy Spirit can
create the most extravagant flow, exhibiting the Glory of the Lord in such a
profound manner!
“‘The time is surely coming,’” says the Lord God, ‘that I will
send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but
of hearing the words of the Lord’” (Amos 8:11-12).
"The thought strikes me that the famine is not so much for the lack of speaking as the lack of hearing. I have had the increasing impression that God’s people do not know how to hear the word of God. Or, unlike the Thessalonian converts from paganism, they do not believe that the word they are hearing is indeed God’s word.
Therefore, the word is received casually if not indifferently as the word of man, that is to say, without effect. Perhaps we have been filling up on verbal “junk food” and have dulled our appetites for “real food” by the profusion of much speaking of our own that leaves us sated if not bloated, and therefore we suffer malnutrition in the midst of seeming plenty. Certainly we lack the evidence of growth and change that the word of God should accomplish, and we seem fixed in our immaturity and shallowness.
Perhaps we need to consider that the act of hearing is as much an act of grace as that of speaking itself. Surely God's Word requires an attentiveness and retention for which the world has not schooled us. The sobering caution, "When you hear My voice, harden not your hearts" implies that God's Word will not allow our indifference. If there is not a hearing, then there will certainly be a hardening!"
This is an excellent admonition for God's people today. Art's comment that "we have been filling up on verbal "junk food" and have dulled our appetites for "real food" hits the nail on the head. That "verbal junk food" is partly a product -- as Art notes -- of much speaking, as well as the "mixture of truth with poison" to which I referred as we wrapped up the last Coffee Break.
attempts by ministers to apply the formulas learned in Bible College or
seminary to deal with critical situations in the lives of people they're
supposed to be responsible for results in tragedy or even greater chaos. When the formulas fail, and the lives of
those people who depend on him crash, condemnation sets in. Because the "minister" has put his
dependence on formulas and doctrines which are now ingrained into the very core
of his existence -- in the name of putting that dependence in the Lord -- the
"minister" now feels that the Lord has failed him. Despair sets in, depression reigns, and
questions arise by the multitude. What's
the problem?
The "minister" never heard from the Lord. Much of his upbringing and preparation for "ministry" was predicated on "profane, empty babblings which only serve to advance ungodliness." Much of his upbringing and training was based in "performance."
results in judgment and criticism of the people who fail in their efforts to apply
the formulas he is teaching.
Condemnation and despair set in for those who cannot make their
"faith" work according to the formulaic methodology they are taught
and, all too often, they decide to give up trying because "they are not
spiritual enough."
This is not
relationship with the Lord! This is legalism and performance! Those who have suffered these guilt pangs
need to dump them as coming from Satan, and not from the Lord! (I share these things from the perspective of
having spent most of my life "in the ministry" [to use the common
cliché] and having seen many of my brethren suffer in this manner.)
Referring back once again to the last Coffee Break (and the retranslation of II Timothy 2:15 from the Greek text) there is another side to this concept of "study" which affects all of us -- and particularly, those of us who have over the years received visions or experienced something where the Lord has revealed a truth with a specific application to us.
so many of my brethren, I experienced much in the way of revelation from the
Lord in my early youth. Although I was
extremely blessed by the character and dimension of the experiences which the
Lord gave to me, I grew up in classical Pentecostal circles with all of the
attendant church structure. The things
which the Lord spoke within my spirit in those early days were of such a nature
that I could not find a way to make them fit within my understanding. When I attempted to share them with men and
women in leadership within the denomination, the most common response was,
"Well, that's wonderful, son! Some
day the Lord will use you as a pastor, or a missionary, or even an evangelist,
and you'll win lots of souls for Christ."
my spirit, I knew this was a wrong interpretation and application of what the
Lord was saying, but there was absolutely nothing within the church structure
which would permit me to function as the Lord had revealed Himself to me. By the same token, I had no example of that
which had penetrated my being by the Holy Spirit among any leaders whom I knew
(or knew of), nor among my peers. In my
thirst for revelation knowledge, I read -- voraciously! I couldn't stand books on doctrine, and I
detested the great majority of the so-called religious books which were
available, so I read the Bible -- from cover to cover -- again, and again, and
again. By the time I got ready to attend
Bible college, I had been through the Bible, from cover to cover, at least 25
times, had memorized hundreds of verses, some entire books of the Bible, and
many chapters verbatim from the KJV.
primary thing Bible college did for me was to program me to fit those things
which the Lord had revealed to me in my early youth into the framework of the
church system or structure. I became
"a pastor." For much of the
first 25 years of pastoral ministry, I struggled to fit the mold. At least three times, different pastors --
brethren with whom I was closely associated, labored with and deeply respected
-- came to me and said, "Regner, I'm not sure what you are, but you
certainly are not a pastor!"
more they said it, the more frustrated I became, and the greater the internal
drive to fit the stereotypical model. It
was not until the summer of 1974 that I received a direct word from the Lord
which clarified the situation, and delivered me from the necessity of fitting
the structural and religious mold. I
have from time to time continued on in a kind of pastoral ministry but I've now
just pastored as a part of what God called me to. I've been able to minister freely without the
structural requirement or the pressure of fulfilling someone else's
expectations of what "a pastor" is supposed to be.
the next phase of deliverance. (This was
only the first of several stages of deliverance from
"religion.") In 1975, the
Lord began the revelation to me of the vision which most of you have heard related
as "The House of Praise."
Without relating all of the detail, suffice it to say that this vision
began with a perspective of David, the tabernacle he set up, and the praisers
and worshipers he appointed, and employed on a 24-hour-per-day basis to
minister to the Lord. Being still stuck
in the "structure" of the church, I related everything the Lord was
showing me to church structure, and tried to make it fit within that
structure. As a result, I saw "The House of Praise"
as a modern-day version of the ministry David instituted, with singers and
musicians on a payroll, ministering to the Lord in a building, or structure,
which would be called "The House of Praise."
fifteen years I was stuck with this "vision." It was not that the
vision was flawed, or that the revelation came out of eating chocolate-covered
jalapeno peppers before going to bed one night.
The problem was that I interpreted what the Lord showed me within the
framework of my religious understanding, even going so far as to place
advertisements in the Anchorage Daily News for musicians and singers who were
"oriented towards praise" music, and then interviewing the
respondents in an effort to "put this thing together." From where the Lord has brought us today,
this comes across as sincere stupidity.
(I was genuinely sincere -- and stupid!) We laugh every time we talk about it.
months after Earle, Marcia, Della and I began to gather together daily for
worship, the real truth of the revelation hit me like a ton of bricks. Where our worship began with a few minutes
each day, as the daily gathering continued throughout the months, we found that
we were ministering to the Lord -- in the corporate sense -- for anywhere from
an hour to three or four hours.
When we would break up and head to our respective homes at the end of the day, the worship continued in our beings on nonstop basis. It became so strong that we would awaken in the middle of the night singing in the spirit. When we arose in the morning, worship was going through our spirits. During the workday, in the midst of performing normal work duties which would seemingly have nothing whatever to do with spiritual things, worship would be flowing uninterrupted through our spirits to the Lord.
What David accomplished, and had to pay singers and musicians to accomplish after the flesh, the Lord accomplished in us after the Spirit. We didn't have 128 singers and musicians like David did -- it just started with the four of us -- and we couldn't be gathered together 24 hours per day like those singers and musicians did in shifts, but worship was going forth, nonetheless -- in our spirits -- 24 hours per day. We were the House of Praise! We had become a House of Worship.
This is the very thing which the Lord is addressing in us, NOW. Most of us have received visions of things to come; and most of us have, in some way, become involved in activities related to these visions in an honest effort to carry out what we believe the Lord has spoken to us.
Has the Lord spoken to us? YES! Has He given us a vision of His purposes for these end-times? YES! Have we tried to fulfill that which the Lord has given us according to our understanding? With all of our hearts! Is that understanding flawed by religious doctrines and years of indoctrination within the church structure? Without question! Have we missed the mark? Sure we have!
that mean that we've completely set aside the idea of a physical location for a
24-hour ministry of praise and worship similar to the Tabernacle of David? NO!
see, sometimes it is necessary for Holy Spirit to rid us of preconceived
notions and religious programming before He can move us forward with the vision
He has imparted. We must first be free
of religion and religious concepts if we are to respond and act according to
the Lord's plans and purpose. We must first
become that to which we are being called.
We must first become the visual of that which Holy Spirit has shown us
before we can go any further!
Let's get one thing straight! The call of the Bridegroom is to intimacy with Him! The call of the Bridegroom is to and for a people who will fulfill Him, His heart's desires and His destiny for each of us within His Kingdom. This is a call for an overcoming people -- not a people who are content with who they are in Christ Jesus, and not a people who are content with "business as usual."
"business as usual" Christians (and I use that word rather loosely)
may actually make it to Heaven by the stupendous grace and mercy of the Lord
Jesus Christ, just by virtue of their acceptance and acknowledgement of His
shed blood on the Cross, but they will NEVER
be invited into the Bridal Chamber.
-- and most of all -- the call of the Bridegroom is to and for a people who
will literally and demonstrably BECOME
HIS BRIDE, His Counterpart, His Other Self!
we clear? Good! Next week we'll move this discussion along as
we talk about Practical Discipleship.
"God is waiting
for those to arise who will lay down their own lives and agendas to become the
intercessors He must have. He's waiting for preachers to arise
who are willing to stand against any amount of scorn, ridicule, or persecution
to declare God's truth, righteousness, and justice without compromise. He is
willing. Are we? The Lord lit the fire
on the altars of His tabernacle in the wilderness and the temple in Jerusalem.
He then commanded the priests to keep these fires going. Likewise, only God can
start an authentic revival, but only man can end it by not keeping the fire
going. For this to be done, there
must be an underlying hunger for God and willingness on the part of His people
to sacrifice their own purposes to give themselves for His purposes."
(Prophetic Word from Rick Joyner)
Blessings on you!
Regner A. Capener
709 South 7th
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
(509) 515-0133
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